
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Akeno's Love

The first thing that Elros noted when he and Akeno stepped out of the the portal was that they were surrounded by several cherry blossoms. He looked around at the black bark trees, their delicate pink flowers falling gently and filling the crisp, cool air with an intoxicating aroma. He took a deep breath as he let it all course through him, the wind reinvigorating. At his side was Akeno, her beautiful hair flowing down her back straight as opposed to being done in a ponytail, a few strands resting over her shoulder. She sported a gentle and loving smile as she rested her head on his shoulder, intertwining one of her hands with his. Elros took a moment to take her in. She wore a red dress with white sleeves, looking a lot more innocent than usual. She had a necklace in the shape of a heart sitting squarely over her chest.

"You look beautiful," Elros said as he turned and hugged her. Akeno smiled as she felt him wrap around her and she did the same, leaning on her toes a bit to get a better reach. She twirled his hair around a finger as she took the moment in - both of them so close together, surrounded only by a whistling wind and beautiful trees.

"Thanks. Shall we?" she asked.

"Lead the way," Elros said as he took her hand in his again. Akeno obliged and they began walking down a street, although to where he did not know. Elros looked at the back of her head with a smile; Akeno had really wanted to make this a stop before her date and if that made her happy, who was he to deny her?

"Have I told you why I brought you here?" Akeno asked after they made some silent progress.

"I don't believe so, no," Elros said. He saw her smiling sadly as she turned to look at him, pointing in the distance. Turning to look, Elros saw that she was pointing at a small, one story house near a Shinto Shrine. He saw a small fountain in the front yard, although it didn't appear to have been in use for a long time; the grime and leaf buildup was evident. The house and Shrine still seemed to be in good condition, however.

"That's… where I was born. Where I lived with my parents when I was younger," Akeno said sadly. Akeno's eyes misted over as Elros saw when he turned to look at her, her breathing becoming a bit more ragged. He gently drew her into another hug that she returned tightly, burying her head in his chest. It wasn't long before the dams broke and she began crying relentlessly.

"There, there," Elros whispered as he gently swayed with her, rubbing her back comfortingly. He held her tightly, not daring to let go - Akeno was extremely vulnerable, Elros thought, regardless of the powerful exterior she put up.

For her part, Akeno held on just as tightly. She tried to control herself, but it was difficult - being back here resurfaced so many memories that she hoped wouldn't ever come to again. She scolded herself for involving Elros in this; he wanted a nice date, not to be her therapist. But it was useless to try to get tears under control - they refused to obey. Finally, she carefully lifted her head off of him, looking at his now damp shirt. Suddenly, she found herself looking at him as he tilted her head up. He leaned in and kissed her on the head, whispering words of comfort.

"I'm sorry," Akeno finally said

"For what?" Elros asked.

"For bringing you here. You probably just want to enjoy the date. I might've ruined the mood for the day," Akeno said with a dry laugh.

"Nonsense. This place is beautiful. And it's important to you - it's the perfect way to start off. Besides, I'm here with you; as far as I'm concerned, we could be in the deepest pit of hell and I'd feel just as happy," Elros said. Akeno smiled as he said that; yes, he certainly had a way with words, she thought. Taking his hand, she led him towards the Shrine.

"This is like the Shinto Shrine where we met Mikey," Elros said, looking around the yard.

"My mother was a Shinto Priestess here," Akeno said softly, tears falling silently and gently. She felt his arms wrap around her behind, gently holding her against him as he rested her chin atop her head. She felt a weight lift off her, despite his putting some on; she was safely ensconced by him, a bulwark when she needed it. As she looked at the Shrine, she mindlessly traced his hands.

"What was she like?" Elros asked.

"My mother?" Akeno asked, surprised by the question.

"Yeah," he responded.

"She was… amazing. Sweet and kind; gentle and loving; so pretty… so beautiful. She met a man when he was injured, bleeding out not to far from here. Instead of leaving her like most people would've done, she brought him back to the Shrine and nursed him back to full health. Eventually, they fell in love. Then, a couple of years after she had a daughter, she died," Akeno ended, her voice breaking.

"I'm sorry, Akeno," Elros said, gulping. He knew there was some pain her past, but he didn't expect this to be it. It appeared that she was more like him than he initially thought.

"You!" a voice suddenly rang out. Elros looked around for the source but he looked back at Akeno soon; she was trembling.

"What is it?" Elros asked quietly.

"I'm sorry… this is my fault… it's all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here. I shouldn't have come here," she said as tears began falling again. Elros turned her to face him as he held on, his eyes narrowing as he heard a rustle in the tree line around them.

"You were told to never come here again," an old man said as he entered. He had sharp eyes and a receding hairline, with white hair going down his back in a ponytail. He wore traditional white robes and carried a katana at his right side. His hands were at his side, balled into fists as he observed Elros and Akeno. Surrounding him were men who wore the same attire, although they seemed younger - each sporting full, black hair.

"I-I-I-," Akeno began, but the man cut her off.

"Is this how the Gremory Family honors their word? By breaking it? How dare you come back to this place?!" he shouted at her.

"Who is he?" Elros asked Akeno.

"My… great-uncle… I'm sorry Elros," Akeno cried as she turned to face him. Elros held her tightly as his eyes traveled to the old man and the others, who eyed him with suspicion.

"A Devil," one of the men said, spitting on the ground.

"They're fair game now," one of the men said, his hand resting on his katana.

"Who are you, boy?" the old man barked.

"Elros Eärendil. A pawn in Rias Gremory's peerage," Elros said.

"And why are you here?" the old man asked.

"I asked him to come here with me," Akeno answered, not facing the man.

"You broke the promise that we made, girl. You were never to enter territory that was overseen by the Himejima Clan; you were never supposed to leave her side. Perhaps I should've killed you when I had the chance," the old man said. That left Elros stunned - more so than anything else he had experienced so far.

"Killed?" he asked aghast, looking to the old man, the young men, and Akeno who was still crying.

"You don't know what she is, then?" one of the young men asked snidely.

"Doesn't look like. Guess she never told him. To be expected, I suppose. Can never trust one of them," another man agreed.

"Well, Akeno? Does he know? You tell him what you are, half breed?" another asked in a hateful tone.

Elros felt her tears come out with even more force as the man called her that. In that instance, he felt a massive pang of rage in his heart. He didn't know what the connotation implied, but it couldn't have been anything good. If Akeno weren't holding on to him, he felt that he would've sent the man flying into the tree line, snapping his back before proceeding to break every other bone.

"Akeno," Elros whispered as he held her tighter as well.

"I'm sorry," she cried.

"You've nothing to apologize for, alright? Nothing. But… what do you want to do? This is your call," Elros said.

"I want to stay with you," Akeno said.

"Of course. But what about now?" Elros asked.

"Please, don't leave me. Please," Akeno pleaded. As she asked, Elros felt his heart break; Akeno no longer sounded like the sure girl she always was - she sounded afraid.

"I won't. I promise. I'll always be here," Elros whispered to her.

"Stay… stay…," she said.

"I will, Akeno. I will," Elros replied.

"Enough of this. She was never to come back here. I don't know who you are, and I'm sure you don't know what you've gotten yourself into Hand the girl over to us and take your leave," the old man said.

"No. We'll both be leaving," Elros replied. As he answered, everyones hand flew to their swords as they got in a fighting position. As he saw that, he felt his rage increase.

"Who are you?" Elros asked.

"My name is Suou Himejima, leader of the Himejima clan. The girl is my Grand-Niece, and my responsibility. She has tainted blood, and I intend to stop it with her," Suou said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Elros asked.

"Huh. She hasn't told you, then? You're a Devil, so you know she's a Devil as well. Do you know what else she is?" Suou asked.

"What?" Elros wondered.

"Oh no…," Akeno said, feeling a dread in her heart. It was going to happen, she felt. He was going to leave her when he found out. She gulped, waiting for it.

"She's also part Fallen Angel," Suou declared.

Silence. Everyone looked at Elros, waiting for his reaction. Akeno held him tighter - was he going to run? Was he going to hit her? Was he finally going to leave? After a long pause, Suou spoke again.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well what? Ok, she's part Fallen Angel… what else?" Elros asked.

"What do you mean what else?" Suou asked, his anger rising.

"I mean… anything else? Why do I care if she's part Fallen Angel? So is Zaz, and he's pretty cool. I mean… you said she has tainted blood. You mean like AIDS?" Elros asked.

"Fool! She's part Fallen Angel!" Suou snarled.

"What?" Akeno asked as she lifted her head up and looked at Elros. As he looked down, she him smiling warmly at her.

"Is that why you thought I was going to leave? Because you were part Fallen Angel?" Elros asked quietly. Akeno nodded.

"That's a non factor. I'm sorry," Elros said as he hugged her tightly.

"Sorry? Why?" Akeno asked, slightly bewildered.

"I must've done something for you to not tell me sooner. Akeno, why would it matter to me if you're part Fallen Angel? You're Akeno. That's all that matters," Elros said as he leaned back and kissed her. Akeno was surprised at the motion; she didn't expect this at all. Elros's first experience with a Fallen Angel was one of nearly being taken away. Hell, his foray into the Devil Society started with killing two Fallen Angels. She assumed he spoke with Azazel as he did because he respected him. However, there was no denying the sincerity of his words, the passion of his kiss. She leaned into it deeply, giving him as much of her as she could. She didn't get far as she was interrupted by Suou.

"Give her to us," he demanded.

"No," Elros replied as he held on to her.

"Now! If you don't, you'll share her fate," one of the young men said.

"Akeno…," Elros asked.

"Yeah?" she said.

"He mentioned something about trying to kill you…," Elros said.

"They thought that because I was part Fallen Angel, I was tainted… so my Great Uncle tried to kill me when I was 10," Akeno said, her voice breaking. That's when she felt it; Elros's power came to ahead. The others obviously felt it as well, as they all took a step back, some of them gulping, some of them gripping their swords even tighter.

Akeno couldn't help but gulp either. She had been around for many of Rias and Venelana's moments of anger; when their Powers of Destruction came to ahead. It was a terrifying feeling, she thought - a feeling that inspired dread in whoever was on the receiving end of it. Even those in their vicinity often clamored for fear. With Elros, however, it was different. His power radiated off of him like it did for Rias or Venelana, but it was much more condensed - as terrifying, but different. With him, the feeling of fear was much more ample - it was akin to not just seeing your life flash before your eyes, but having your fear of death justifed. The most terrifying aspect was that there was no physical manifestation - it was as though his power entered through your mouth, ears, nose, eyes - and attacked the fear receptors of your brain.

"10?" he asked, his voice cold as ice. Akeno nodded.

"What kind of coward tries to kill a 10 year old?" Elros snarled at the old man.

"Stay out of our customs, boy. This territory is mine, and I shall rule as I see fit," Suou said.

"Why not pick on someone your own age?" Elros asked.

"No respect for his elders," the young man snarled.

"I've no respect for bullies. Especially those that target children. What was her crime? Because of how she was born?" Elros asked as he walked forward. The others retreated a bit.

"WELL?! ANSWER ME!" he roared at them.

"You're meddling in affairs that don't concern you, Devil," the old man said to Elros, although his eyes betrayed his fear.

"You remind me of my father. I hate my father. What you did to her, he did to me from when I could walk. Tell me, what's my crime? What did I do to deserve that? Is my blood tainted?" Elros asked as he was suddenly in front of Suou. The old man had to careen his neck back to look up at Elros, who towered over him. The men still hadn't moved; their wills were faltering.

"I-," Suou began but he was cut off.

"I'm going to let you all off with a warning. You're going to go through those trees you just came out of. And if I don't see you gone within the next 10 seconds, I'm going to find out just how tainted your blood is. And if you ever think about Akeno again, I'm going to come to this place, I'm going to find you, and then I'm going to break every brittle bone in that old body. Get out of my sight. Take your lackeys with you before I take their swords and shove them down their throats," Elros snarled, leaning close to Suou.

"How d-," Suou began when suddenly, Elros's wings erupted. They gasped in horror as the blue and gold wingspan extended to its fullest, a majestic but terrifying sight.

"Now, before I burn your life away. Go now. Before I get angry," Elros said. Suou gulped, but he new not to press it. With the other men, he quickly left through the trees. Sure that they were gone, Elros turned to Akeno who just looked at him. He walked over to her, standing squarely in front of her. Leaning down, he gave her a gentle kiss before hugging her.

"I'm so sorry," he said, feeling his own tears come to ahead.

"What? Why?" Akeno asked, surprised. She held tightly onto him tightly.

"For what you had to go through. You didn't deserve that… no one deserves that. You deserved a happy life, a happy childhood. Having someone like that old fuck try to kill you… I'm sorry, Akeno," Elros said as he hugged her even tighter. Akeno felt tears come pouring again - but these were different. These were tears of joy; Elros knew her secret, and he didn't care. All he cared about was her.

"It's not your fault," she whispered.

"No. But you deserve to be happy. I'm going to give that to you. Don't worry. I'm not going to leave; and if someone like that comes for you, I'm going to protect you," Elros said.

"I'm pretty strong, you know," Akeno replied softly.

"Don't care. I'm going to protect you so you don't have to lift a finger," Elros said as he leaned back and kissed her again. Akeno smiled into the kiss before they pulled apart. She caressed his cheek gently.

"There's one more thing I want you to see," Akeno whispered.

"Lead the way," Elros said.

They began walking to a small site not to far away from the shrine - still on the grounds. As Elros saw it, he gulped; it was a burial site.

"M…my mother. It's been so long… since I've seen it," Akeno cried, her tears falling on the site as she kneeled down.

"Shuri Himejima. Beautiful name. Beautiful daughter," Elros said.

"She was. So beautiful. And… and…," Akeno began crying again. This would be a waterworks day, she thought. She felt Elros kneel next to her, putting his arms around her.

"Do you want to say anything to her?" Elros asked.

"What?" Akeno asked.

"I assume it's been a while since you've seen her. Is there anything you want to say?" Elros repeated gently.

"What… do I say?" Akeno asked.

"Whatever is on your mind," Elros said as he kissed her head. He motioned to get up to allow her some privacy, but she held on.

"Stay. Please," Akeno said.

"Of course. As long as you'd like me to," Elros said, keeping his position. Taking a shuddering breath, Akeno finally smiled.

"Hi mom… it's Akeno. It's been a while since we talked last. After… what happened, Great Uncle Suou wasn't to happy… but that's not your fault. It… I found someone after that, though. Her names Rias. Rias Gremory, and she's a Devil. But she's so much more than that… She's my best friend… and like my sister. You'd love her mom; she's sweet and kind and beautiful. She took me in and we've been inseparable ever since. I… wanted to thank you for everything you did for me. You did the best you could. We were a happy little family. But I want you to know that you don't have to worry. I'm happy now as well. So happy," Akeno said, tears gently falling as she held on to Elros.

"And this is Elros, mom. He's the newest member of the peerage. You'd like him, too. All the girls do," Akeno said with a tearful giggle.

"Hey, Ms. Himejima. It's nice to meet you. Don't worry. I'm always going to be there to protect Akeno. She's… very important to me," Elros whispered to the grave. He paused before continuing.

"You raised quite an exceptional daughter. So beautiful and kind and loving. Always there to help people, always putting her friends first. You'd be so proud," he finished. Looking over, he saw Akeno's lip began to tremble. She soon fell to her knees as he hands flew to her face and she began sobbing unabated. The sounds of her crying pulled at Elros's heartstring.

'I can save a fucking planet from destruction, but I can't… help her. She… damn it,' Elros thought. He kneeled down as well, putting his arms around her and letting her draw strength from him.

"I love you mom. I love you," she cried as she threw her arms around Elros and cried into his shoulder. Elros continued to rub her back comfortingly, resting his lips on her head.

It took a while before Akeno finally stood again, still holding Elros. She took a step back, taking his hands in hers, and looking at him with a smile.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime," Elros replied.

"Do… do you still want to go out with me?" Akeno asked, looking down.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Elros asked, surprised.

"I just…," Akeno trailed off.

"Akeno," Elros said as he lifted her head to face him. As always, she saw him smiling warmly at her.

"Mmm?" she wondered.

"There's nothing I found out today - and nothing you did - that made me feel… less. If anything, I feel even stronger where you're concerned," Elros said. Akeno's lips parted as he said that.

"Really?" she asked.

"Really. I'm happy that you chose to confide in me. I'm happy that you… trust me enough to bring me here," Elros said.

"You're not mad?" Akeno asked quietly.

"Why would I be?" Elros wondered.

"I didn't tell you I was part Fallen Angel. We're not exactly welcome many places," Akeno said with a bitter smile.

"I'm not even remotely upset. I can understand why you think that. But… I don't care. I don't care that you're part Fallen Angel. I don't care that you're part Devil. I don't care that you're not human. All I know is that you're a wonderful person. And that's more than enough for me," Elros said.

Akeno looked at him with a wonder in her eye. Behind his head, she saw the sun shining high, giving him a radiant appearance. It went well with his character, she thought - he was bright, sunny, and cheerful nearly all the time. When he spoke, it was music to her ears; when he held her, she felt protected from everything. The feeling when he kissed her was indescribable. In a month, she found the one person she wanted to spend eternity - or as close to it as possible - with. She leaned on her toes and kissed him gently, working the passion levels up. They kept at it for a few minutes, each taking in the taste and scent of the other before she broke it, licking her and his lips as she did so.

"Can we continue now? To Switzerland? I really want to see what you have planned," Akeno said quietly, blushing and smiling like her usual self at last.

"Sure. It's going to be hard to top this though. Meeting your mom might be impossible to top, in fact. So I apologize in advance," Elros said with a smile as he suddenly enveloped them in a soft green glow. Akeno felt her heart rise as they suddenly took through the air at an astonishing speed, bursting through the clouds and heading higher and higher still. She closed her eyes - only wanting to open them when they got as high as he would take her. A few minutes later, he spoke.

"You want to see the view?" he asked.

As she opened her eyes, her jaw dropped.

She and Elros were floating high in the sky, far above the troposphere. As she looked up, she beheld a most wondrous sight: stars as far as the eye could see, glistening and shimmering in the sky like pins of light that called out to her. A couple of month ago, she never spared them more than a cursory glance; but with Elros by her side she wondered: what else lived out there? Each star may as well have represented a whole new alien race she never thought to meet.

As she looked down, she could see the white wisps of cloud moving by, coupled with much larger instances that looked so fluffy and thick, they could be slept or walked up. She saw a beautiful blue that spread far and wide - water as far as she could see, curving gently around the Earth. She saw the green and brown lands stretch out under here, just able to identify the small island that was Japan. As she looked back to Elros, he saw the excitement in her eye.

"Well?" he asked gently.

"It's… so beautiful," she said with a shuddering breath as she held him tighter.

"Much like you," Elros said with a smile.

"You see this every day?" Akeno asked.

"As often as I can. It's one of my favorite pastimes. As much as I love to see it from this vantage point, though, it's much more fun to be there on the ground," Elros said as he gently began to fly them towards their destination.

"This is amazing. I've flown high before… but never above the clouds," Akeno said as she heard the squealing of a fierce wind whipping around her; yet the green glow he cast kept them protected, limiting it to a gentle breeze that flew through her hair.

"It's nice to come up here to get away from it all. Sometimes, you just need a little me time. And now, I can take you up here whenever you want," Elros said.

"Whenever?" Akeno made sure.

"Whenever. Look at that view," he said as he turned slightly, facing the black expanse of space. Akeno gasped again as she saw the shimmering lights, as well as a few larger objects that she thought might be the planets off in the distance - she thanked her Devil-Vision for giving her such a view. She cuddled closer to Elros, smiling as she took it all in with a deep breath before looking up to him again.

"God, you're beautiful," Elros whispered, taking the pain that went through his head like a champ. Smiling wide, she leaned up to gently kiss him - the moment was just to perfect to let it slip by.

"This is… perfect," she whispered to him.

"It is, isn't it?" Elros replied as he leaned back in to kiss her once more, ramping up the passion levels as he did so. They went on for a minute before separating, both breathing heavily as they took the other in.

"How long until we get there?" Akeno asked, blushing gently.

"Just a bit longer. We're going to be setting down atop of Staubbach Falls. They just had quite a bit of rain, so it should be pretty fresh. The falls are best right after the rainfall," Elros said as he gently whisked her away in the direction.

"And what do you have planned for us?" Akeno wondered.

"Just a little something that I hope you'll enjoy. After that… well, we'll get to that later," Elros chuckled.

"Mhm. I think I have an idea of what you're thinking about," Akeno giggled.

"I dunno what you're talking about. I'm a gentleman," Elros said with a grin.


It wasn't to long after that they finally began to descend through the clouds. Elros simply smiled as he let Akeno enjoy the wondrous sensation of flying through a thick white pillow, witnessing a few flashes of thunder here and there. She felt a cool dampness on her face, no doubt his powers holding back most of the precipitation. She breathed in the fresh air as the kept going down, gasping once again as she finally saw it - Lauterbrunnen.

"My goodness. It's… beautiful," Akeno said, her eyes wide. The land was gorgeous, straight out of the Lord of the Rings. She counted several waterfalls, their glistening blue streams cascading down in every rhythm imaginable - a soft, short patter; a fast and rumbling thunder; a skinny stream, flailing in the wind; a wide river, falling into a pool and whisked away. She saw the evergreen trees, the alpine meadows atop the massive mountains, surrounding a valley where she saw the roofs of the homes in the many villages that peppered the land. She saw a golden path snaking through, lined on either side by lush greenery. She smelt and tasted the air - fresh beyond belief.

"Can you see the inspiration Tolkien had?" Elros asked, grinning down at the valley.

"I've… never read the books. Or seen the movies," Akeno admitted.

"WHAT?!" Elros asked loudly, aghast.

"I know, I know…," Akeno lamented.

"Well, now I know what we're doing for our next date. That reminds me - need to add a theater room to the house," Elros said.

"Rias's dad can do it, if you wanna shoot him a text or something," Akeno said, but he shook his head.

"No, no, no. We can't do everything the easy way, Akeno. No, this baby is going in by hand. Might enlist Issei, Kiba, and Gasper for help and make it a thing. Could be fun," he said with a smile.

"I think Gasper would enjoy that. He loves spending time with you," Akeno said as she looked at him.

"And I him. You and Rias are amazing and all… but come on. Time stopping Devil-Vampire? I'm sorry, but you all never really stood a chance," Elros said.

"I concede," Akeno giggled. It wasn't long after that they finally set down on the ground. As he dropped the barrier, she felt the rush of the breeze in full force. Small water droplets peppered her face, making her squint a bit before she got used to it. She sighed deeply as she took in the smell around her; the running of a fresh river, feeding into a waterfall; the lush greenery and the sweet smell of the trees. She felt Elros brush some loose hair behind her ears as he put an arm around her waist and pulled her close. She smiled, leaning in.

"We have a small ways to go downhill before we get to where I wanted to be, then another hike elsewhere. I know it's not as romantic as Paris but… well, I didn't want to copy what I did for Rias. That wouldn't be fair to you or her," Elros said as he entwined their hands together.

"It's fine. I'm not really one for sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee and eating pastries anyways. This is… much more inline with what I enjoy," Akeno said.

"I'm happy to here that. Shall we?" he asked.

"Let's," she said, bringing her opposite arm around and holding his, resting her head on his shoulder as they began walking. It was a moment before she spoke again.

"There's also one more thing I wanted you to see. I'll show you when we get there," she said quietly.

"Sure," Elros said.

"Do you mind if I ask you something? Something… you might not like?" Akeno asked.

"I… yes. Yes, you can," Elros said, sighing.

"What do you remember about your mom?" she asked.

"Mmm… nothing, if I'm honest," he said.

"Nothing?" Akeno asked, surprised.

"Nothing. All she was able to give me was my name; she died before anything else. My father never talked about her as long as we lived together. My… brother and the other woman that lived with us - he forbade them to speak about her at all," Elros said.

"What about… relatives? Friends?" Akeno asked.

"I don't recall any. Maybe the woman… but she never talked about her. No, there was no one. No one at all," Elros said distantly.

"And your father… what was he like?" Akeno asked, regretting doing so almost immediately. She saw Elros turn a deathly white as she asked. He opened and closed his mouth several times, no words coming out before he finally answered.

"A monster," Elros replied quietly.

"Monster?" Akeno asked, gulping.

"Monster. He'd beat and torture me - not always, but enough. Tried to make me like him. Oddly enough, those were the times he actually acted like a father," Elros said.

"What do you mean?" Akeno asked fearfully.

"I was… five or so. I remember going out of the country only a few times in my life before I became a lantern. One time we went to South Island, New Zealand. He was an avid hunter, from what I could tell. New Zealand has big racks - stags, elk, deers, goats, and a bunch of other things. He took me into the mountains, gave me a gun and a knife, and told me to bring back dinner. That was one of the times he talked to me like a father would a child… 'The only thing to fear out here is us, Elros. Take these. Don't come back until you notch your own kill and bring back dinner,'," Elros said bitterly.

"You were five? Did he even show you how?" Akeno asked. Elros paused before nodding.

"Sun was setting and we saw a deer off in the distance. He grinned as he stopped us and aimed a gun at it - no rifle. Just a regular hand gun. Shot it to paralyze before he took me over there. Was still breathing, the body fidgeting. Grabbed it by the antlers, drove his foot into the neck and snapped it. 'You don't feel more alive than when you kill, son,' is what he told me," Elros said.

"Oh my goodness…," Akeno said. Elros was right - his father was a monster. She was a sadist - she'd be the first to admit it; and she racked up plenty of her own kills. But the attitude that his father had was far more than what she could see in her own position. She never killed for the sheer thrill of it - and didn't know anyone who did.

"And that was our bonding time," Elros said, gripping her hand slightly tighter.

"And then… did you… that night?" Akeno asked. They suddenly came to a stop. As she looked in his eyes, she something startling; it almost looked like tears. Just as quickly however, he started again, leading her towards the destination.

"Yes. I did," was all he said. Akeno nodded, deciding not to press the conversation for the moment.

They soon reached a small patch of trees. Looking at him, Akeno was surprised to see a grin.

"What is it?" she asked.

Our destination is just beyond," he said he led her through. She nodded and let him walk her through, brushing away branches here and there so they wouldn't get in her way. As they emerged, she let out a short gasp.

They had walked into an absolutely stunning view. They were on the edge of the precipice, just a short jaunt before the cliff ended, with a mighty drop below them. On her right, she saw the river flowing down mightily, the falls tumbling into a pool of water below, ensconced by trees. The view was majestic, she thought - she could see a small township below, the cute brown roofs atop of old houses, the steeple of a church - and in the distance, slightly covered by mist were even more cliff faces, each peppered with waterfalls, trees, and rock. Near the precipice, she saw a blanket laid out with a picnic basket atop it.

"This is beautiful," she whispered, tucking some hair behind her ears.

"I'm glad you think so. Thought a cute little picnic might be a good way to start this off," Elros said with a laugh. She grinned weed as she turned to him, leaping on to him in delight.

"It's perfect," she said, kissing him.

With a smile, he sat down with her, the basket between them. Both of them held their legs over the falls as they began to dig in.

"So when did you come here first? There's gotta be a reason why you love this place?" Akeno asked.

"Hmmm… think I was around 9 or 10 years old. After I left Death Valley, I spent a few years hitting missions really hard - I didn't come back to Earth at those years, choosing to stay on Oa. I… didn't want to come back at that time," Elros said, pausing as he took a draft of water.

"Really?" Akeno asked, surprised - Elros loved Earth, as far as she could tell.

"Really. I had nothing but bad memories, interspersed very rarely with a good one here or there. At that point, I just thought that there was nothing for me here. It was better on Oa - not completely, but better. Quite a few of the Lanterns looked down on me because of my age, but there were a few that were all for it and helped protect me for the most part. One of them was - and still is - a trainer there; names Kilowog. He's in charge to training all the new recruits. Guys got a hell of a heart, but is a fucking hardass when it comes to training. But as far as he's concerned, doesn't matter how old or young, rich or poor, species, gender, whatever - a person is. So long as they uphold what it means to be a Lantern and put the mission first, they're alright by him. He threw me into the fire for sure, but he helped me train and hone my abilities," Elros said fondly. It was good to see him again so soon and help break in the new recruits.

"He's an alien, right? Not a human?" Akeno asked.

"Yup. From a planet called Bolovax Vik. Wog is a fucking genius, as well as an amazing leader. Sure, the Lanterns complain about his methods from time to time, but I'll be damned if every single one of us doesn't look up to him in one way or another," Elros said.

"So he helped you get accustomed to life there?" Akeno asked.

"Yup. He had no mercy during training sessions, but outside when I was living there, he kept plenty of people off my back. But he wasn't the only one. There were more than a few Lanterns that know the old guys here and helped take care of me as well. It's when I really remember having a family," Elros said, reflecting. Akeno smiled at that; she was happy that he had some peace in his life.

"It's that way for you as well, I'm guessing? With Rias?" Elros suddenly asked her.

"Yeah. I was happy until… well, you know. After he tried to kill me, Rias appeared along with one of her fathers Bishops. She… protected me. I didn't know what that meant for a long time after my mother died, so I was a bit suspicious at first. But Rias was so sweet… kind and loving when she took me in, that we became friends pretty quickly. And Venelana took me in as a second daughter, teaching me quite a bit - how to be and act like a lady, teaching me about music, art, literature, math, science… everything, really. She's very loving, although I'm sure you know that," Akeno said with a giggle.

"Nope. Not touching that one with a ten foot pole," Elros grumbled, although he couldn't deny it - Venelana was certainly loving.

"But yeah… Rias and I became friends and pretty much sisters really quick. She made me her Queen as soon as she got her pieces; and she protected me from others that weren't as… accepting," Akeno said.

"What do you mean?" Elros asked, frowning.

"I have… two pairs of wings. I can use my Devil wings, but I can also use my Fallen Angel wings. I was practicing flying one day and I accidentally used my Fallen Angel wings. There was a Devil visiting that day and he saw. I was pretty scared when he approached me, yelling… I was an abomination, I shouldn't be there. He called Rias and Venelana out, thinking I was trespassing - probably hoping for a show. Then he called me a half breed," Akeno said with a sad smile. Elros moved the basket and moved closer to her, hugging her close. Akeno accepted it with a smile; he knew how to make her feel better.

"Well, Rias and Venelana didn't like that. I don't know what happened to him, but I remember getting a very well written, extremely apologetic note a few days later," Akeno said.

"I'm happy that you have them in your life," Elros whispered to her. Akeno smiled before she suddenly got up, surprising him. Gently, she began to lift her dress off, revealing the white undergarments she wore underneath. Elros raised an eyebrow, but didn't object.

"I told you there was something else I wanted to show you… Here," Akeno said. Out of one side, a Devils wing erupted. But on the other, the wing was different; as opposed to the leathery, scaly, and much thinner Devil wing, the Fallen Angel wing was much darker and more like a birds than a bats. Akeno's wing had a beautiful dark plumage, with black feathers falling slightly as they fell loose of it. Akeno looked a little down as she showed him, but waited for his answer.

Elros slowly got up, keeping his eye on the wings. Obviously, it was something Akeno wasn't comfortable showing off; but he didn't think it was something for her to shy away from. He took her face in his hands before leaning in and kissing her gently. Moving his hands down from her face, he traced her wings sending a shiver down her body.

"Beautiful," he whispered as he looked at both wings.

"You're just saying that," she said.

"No. I'm saying it because I think they're beautiful. Much like you," he replied.

"They've always been a source of shame for me," Akeno replied.

"I know - and I'm sorry for that. But they don't have to be anymore. I don't think anyone will think less of you for it - and the ones that will aren't really worth paying attention to. If someones going to judge you for something you can't control, I think we can safely say that they have much more pressing problems to contend with. At least with me, you don't need to hide anymore. I know what kind of person you are. That's what's important," Elros said.

Akeno smiled as he said that, his voice and words music to her ears. She didn't know why she was initially so afraid of him finding out - she knew the kind of man he was and he'd never leave her for such a non-reason.

"You're pretty trusting, you know. Fallen Angels are well known for being crafty and cunning. I could just be buttering you up, waiting for my moment to strike," Akeno said.

"If that was the case, you'd have had plenty of moments by now. Besides, I'm open to new experiences. Never done it while someones… wait, no, nevermind," Elros said, thinking back.

"That's so not the kind of thing to bring up on a date," Akeno grumbled.

"Sorry. I'll let you punish me if it'll make you feel better," Elros said with a wink as he hugged her, holding her close.

"Thank you, Elros. You're… I… thanks," Akeno said as she hugged her tightly.

"Anytime. I'm always going to be here for you, alright? Don't ever be afraid of that," Elros whispered, kissing her cheek. Akeno nodded, putting the dress back on.

"You're welcome to leave it off, you know," Elros said with a grin.

"I'm sure you'd love that. But we got other places to go, no? Don't worry, I'm sure it'll end up coming off sooner or later," she giggled.

"Right! Shall we, m'lady?" Elros said as he held his arm out for her.

"Let's," she replied happily.


As they continued on their hike, they paused here and there to look around at the marvelous views. They were walking in a meadow with a variety of flowers - roses, violets, amaranth, daisies, sunflowers, and others that they didn't know the names of.

"So beautiful," Akeno whispered giddily as she knelt down and smelled some, taking in the sweet scent.

"I know. It's why I love this place. Like I was saying earlier, I had left Earth for a few years - completely. On my way back, the one place I didn't want to go immediately was California, even though that's where one of my mentors live. So I chose a place at random - and it ended up being here. Lauterbrunnen. Was so damn beautiful, I just ended up walking for days and days. Ever since, I come back here often when I need to think or clear my mind," Elros said.

"I can see why. It's so peaceful… so quiet as well. Just… stunning," Akeno said.

"And rainy. I love the rain. In fact, look. Thunderclouds," Elros said with a grin as he pointed off in the distance.

"Awww, we're gonna get wet," Akeno grumbled.

"I know. Awesome, right?" Elros asked excitedly.

"If you say so," she said, smiling at how happy he sounded at the prospect. They kept walking, soon feeling the wind pick up. Elros held Akeno close as it did, warming her up as much as he could.

"So how often do you bring other girls here?" she wondered casually.

"Never," Elros said.

"Really?" she asked, surprised.

"Really. Same with the moon. Some places I prefer to keep to myself. I don't share them often. But… you're special to me," Elros said with a smile. Suddenly, he felt himself tumble to the ground. Akeno was holding on tightly to him as she pressed him down onto a bed of flowers, some stems bending here and there but others popping high above his head. Despite the dark clouds overhead, Akeno seemed almost radiant as she smiled at him. She gently leaned down and kissed him with a deep passion. It took Elros a moment to get accustomed, but he soon returned it, entering her mouth.

Akeno felt his hands start at the back of her head before they went down her and back and squeezed her tightly from behind, giving her a hard spank here and there - a sensation she enjoyed very much. He pushed her back slightly as he got into a seated position and wrapped her legs around his waist. She thrusted them close together, slowly beginning to gyrate on top of him. Her hair was spread wildly all around them, ensconcing them in a veritable shield of it. She soon felt their positions shift as he had her on her back and was kissing her down her neck. Akeno bit her lip in pleasure as that sensation mixed with the one of his hand running down her body and towards the hem of her dress. As she felt it slip underneath, she shivered as it traced up along thighs, finally settling where he wanted it to be.

"Should we really be doing this here?" she asked with a giggle as he pulled her panties aside and traced her eagerly.

"Mmm, why not? Exciting out in the open, isn't it? Besides, everyones going to be indoors. We're the only idiots outside when its raining," Elros said with a laugh as he peppered her with kisses.

"Good point. Well, in that case," Akeno said as she suddenly pushed him off, to his surprise. It didn't take long for her to mount him soon after. Biting her lip seductively, she reached for the hem of her dress and began to lift it up and over her body. Elros grinned appreciatively as she bared her undergarments again, moving up quickly and kissing her along her stomach and cleavage before he went to her lips again. Akeno squirmed in pleasure as she felt him bite her gently as her hands trailed to his front and began to unbutton his shirt. She deftly took it off and threw it to the side. She suddenly felt him pick her up before he threw her back down on the ground - with a soft landing. She smiled as she saw a small patch of green under her cushion her blow. She looked up and saw a primal smile and look in his eyes as he was back on top of her with a furious passion. He took off her bra and threw it over to his shirt, tightly squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. She bit her lip hard as his mouth went to her free beast and he began to suck on it.

Akeno was certainly different from Rias, Elros thought. Certainly, both of them were gorgeous and powerful; but when it came to a position like this, he had a feeling that Akeno wouldn't mind something a bit more rough. She wasn't a sadist for nothing, after all. He bit her gently again, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her she held his head down, taking in the feeling.

Her senses felt like they were on fire as she attempted to take everything in; she could smell the flowers mixing with his own heady scent. As she licked her lips, she took in their shared tastes as she felt him go along her skin, kissing her down her stomach while he took everything else off. She felt him spread her legs wide open and looking down, saw him between them, smiling up at her. With a smirk, he got to work. As she felt his tongue on her clit, Akeno let out a loud, shuddering gasp. She wasn't new to pleasure by any pains; she took it from herself when she could get it, and from her foes when they roared in pain - it was music to her ears. But she had never physically had anyone so close to her. As she felt his tongue flip against her folds, she squeeze her legs around his head, drawing him in even further and making sure he wouldn't stop. It was a different sensation from all the other times - almost alien in feeling.

Elros couldn't help but feel a sense of pride go through him when he heard her screams of pleasure as he felt her legs close around him. It wasn't soon after that he felt her hands begin to weave through his hair, gripping it tightly as she held him against her. He slipped in a finger, then two, gently curving them so he could find what worked best for her. He let her moans and groans and screams guide him to the perfect spot, grinning as he found it. Letting his fingers work their magic, he kissed her along the inside of her thigh before moving up her stomach, past her breasts, to her neck, and finally back to her lips.

As she tasted herself, Akeno knew that it was going to happen. She tried her best to be prepared for the moment, but felt that she still fell short. She knew that Rias had just lost her virginity a week ago; and now, it was going to happen for her with the same man. Of all the emotions that played through her mind, the one that was most prominent was happiness. Happy that she had Elros with her; happy that he was kissing her with a ferocious passion; happy that Rias was ok with this; happy that when they went home, she'd be safely ensconced in his arms. Just happy.

She squealed into the kiss as she felt his fingers rev up inside her. She felt him weave his hand through her hair as he pulled her head hard to the side to access her neck again. She loved the feeling, but soon pushed him off. She smirked as she saw how wet his fingers were as well as how wet she was. Standing up, they he moved to in to kiss her again but this time she took control. As she kissed him furiously, she began to unbuckle his belt. Akeno kissed him down his chest, using her lips to trace his scar as she unbutton his jeans and pulled them down, snagging slightly. As she pulled him loose, she looked on with a smile at how hard he was for her. Looking up, she felt him weave his hands through her her. Opening wide, she took him in. She felt a rush of pride as she heard him exhale loudly in pleasure as she began to work him every way she could. She felt him guide her head, increasing her pace gently until she felt him hit the back of her throat. She had to take her mouth off to catch a breath, trailing a copious amount of saliva form her from her lips and tongue. However, Akeno wasn't finished; as soon as she went off, she got back on, kissing it along the shaft before she began to lick it like a lollypop. She heard his moans of pleasure and knew she was doing a good job. She listened intently, figuring out which spot he preferred, which spot didn't generate such a wonderful response, and which spots were perfect and stored them away for further use. All the while, she looked up and made sure that her eyes and his were locked - she wanted to see the exact response she got from him.

"Fuck," Elros said, closing his eyes as he felt Akeno work him. It was a while before she finally went back to her feet, keeping a hand on it as she rubbed him the right way. He felt her put her head against his, keeping their lips separated and teasing him. He tried to kiss her, but he ducked.

"Nope," she giggled as she nibbled his ear.

"Huh," Elros said as he suddenly grabbed her from behind. Akeno's eyes went wide as she figured out what he was going to do. Quickly, he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Bringing his own hand down, he guided himself to her entrance and gently inserted himself. It was almost to much for her, he though; she screamed as he penetrated and began bouncing her gently on him, ramping up the speed.

"OH GOD!" Akeno yelled close to his ear as she felt him enter, completely ignoring the pain that went through her head as she blasphemed. It was the most amazing sensation, she thought, to have someone like him in her. It was a warm and intense feeling as he inched higher until he was completely in (or as complete as he could be in that position). She dug her nails tightly into his back, drawing some blood - smiling at the sight. This was going to be a passionate session, she could tell. Her eyes went wide as he began to lift her up and down, thrusting deeper with each motion.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, YES, YES," she yelled before biting his neck hard, leaving an impression. She felt him tighten his hold as he began to go at it furiously, intent on giving her the time of her life. It was a rough and raw sensation, Akeno thought - not at all like gentle like session that Rias had told her she had. But then, Akeno figured, she wasn't Rias - she had her own desires and proclivities. While the gentle to passionate might work for her best friend, she wanted control - whether he was taking her, or she was taking him, someone had to show that they were the boss. This being her first time, she was comfortable in letting him deal the cards; next time would be different, she vowed.

Akeno felt her eyes roll in the to the back of her head as he continued to fuck her relentlessly, not letting up for a moment. She wondered if he was using his ring to accelerate himself, but the lack of a green glow led her to believe otherwise - this was just him, doing what he did best. After a long session of standing, she felt herself drop, although he still held on to her. Laying her on her back, he roughly pulled her head to the side as he kissed her neck and began to go again, her breasts bouncing all over. She brought him to her face and kissed him with delight, this time taking her own tongue into his mouth. She searched for his and began to lick it as he continued to rail against her. With her hands on his back, she suddenly felt something: water. As she made him kiss her neck again, she smiled wide while looking at the dark skies overhead. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Drip. The rain had finally began, starting off as a small and short sprinkle before it evolved into long and thin strands that splashed against them. The feeling she had almost seems amplified by the water as it glistened off of their bodies, permeating him fucking her and their kisses. It was, in a word, perfect.

Elros reared himself back as he grabbed Akeno's legs and pushed them up, leaning them over his shoulder. He smirked as he got a perfect look at the beauty, innocence mixed with her seductive attitude as she looked up at him. Getting full access, he leaned down, stretching her as he put his hands on either side of her head and began to hammer her even harder than before. He felt himself reach all the way and he increased his speed gently, making sure that while she was comfortable, she was also experiencing everything.

As she felt her legs stretch, Akeno felt him even deeper. It was a sensation unlike any other, to have him inside her; to have have take her in such a way. As she let him take her this way, she knew that she wanted to have a little fun of her own. Suddenly, she brought a finger to his chest and smirked. Elros raised an eyebrow before he grinned inside his head; he knew where this was going.

With a bang, he found himself on his back, hitting the ground with a thud. Akeno had used some of her magic powers to blast him back - she was letting him know that it was her time to have some fun. It wasn't new to him - he was used to rough stuff - but he hadn't ever been blasted back like that before - or if he was, it was so mind-blowing he completely forgot. Standing tall over him with a devilish smirk, Akeno grabbed him before she lowered herself on to it, knees at his side. Throwing her head back in passion, she began to gyrate on him, taking it in all the way as she danced this way and that. Elros groaned in pleasure as he grabbed her ass and helped her along before sitting up, cradling their bodies together. He kissed her passionately, and she him. Suddenly, she felt it: her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her hands clenched in furious pleasure, her legs tightened around him, and her toes curled. Elros smirked as he saw her entire body begin to quiver as she released on to him. As he did with Rias, Elros stopped and let out a deep sigh, letting Akeno take it all in. She buried her face in his neck as she screamed loudly in delight at the feeling, holding him tightly.

As it passed, she felt him continue. Laying her on her side, he got behind her and hiked her leg up, kissing her and squeezing one of her breasts. Gripping onto it tightly, he began to fuck her again, bringing a free hand down and rubbing her clit. At this point, she didn't think she could think straight from all the points of pleasure; with his lips and tongue, he kissed her with a furious passion; with one hand, he squeezed her breast and and pinched her nipple tightly; with the other hand, he rubbed her clit, making her scream into him; and with the rest of him, he was inside her, having his way. It wasn't long before Akeno came again, her body quivering like it did not to long ago.

"Feels so fucking gooooood," she said, drawing out the last word before biting his lip, drawing a little bit of blood. Elros finally kicked it into overdrive as he trained her through her orgasm, making her shriek her loudest yet. The sound reverberated throughout the meadow as it washed over the flowers before rebounding off the cliffs around them. Here - within the valley, surrounded by flowers; with the rain pouring on their interlaced bodies - they both felt an intense sensation, holding on to and within each other.

"Fucking hell," Elros grunted; he knew his turn was coming soon. Akeno knew what he was thinking. In their excitement, they both forgot something. However, she simply smiled. Turning her body to face him, she pushed herself against him and kissed him passionately before finally taking him out. With a wink, she pushed him on his back and went down, stroking him furiously as her tongue danced on the head. With a force, he exploded directly into her mouth. Akeno's eyes went wide as the warm liquid hit her throat, a copious amount of it. Determinedly, however, she kept going, squeezing out every last drop. With a lascivious stare, she swallowed it all without hesitation, grinning at the taste.

Both of them were heaving heavily as they paused, an arm over Elros's head as he let the rain fall on top of him. It was coming down harder than when it had started. He saw Akeno's hands wipe her mouth clean before them gently ran over her breasts and to her womanhood which was seeping from her orgasms.

"My God," Akeno whispered as she took a shuddered step forward on her knees before collapsing on top of him, her breathing ragged.

"Don't I… know it," Elros whispered as he kissed her atop her head.

"That… I… wow," she said as she buried her face in his neck. She felt him bring a hand to the top of her head and hold her close to him.

"Yeah," Elros said.

"I can't even… move my legs," she told him with a giggle.

"I did my job then," Elros said with a short chuckle.

"I'll say. That was fucking amazing," she said as she lifted her head to look at him.

"I'm happy you stopped me. This… hot damn…," he said as he kissed her passionately. She giggled and kissed him back before moving down a bit to rest her head on his chest.

"Let's… rest," she said as her eyes closed gently.

"Definitely," Elros said. There was nothing else to say. Weaving his hands through her hair, they both fell asleep within the meadow as the rain continued to pour. The moment was to right.


Akeno was the first to wake a couple of hours later. Around them, the rain was still falling; she felt the patter of drops on her back, glistening gorgeously even with the lack of sun. She smiled wide as she looked down at Elros who was still fast asleep, a smile on his lips. She ran her hands over his handsome face before tracing the scar on his chest. Looking down, she smiled as she remember the events not to long ago. Surrounded by gorgeous cliffs, cascading waterfalls, a stunning meadow, and fresh rain falling on them. She remembered how he took her, making her orgasm a few times; she remembered how he started gentle and ended with a rough passion. She saw the small drips of blood on his lips, courtesy of her biting him. Looking a bit carefully at her own body, she saw the evidence of bruises on her breasts and stomach, as well as felt some tender spots on her neck where he was a bit more forceful.

'My first time… and with him. Such a beautiful place, such an amazing man. I love it. I love you,' Akeno thought as she leaned down and kissed him, taking his taste in. That woke Elros up; with a smile, he flipped her on her back and kissed her back passionately, eliciting a giggle.

"So quick," she said as she felt his hands trail down.

"I have to be with you. I still feel that attack," he said, rubbing his chest.

"I'm sorry. Do you mind?" she asked.

"Kidding me? I loved it. Feel free to get as rough as you'd like with me. Sadism, masochism… hell, tie me up if you want," he said with a chuckle before going to her ear.

"Just know that I'm going to be just as rough with you," he said in a husky voice, electing a pleasurable response.

"Mmm… I think I'd like that," Akeno replied.

"Oh yeah?" he asked as he inserted his fingers again. She gasped at the sudden movement as she held on to him.

"Oh wow," she whispered.

"I know. How does it feel?" he asked as he separated from her, looking her in the eyes. She met his gaze, seeing the wild glint they held as he began fingering her.

"Feels… a…mazing," she said with a shuddered breath, her lips an inch from his.

"Mmm… just amazing?" he asked as he revved up, electing a scream of pleasure from her.

"Fuckinggggg amazing," she said as she kissed him.

"That's a bit better," he said as his other hand massaged her clit.

"Wait… not so soon… after," she said, stopping her hands. Opening her eyes she saw him pause before he nodded, withdrawing. Akeno let out a sigh of relief; she didn't think she could handle much more at this point.

"Are you mad?" she asked with trepidation. Elros certainly had a more… voracious, she could say, sex drive than anyone she knew of. She felt a pang in her heart - was that all he wanted from her? Would he leave now? She thought about the countless aliens that thrived off sex as he said - would he eventually go there?

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" Elros asked in surprise.

"That I… don't want to do it right now," Akeno said with a blush.

"Of course not, Akeno," Elros said as he hugged her tight, having an inkling of what went through her head.

"Really?" she asked.

"Really. Don't even think that you have to keep me satisfied or something. I don't want to make you uncomfortable… well… too uncomfortable. But if you think I'm out of line, tell me. I'm not going to leave you just because I think you won't want to have sex or something. I couldn't care less about that. Your happiness is what's important," Elros whispered to her. His words were music to her ears. Smiling wide, she pushing him on his back again and laid down on him, kissing him with a passion. As she broke the kiss, Elros felt tears splash on his face. He looked at her in worry, but saw her smiling.

"I'm just so happy. So happy," she said as she cried on him.

"Then I am as well," he said, holding her close.

"Can we stay like this a bit longer?" she whispered.

"As long as you want," he replied.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. For being there for me. For not leaving. For… taking care of me. Thank you," she said.

"I'm always going to be there. Don't ever worry about that, alright? I'm always gonna be there," Elros said as he held her tightly, conveying as best he could through words and action. Akeno tightened her hold as much as she could; she just wanted to stay like this for ever if she could. She had never been one to spare guys looks - she wasn't a fan of her father, Issei, Kiba, and Gasper were like brothers, and the Angel, Fallen Angel, and Devil men she came across never appealed to her. Until a man fell out of the sky in a green flash, she couldn't have cared less. But from that day on, it felt like her and Elros were simply intertwined. Whenever he wasn't there, she felt down; whenever he touched or held her, she felt like she was soaring through the sky. The last person to give her this sensation of love and protection was her mother; and now Elros was her rock. He'd always be here rock.

"I love you," she whispered in his ear.

"I love you, too," he replied as he kissed her cheek. The words were the sweetest sound her ears beheld in a long, long time. She buried her face in his neck and smiled wide, the rain falling on them.


Finally, both of them had cleaned up and dried off under a nearby rock outcrop.

"Well, m'lady? Shall we?" Elros asked as he held his arm out for her.

"You want to continue?" she asked, surprised.

"If you want to," Elros shrugged.

"Yes!" she said eagerly, happily latching on, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Good. Still raining. Everything's better in the rain," Elros said with a grin.

"Mmm, definitely. But where are we going?" she asked as she kissed his cheek before resting her head on his shoulder again.

"There's an observation post not to far away, on top of a mountain. Beautiful view there and it should be empty thanks to the weather," Elros said.

"But can't we jut fly for an even better view?" Akeno wondered.

"We can… but it's not as fun if we use our powers for everything, you know? Sometimes, I like having my feet on firmly planted on the ground," Elros said.

"Fine with me. So long as I'm with you," Akeno said happily.

As they continued walking, Elros pointed out the path they needed to take. Instead of making her walk, however, he picked her up princess style.

"I have plenty of stamina, you know," Akeno said as she put her arms around his neck.

"Oh I know," Elros said with a grin.

"Ugh. You know what I mean," she giggled.

"Yeah. But isn't it nice to have someone just carry you once in a while?" Elros asked with a smile.

"Is that why you're doing this?" she asked quietly.

"You deserve to be carried like a princess," he said as he paused to kiss her forehead. The words were music to her ears. Akeno tightened her hold around his neck as she buried her face in his shoulder, smiling wide and feeling tears of joy come forth again. The rain trickled down as Elros walked them up the path, to the observation post that was situated atop it. He gently kicked the door open and walked around in a semi circle to get to where they needed to be. As she saw it, Akeno gasped.

The view from the post was phenomenal. She saw the force of the rain thunder down as it cast a gorgeous overcast sky over the land, bringing in some mist that obscured some of the taller peaks. She saw the waterfalls cascade down - some gently, some more powerful. She felt Elros put his arms around her stomach as he kissed her neck, working his way back to her lips. Turning around, she gave him another passionate kiss.

Finally, they drew apart from each other, still looking longingly.

"So… thoughts?" Elros mused.

"Perfect," was all Akeno said.

"And?" he pressed.

"Perfect. In every single way. I love you. You're perfect. Perfect," she said, puncturing each short sentence with a kiss. Elros smiled as he held on tightly to her.

"I know it's the not the moon… but this place means a lot to me. And now, it's ours," Elros whispered. If Akeno could smile wider, she would've; as it stood, she felt that her mouth might burst or get stuck in smile - not that she'd mind, especially with Elros.

"It's. Perfect. I love you," she said, making sure she was staring right at him.

"And I love you," he whispered, kissing her once more before they turned to look outside.

As they happily held each other, the peaceful rain kept falling.