Memnon was a king of Aethiopia and son of Tithonus and Eos. As a warrior, he was considered to be almost Achilles' equal in skill. Tithonus was the lover of Eos, Goddess of the Dawn. He was a prince of Troy, the son of King Laomedon by the Naiad Strymo.
For his contributions, Hector awarded him as the prince of Crete.
Rhesus was a Thracian king, who fought on the side of Trojans. Hector decided to award him with Skyros Island.
In Greek mythology, Neoptolemus was the son of the warrior Achilles and the princess Deidamia, and the brother of Oneiros.
After Syros fell under Trojan forces, Neoptolemus was taken as a hostage. To ensure her son's safety, Deidamia married Rhesus, which helped the king secure his legitimacy over the islands.
Penthesilea was an Amazonian queen, the daughter of Ares and Otrera, and the sister of Hippolyta, Antiope, and Melanippe. She was awarded Cos island, a more prosperous land from where her tribe lived so under a small fleet, they migrated to the island, where the amazobs established their dominion.
Hector would give some city-states of lesser importance to his brothers. He gave his and heir Astyanax, the title of prince of Athens and Sparta, but his son was still too young to rule. He was glad he had his sun after acquiring Ouranos II bloodline, so he would inhere his divine blood.
The age of gods was officially ended. Now the Greek gods would be severely limited in their intervention in the mortal world. These limitations come from the supernatural act, a resolution that applied to several pantheons.
It started with Yahweh's consideration that the god's constant intervention was severely limiting the development of the human race. The god easily convinced the Trimurti, from the Hindu pantheon, who shared a similar opinion. With the Trimurti consensus, Indra was forced to comply.
Although the only one of the Trimurti above Indra in the world power rank was Shiva, the rank was very inaccurate. For example, Brahma practically did not show his power so he could not be properly evaluated, so he was not in the rank, while Vishnu only had his avatars on the rank, who were much weaker than the actual Vishnu.
The same could be said about the Greek primordials, which could not be properly evaluated. It was estimated that Gaia had a raw power similar to Albion and Ddraig but with a much weaker actual fight capability.
Gaia, who wanted to limit the intervention of the gods on the defenseless mortals, convinced other Greek primordials to be either on her side or remain neutral. Hades also did not want the gods to slaughter them to make him overwork again also approved the resolution.
Some weaker pantheons, like the Japanese pantheon, consider that the mortals under them were in disadvantageous situations in relationship to the foreign mortals supported by other pantheons, so they were easily inclined to accept the resolution.
The heavenly court from the Chinese pantheon approved the resolution because they already have several laws that limit the intervention of immortals and gods on mortals. Most immortals also did not like to interfere in the mortal realm, because by the law the heavenly law there made them accumulate a lot of Karma, which is not necessarily good for their cultivation.
Dragons usually do not interfere in politics, so they remain neutral about the situation. So by force or persuasion, the stronger pantheon imposed the limitation of intervention in the mortal world. The devils were the ones that most hated the resolution because it made it harder for them to tempt mortals, but their expansionist and evil tendencies made them not much liked by other pantheons, so the original Lucifer was forced to comply to avoid an all-out war against the whole world.
Through different forms of divination, the different pantheons determined a specific last intervention cataclysmic event to be the last great direct divine intervention on the mortal world.
The events from different pantheons were not exactly at the same time, so they had to carefully elaborate peace agreements between pantheons, to avoid the mortals with weaker divine protection to be easily conquered by the ones with stronger divine intervention.
To the Greek Pantheon, this last event was the Trojan War, to the Hindu Pantheon it was the Mahabharata, to the Abrahamic pantheon it was the Great War, and so on...
The resolution did not impose limits to the intervention of the gods and supernatural creatures on the human supernatural side of society, to the gods sending avatars to the mortal world, intervention prophecied before the resolution, and so on...
After the death of King Cretheus, during the Trojan War, the Aeolian Pelias usurped the throne from his half-brother Aeson and became king of Iolcus in Thessaly (near the modern city of Volos). He quickly made peace with the Trojans, and after paying heavy compensations in land and wealth to the Trojans was able to keep his throne as a vassal king to Troy.
Because of this unlawful act, an oracle warned him that a descendant of Aeolus would seek revenge. Pelias put to death every prominent descendant of Aeolus he could but spared Aeson because of the pleas of their mother Tyro.
Instead, Pelias kept Aeson prisoner and forced him to renounce his inheritance. Aeson married Alcimede, who bore him a son named Jason. Pelias intended to kill the baby at once, but Alcimede summoned her kinswomen to weep over him as if he were stillborn. She faked a burial and smuggled the baby to Mount Pelion. He was raised by the centaur Chiron, the trainer of heroes.
When Jason was 20 years old, an oracle ordered him to dress as a Magnesian and head to the Iolcan court. While traveling Jason lost his sandal crossing the muddy Anauros river while helping an old woman (Hera in disguise). The goddess was angry with King Pelias for killing his stepgrandmother Sidero after she had sought refuge in Hera's temple.
Another oracle warned Pelias to be on his guard against a man with one shoe. Pelias was presiding over a sacrifice to Poseidon with several neighboring kings in attendance. Among the crowd stood a tall youth in leopard skin with only one sandal. Pelias recognized that Jason was his nephew.