
Chapter 3

I smile at the young Oni and get away from his body. I offer him my hand to help him get up. He takes my hand, and I help him get up.

"Good fight."


"Hmmm? What?"

"Why don't you kill me? The winner kills the loser."

"What kind of logic is that?! I don't have any grudge against you or your kind. So far you guys only want to prove my worth by fighting and that is okay. I respect others' traditions and accept your challenge. We did not fight to the death after all."

I can see him smile at me and say.

"You are not like any other human I have ever seen."

"Oh? What kind of human have you seen before?"

"They always try to kill us when they see us. You see a graveyard over there?"

I look to my left and see a dozen or so graves a couple of hundred meters away from us.

"That is the graveyard where all the humans come and immediately attack us. You? You ask and accept us. It is a fresh experience."


"My son is correct."

I look to the side and see the massive Oni walking toward me with a massive grin on his face. Walking behind him is a group of Oni who also have the same grin on their face. Ah, it looks like our fight will gather a lot of attention. Oh well.

"My name is Ryu and I'm the village chief of this village. The one who fights you is my son, Ito."

"Yeah, you already introduced him earlier. The name is Reikan, nice to meet you!"

"Bwahahahaha! You are interesting! Come on! I will make sure you are welcomed in our village!"

I grunt a little when the giant Oni slaps my back and drags me to the village. I can see a hundred or so Oni looking at me, from an adult to a child. Some still look at me with distrust, but most look at me with respect.

"Alright people! Reikan over here wants a place to stay and we will make sure he feels welcome! Let's have a party!"

Before I know it, I get dragged into a massive party.


I rub my head as I can feel a headache attacking my head. I look around for a few seconds and realize where I am right now. I'm in the Oni village and have a wicked party with the Oni. The chief brought a lot of food and booze, and I joined a drinking competition—a lot of them.


Right. I also joined a brawl. Bloody hell. I'm still WAY underage and already drinking. What kind of child am I? (AN! The author did not condone underage drinking! Drink when you are at the legal drinking age, people!)

I shake my head and look at my surroundings. I blink a few times when I see a beautiful Oni sleeping under me. What happened?

I look at her and notice she has light blue hair, red eyes, and a pair of horns. She is huge. I think she is more than two meters tall, and her body is full of muscle. I don't know that I have a fetish for muscled ladies, but I think I have them now.

I slowly get away from her and stand up. However, before I could walk away from her, a pair of arms went around me and pulled me to a pair of heavenly mountains.

"Where do you think you are going, hmmm?"

I look at her smug smile and say.

"Errrr, I want to get some water."

"Hmmm, later. You have yet fulfilled your duty."

"What duty? What should I do?"

"Ara~ You don't remember? You decide to fight three men to take me to the bed, you know?"

"What? Really?"

"Yup! However, I'm not a cheap woman. I will not let you fuck me that easily. We only cuddle for the night."

"Ah, that's good."

"Oh? Am I not good enough for you to take to bed?"

"No. That's not it. I'm just a ten years old boy and I don't think I even produce sperm just yet."

She looked at me for a few seconds before laughing loudly.

"I know you are interesting! Very well. If you still want this old woman, I will wait for you to mature! As long as you keep training, this one will wait for you. However, you cannot take me as your woman, I have a husband."

"Pffft! You are a husband?"

"And? We are Oni. Sex is part of our culture. Don't mention it, he already knows about it and agrees with me."

"Are you sure?"

She laughed and sat down on the ground.

"Yeah. You don't need to worry about it. Anyway, let's get up and prepare."

"Prepare? Prepare for what?"

"Bwahahahaha! You are now part of this village and as part of this village, you need to join the hunt."

"Oh? Hunting, huh? Sure."

~Sometimes later~

"So, what are we hunting?"

I look at Ito, who walks next to me as we, a group of twelve people, walk through the forest.

"Hmmm? We are hunting something called Celestial Bull."

"Celestial Bull?"

"Do you remember the beef you ate last night?"

"Oh yeah. It was delicious."

The beef is like Kobe Beef but three times more flavourful.

"That is the bull we are hunting."

"I see. What kind of bull is that? And why was it called Celestial Bull?"

"Celestial Bull is a bull that drinks water from Takamagahara. They are massive bulls."

"How massive?"

"On all four, it can reach the height of four meters."

"That big?"

"Yup. Not only that, they are also strong. It needs five Oni to defeat them. They have a thick skin that we use to make armor. Anyway, we are here."

We arrive in the clearing of the forest, where I can see a herd of twenty massive bulls. Holy shit. Ito did not lie. They are huge.

"So, what now?"

"Just wait. Our job is to change the direction of the bull while the other makes sure to isolate one of them. We cannot take all of them at once. Celestial Bull is just like a regular bull. Their first instinct is to run away from predators and we will exploit that."

I nod and see the adult slowly move into formation. Ito's father and two others slowly get closer to the herd before suddenly I feel a cold aura spread out. Is this a killing intent? It is different from Conqueror Haki but, at the same time, has the same weight in them.

After feeling the killing intent, the bulls start to run to the west. However, one of the adult Oni had already ready to ambush them on their path. He pops up from the tall grass and releases another killing intent. The herd split into three.

The first one consisted of seven bulls running to the north, and the second one consisted of twelve bulls running to the south. The last two bulls run toward our location. Ito grinned and said,

"Here they come! Reikan! You will stop the one on the right, I will take care of the one on the left. Hit the middle of their head, between the two horns. That is their weakness."

I grin and coat my two hands with Haki.

"Leave it to me."

When they get closer to us, I quickly jump out of the tall grass and thrust my fist. My fist hit their head, and the bull lost its balance. As the bull loses its balance, the other quickly runs toward us and starts to hold the bull down as one of them slits its throat.

The bull managed to last for a minute before it finally went down.

"Huh? That is easier than I thought."

"That is because we use teamwork, Reikan."

I look at Ryu, who walks toward me.

"It takes three to five Oni to defeat them in direct combat but with enough preparation and surprise attack, it will be easy."

"I see."

"Yup. Anyway, help us take the bulls back."


When the hunt is done, we go back to the village, and when we arrive there, I can already see people preparing to cook the bull. I like this life. This is what I want–A sense of friendship, family, and freedom.

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