
DxD: A Fallen Sorcerer

This is the story of the life of a reincarnated man who committed suicide after being fed up as the last alive human. He ended up in the world of dxd. Or did he? ........ PS. this story is unfinished and the only reason I'm publishing that is because a reader asked me to continue my other work but I have exams so I'm releasing this thing that I wrote months ago. If this does really well I'll continue that after examination too.

Poppie_1356 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs



-Satoru Gojo-

A few months passed by casually in the blink of an eye. To the normal humans nothing significant happened in this time except the release of GTA V which caused a phenomenon. 

In my past life I didn't get to play it and just heard about how good the VI was, and after playing the V, I'm mind blown to be honest. If RDR was good, this is best. I played this game for more than 40 hours in just a week after it came out. Sadly the story is short.

Maybe future updates will be better? Hopefully.

But for the supernatural spectrum of the world many things happened, from new Longinus appearing to the Youkais of the east and the west joining hands. Sadly none of the details are well known about both of the subjects.

I also learnt that GOD fucking died! Like not Jesus died. Real death, along with Lucifer and all the remaining six og devils. 

When gramps told me this I was also shocked, but I also realised the… reality of this world. A fucking ender god, the strongest one at that too, died! Permanently. 

It's fucking scary to think that someone who could create billions of angels, made devils and fallen, and Sacred gears with the abilities to kill gods.

Now that I think about it, it's no wonder longinus started popping out of nowhere nowadays, without God all of his creations are going haywire. That also explains how the devils can now reincarnate any being into devils. 

Well that's my guess at least…

I also attended Marin's birthday with some of her friends and showed some magic which all of them assumed to be tricks, except the ones who knew about magic. Something embarrassing happened too.

When I gave her a portrait of herself and her late pet dog as a Jojo stand as a gift she suddenly started crying which made things too emotional. Not that I didn't like it, in fact it made me a bit proud that she actually liked it considering I drew it all night the day before.

Not because I totally forgot about her birthday and my mom didn't remind me the night before, not at all.

Anyway that's my boring routine, currently I'm on my way to Bakugo and Midoriya house to see what they are up to. Tanaka called me to come there.


I looked at the raven which was flying beside me, it looked at me weirdly and cawed again.

"What you lookin at?"


I don't know what it understood but it decided to sit on my shoulder and use me as a mode of transport.

"You sure are smart." I chuckled while petting it.

This thing is strangely cute.

I soon reached their house and knocked on their room's window. The raven didn't look like it was planning to leave, it had already made itself comfortable and was grooming itself. I just cast a camouflaging spell on it.

"You're here Gojo-san!" Midoriya opened the window. I saw Bakugo and Tanaka sitting inside while looking at each other menacingly with folded hands.

"Huh? A cro-"

"Why are they like this?" I interrupted Midoriya and sat on the floor and drank the orange juice.

"Hey that's mine! And um- they had a competition? It was more like who can eat the fastest" Midoria said while himself sounding confused.


"So who won?" 

"Me!" "I!"

I tuned to Midoriya in question.

"Well… I was supposed to see who won, but the ice cream was too good so I ate it myself…" He said flustered.

"Deku to trash!!" 

Bakugo threw a fireball at Deku but I just swatted it away.

"Really man? Using flame magic indoors?" I looked at him while cracking my knuckles.

"Um- For the record I did it only because you're here." He gulped and calmly sat back.

Smart ass.

"Whatever, why did you call me here?" I asked Tanaka who was… acting suspicious.

"Ah- nothing, just wanted to see you." He said while definitely trying to hide something.

I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

"Oh! Satoru-kun! When did you come here?" Inko-san, Midoriya's mother, asked in surprise with a tray of snacks in her hand.

"Just now aunty." 

"Yeah mom!" Midoriya came for the assist.

"I must have not noticed, Oh silly me!" She laughed and placed the tray on the table, "If you want more feel free to ask and don't be loud, the neighbours will come for a fight" She chuckled and left.

Damn… that ass… No wonder Bakugo's mom left her husband. Not that she's not hot either.

I side eyed Bakugo and just as I expected he was looking at me with malice.

"Um… so just spill the beans Tanaka." I changed the subject while avoiding Bakugo's eyes.

"Wa- what do you mean Gojo-san? I'm not hiding anything ha ha…" 

All of us just stared at his obvious lies speechlessly, he's not Sasuke… not at all.

"Bruh" Bakugo literally did the thing too.

"Fine…" He relented and put his hands inside his bags.

"Wha-" Before Midoriya could finish asking, Tanaka pulled what looked like an old sheet of paper.

But I knew exactly what that was. This fucker took a devil summoning circle pamplet.

"I found this on my grandma's house and felt mana coming from i-"

"You dumbass!" I punched his head and sanached away the pamphlet.

"Ouch! Why master!?"

"This thing is used to summon literal devils! What were you thinking?" I tossed the paper aside, "Picking everything which has mana will end up in you getting a curse or worse."

All of them looked shocked at my outlash. I'm even a bit shocked to be honest. 

When did I start caring for these guys?

"Sorry Master… I thought it would teach us some super secret ancient magic… that's why I brought it to you. I didn't know it was for summoning devils."


"Fuuu… It's fine." I sighed and looked at the pamphlet to see if it was a famous devil's.

This pattern… hmm… 

This guy has a summoning contract? How did Tanaka's grandma even get this?

I looked at him only to see him on the corner of the bed munching on a rice cracker sadly while Bakugo and Midoriya were staring at the table weirdly.

"Hey Gojo, is this normal?" Bakugo said while pointing at the snacks tray from which the rice crackers were slowly being chipped away.

"Oh yeah,"" I forgot about making the raven invisible and undid my magic. "It's just a raven."

"Woah, an invisible raven?"

"Animals can use magic?"

"No Midoriya I made the raven invisible and Bakugo magic is real, so throw out all logic anything can be possible." I said while lifting the raven. Surprisingly it didn't resist and just stood on my shoulders without any problem.

"Is that your pet master?" Tanaka asked, seemingly finished with his gloomy state.

"Well…" I looked at the raven which was busy munching the rice cracker Midoriya was feeding it. "Kinda I guess?"

It'll probably just fly off.

"Oi Gojo, what should I do with this?" Bakugo asked while pointing at the devil summoning pamphlet.

"Do whatever you want, that devil is just a clown." I waved my hands while eating the snacks. 

I wasn't able to recognise the magic circle so the devil is not someone from the 'noble' class or something and the mana requirement is lower than making 10 fireballs so it'll be fine.It'd probably just summon a weak low-class devil. Those things rarely even have the balls to come to a big place like Sendai, a place heavily supervised by both my family and the Shinto gods, let alone harm someone from that territory.

"Wanna summon that devil?" I asked them with a smirk.

Immediately everyone perked up, interested in the subject.

"Um- is it safe? You said it'll be dangerous before?" Midoriya was still a bit reluctant while still a lot interested.

"Oh, shut up Midoriya!" Tanaka immediately shut him up.

I looked at Bakugo to check if he agreed.

"It'll be safe right? If something happens to the room my mom'll break my bones." He asked, with a rare display of maturity.

"It'll be fine." I waved my hands, "The house will be fine. I'll raise a barrier just in case."

 I chanted, "Black, darkness engulfs the light, containing everything." 

Immediately the whole room got engulfed in darkness and became a bit darker. Now the room is essentially in a different space… kinda.

"Cool! What is this master!?" "It's a bit dark.." "This will be great for watching horror movies." *Kawww!*

The raven sensed something happening and got scared, I patted the raven to calm it down and it did calm down after a while.

"This is one of many barriers that a sorcerer can learn and sadly for you Midoriya, you aren't yet a sorcerer." I said much to his disappointment and placed the pamphlet on the table.

"I'm going to summon the devil so don't get scared." I said to them while pricking my finger with a small ice needle and dripping my blood on the pamphlet.

Just mana is enough to summon a devil and the blood part is really not necessary but I'm just doing it for a dramatic effort.

The moment my blood touched the pamphlet, the magic circle on it lit up in an orange-yellow light and shone brightly, blinding the other boys.

Smoke rose from the pamphlet followed by a not so pleasant smell. From the smoke rose a silhouette which didn't resemble a human. 

"Hello… summoner. I am Naus" The devil spoke. 

"Well, I didn't expect a dragon. Guess devils come in all shapes and sizes huh? Let me guess, a reincarnated devil?" I joked while petting the raven. The devil ended up being probably a reincarnated devil with dragon origins. It was really just a very small green western-dragon.

"Sadly you're right, I was slain by my king shortly after my birth and got made a devil." He looked disappointed while saying that. 

"Though you're a part-fallen I'll still hear your request. According to the request I'll accept any kind of payment" He said while lifting his palm up, and immediately a blank paper appeared above his palm. Which I assume is the contract.

"It looks just like the one from Harry Potter!" Tanaka shouted excitedly.

"Don't insult me human!" The dragon shouted at Tanaka and turned to me, "If you give me that kid as a sacrifice I'll do anything."

"Chill man, what got you worked up? He's just a kid." I chuckled.

"I just hate humans." He grunted.

Well at least he's honest.

What should I even ask him? Oh yeah.

"Do you know how to activate a sacred gear?" I asked him. 

"Yes." He nodded.

"What will it cost?" I asked.

"Not much… honestly I could tell you for free, but my king is poor so I'll accept some gold." He said while looking at the floor, even embarrassed to ask that.

Scratch whatever I said about devils, they're just humans.

"I don't have much but take this," I plucked out some feathers from my wings and gave it to him, "It'll fetch you something right?"

"Hmm…" He observed the feathers carefully, "Your feathers are excellent, though you are just part fallen, you seem to have excellent genes. This is more than enough, my pride as a dragon won't let me scam you." He just took half of the feathers and returned the rest.

"Don't worry It's not like I need them." I just let him keep that, "You are a bad devil you know, devils are meant to scam."

"You're not wrong, but I'm also a dragon so my traits conflict." He still took the feathers, "The process of activating a sacred gear isn't complicated. All you have to do is think of something which you have a huge desire on and that should do it."

"That's it?"


Fuck I got scammed.

"Then I'll take my leave, summon me whenever you need help." The lizard immediately teleported away.

"Haaa… you guys heard it right? Think of what you really want." I told them who were all shell shocked.

"Um- what's a sacred gear?" 






"So Sacred gears are just soul bound unique weapons and all three of us probably have it?" Bakugo asked after listening to my long explanation.

"Yep. And Marin definitely has one too, much more powerful than all of yours. Sadly she's at her grandpa's house so we'll have to wait for a week till she comes." I said as I laid flat on the bed and removed the barrier.

"How come you know that?" Midoriya asked.

"I can feel their aura and learn to just believe things like Tanaka, Midoriya. Look at him, he's already in Zen." I pointed at Tanaka who was meditating like a buddhist monk.

I left those guys to themselves and turned towards the raven, and surprisingly it also had its eyes closed and mimicked the rest. 

It's damn cute.

"I'll go have something to eat." I left them to themselves and went downstairs to have some snacks. 

I greeted Inko-san who was cuddling with Masaru-san who was sleeping a little too closely while watching some drama on TV. I exorcised some small curses which were around and had the drink which had 'Katsuki' name on it.

Bakugo's definitely gonna beat Midoriya for that but It's not my problem is it?

By the time I went back to the room I was genuinely surprised. Bakugo has a cool gauntlet on his hands, Midoriya had a glowing green ring on his ring finger and Tanaka had a choker on his neck which was oozing what seemed like darkness.

"This is damn cool GOJO!!" Bakugo shouted but the gauntlet on his hand made a small explosion.


"MIDORIYA!! BAKUGO!! WHAT WAS THAT!!?" The voice of two concerned mothers followed by rapid footsteps was heard.

"Well… you guys figure out the powers, I'll meet you tomorrow." I bailed in a heartbeat as any good friend and flew out of the open window in the blink of an eye.


"Phew, that was a close one wasn't it buddy?" I sighed and asked the raven which I made sure to carry out.


"You're probably right." I understood none. "I should probably give you a name right? Since you're a dude I'll go with Black, how's it?"


"Black really? Why are you so unoriginal just like your dad?" Mom asked while feeding Black some bacon.

I thought she'd be against me having a crow. 

Honestly I'd have preferred that than her criticising my naming skills.

"Well he likes it"

"Does he?" She turned to Black and scratched him under the beak softly, "He wishes doesn't he sweety~?"

*Kaww!* It nodded while tapping the surface of the table with it's leg.

"You traitor! You're supposed to be on my side." I've never felt this betrayed.


"Yeah, let's go get you some place to stay." She left the room, leaving me standing alone.

"You finally understand how I feel." Not alone, Gramps is here.

"What are you talking about? We both get scolded the same!"

"I got scolded ever since she could speak, that's about 32 years"

"Well you'll croak in a few years so I'll still be the one who scolded the most." I shrugged.

"You brat!"

I ran while shouting, "It's the truth though!"


The stocked up chaps end here dudes.