
DxD - I am the Supreme Shadow Monarch. ( Hiatus )

Currently on an indefinite hiatus, until the author feels better mentally. -------- 1 - Keep in mind that this is an [Au] the gender of some characters have been changed. 2 - Also keep in mind that this will be a trip to the [Multiverse]. === First World - High School DxD. Second World - ??? = = = An ''Ordinary Young Man'' was bestowed with the powers of the 'Monarch of Shadows' by a Goddess of Wishes, there was only one problem with that wish ... Which Monarch exactly was the ''Young Man'' referring to?

Biggubosu · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Uninvited Guests ?

Normal Human - Level 01 - 07 ( Stats Limit - 10 ).

Devil/Low Class Angel - Level 08 - 20 ( stats limit - 40 )

Middle Devil/Class Angel - Level 20 - 40 ( Action limit - 100 ) .

Devil/Angel High Class - Level 40 - 50 ( stats limit - 150 ) .

Devil/Angel High Class - Level 50 - 80 ( stats limit - 200 ) .

Class Devil God/Satan - Level 100 ( stats limit - 250 ) .

True God Class - Level 150 ( stats limit - 350 ) .

Ultimate God Class - Level ??? ( stats limit - ???? ) .


This is the class referred to in DxD, it will probably change throughout the story.


"I... I threw them away... I didn't read them...," said Rias.

When she said that, the two Maous looked like they had eaten a lot, a lot of shit. To think that she really hadn't read them and still threw them away....

Now the devils would have a problem, a big problem. The Human Leader made it very clear in the letter that he would take the force if he was not warned about it.

"I want you to hand over what belongs to me." Griffith said, his eyes shining with a dangerous light.

"You want us to hand it over? We can't do that. Sirzechs stated as Serafall nodded. Even if they thought their actions were wrong, they couldn't just hand over a demon that had [ Boosted Gear ] and [ Twilight Cure ] .

The smile on Griffith's face completely disappeared, "Are you sure about this?

The air in the room seemed to stop, Griffith was pressing them with his aura, his "aura" was only being directed at the two Maous, and no leader tried to interfere with what was happening.

The two Maous said nothing, they just held on to the aura that was being thrown at them like a tsunami.

It seemed that they had made a decision, "Hmph, as to how you compensate us, well, let's say, an eye for an eye."

Griffith who got tired of the arrogance of this race, used his power to steal the two Maous and make their power disappear, including their demonic energy, which means making them normal humans.

"You feel that ... all your power disappears, including the most precious power of your kind, Devils Energy, now imagine if I leak this information to the public, how many factions will try their luck to get revenge on you, the New generation Devil or even your Old generation's wrongdoing."

Griffith now looks at the 2 "Humans" with a debauched smile.

"Imagine how many people died in the war and started questioning their beloved Maou who didn't protect them, and imagine if I erased all the Devil's most precious bloodline, that's really beautiful, right?"

Sirzechs and Serafall grew paler.

''Alright, eye for an eye, let's return the [ Boosted Gear ] and the [ Twilight Cure ]'' Sirzechs said .

''Oni-Sama! -''

"Quiet Rias! Sirzechs said coldly .

Although he loved his little sister dearly, it was better to lose the sacred equipment of his little sister's servants than for him and Serafall to return to the underworld without any power . That could cause a rebellion in the underworld.

"Good." Griffith then returned his powers and said, "Your powers are back, I hope you keep your end of the bargain."

They didn't answer him, but nodded their heads, they felt anger at having to go through this, the two of them didn't want to cause more confusion that might cause more conflict and stayed silent.

But, it seemed that conflicts were 'inevitable'.

''Sirzechs-Dono and Serafall-Dono, I would like to discuss some things that have to do with a young devil.'' said Michael.

''What would that be Michael-Dono?'' asked Serafall-Dono recovering from what just happened.

"Diodora Astaroth, the heir house of Astaroth has been corrupting our holy daughters and forcibly turning them into devils." said Michael.


In a short time they would come to an agreement, the nuns would be returned to the church, just as the church would be paid a sum for the damage caused by Diodora and Diodora would be punished.

There was nothing the devils could do when the angels had proof, one of the proofs was also in that room.


After all that, another atomic bomb fell, only this time it wasn't on Hiroshima.

"Speaking of which, it seems that some of my subordinates killed this little lady!" said Azazel.

"Don't say things out of your mouth!" shouted Issei, "For your irresponsible actions, a fallen angel who served you had to be killed by Asia.

"Huh?"'' With a simple murmur from her, Issei fell silent.

''I feel partially guilty for the actions of my subordinates. Still, there is nothing I can do to cause them satisfaction.''

''What did you say!''

''Why feel guilty, Zaz, this could have been avoided if the heiresses had done their job properly, Rias Gremory let these two die for their own sake, her own brother just handed them over to me. Rias Gremory knew that the fallen angels were in town, but since they had the same goal as her, she let him be killed to revive him, just like the girl with the twilight cure. The evil pieces are still slavery, no matter how much they continue to glorify it."

"'Lies! Buchou wouldn't do something like that, right Buchou?'' Rias turned she head not wanting to meet his pawn's eyes.

Here we see that Griffith has a gift for hitting the devils' wounds. The evil plays were just glorified slavery, nothing more nothing less.

Just look at the devil's expressions inside the room.

"Besides, did you guys invite anyone else?''