
DxD | Eyes of Malevolence

Devils, Gods, and Dragons. What did they all have in common? They were all selfish pricks and unrepentant assholes. Maybe I was reincarnated to punish them… Nah. Fuck that, I’m just gonna chill on the beach.

Express_007 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Not Quite a Damsel

[𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐳𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐛 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲, 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]


The excitement in Morgan's tone was more than enough to make up for Noel's lack of it, stars in her eyes as she oohed and ahhed everything or even slight interest. However, that was hardly difficult considering where they were.

"So this is the Beelzebub Science Lab!"

With excitement rolling off her in droves Morgan announced their destination. One of the Four Great Tourist Attractions of the Underworld, the main home of the Emerald Satan, and a domain where science and tourism seamlessly merged.

Magic artifacts of all types inhabited the room, their presence making it quite literally a magical experience. Whenever there was an advancement in the world of science it would be listed here creating a tourist spot of the most advanced technology.

"Noel, look! It's a robot whale!" 

Pointing at a mechanical whale that was very clearly over engineered with wide eyes Morgan seemed to radiate enough light to illuminate the entire room. Everywhere she went Morgan was the light of the party and today was no different.

"Let's go. We can't leave him waiting."

Unfortunately for her—and Noel really— they were there on business and didn't have much time to spend here. There was no real rush but leaving one of the Four Satans waiting was far from ideal even if they were officially among his students.

"Aww~… okay."

Drooping down in sadness her large tail light slapped the floor in dissatisfaction. As young as she was, her ability to hide her emotions was at a level never before seen level. For that reason, Noel didn't hesitate to plant his hand on her hair.

"We'll come back."


With her happiness restored Morgan raised no further complaints as they walked through the exhibits. Unlike what she would have done they took the quickest possible path to their destination but she enjoyed the trip nonetheless.

"Welcome. I apologize for the mess but I struggle to keep it clean. Magic isn't usable here you see."

Greeting them with a smile was Ajuka Beelzebub who distanced himself from his current project—a small sphere with an uncanny resemblance to a Pokeball—and motioned for them to follow him deeper inside.

"Why can't we use magic? I feel fine?"

Morgan asked curiously, happily skipping around the room while observing everything that caught her eye. Magic nullification was quite common—only a little expensive— but it always gave a strange sensation to the user. It was something akin to their blood disappearing to them.

"There isn't any restriction on the usage of magic itself however I ask that you don't unless absolutely necessary or instructed otherwise. Some of my projects are in the middle of development and any outside interference would destroy them."

"I'll be extra careful!"

Promising in the most adorable of ways Morgan immediately erased the idea of utilizing magic—or demonic energy for that matter— for anything! It didn't matter what it was she would never use it in this room!

"You do know what we came here for right?"

Pouring cold water on her flames of passion Noel smirked slightly, his amused grin an equal mix of endearing and hateful to Morgan. Hmphing she turned away, a small and almost certainly fake frown on her face.

"I wouldn't be overly worried about it. At worst, I'll only have to spend another few centuries but even that's unlikely. Besides, the number of areas like this is extremely limited."

Reassuring the small girl she nodded cheerfully, her mask of disappointment vanishing with as much subtlety as Ddraig and Albion's hosts. However, it was cruel to expect a girl as young and innocent as Morgan to have a mask as perfect as an adult devil at all, wasn't it?

Masks were an imperative part of life—especially in a society like their own— but Ajuka personally wasn't a fan of them. Children should be allowed to show how they truly feel, it is their right. Of all the current youth, Noel was a good example.

Noel Purson was a child famed for two things. His unrelenting disobedience in the face of social hierarchy and his recent 'disarming' of Diodora Astaroth. Noel was, in many ways, Ajuka's ideal version of a child. Unafraid of revealing his feelings and willing to go to any length for his goals.

"This machine will examine your biological composition and allow me to build a suitable training regime for you. However, it has to be said that you do NOT need to strip for this. Please don't even consider it."

At that moment, Ajuka seemed almost pathetic in the way he shivered. The pair was unaware of what exactly the century old Satan had experienced but they were confident they didn't want to know. Sharing a brief glance it was Noel who spoke first.

"I'm going."

It was a decision born from skepticism which was far from required. As a Satan, Ajuka had to prioritize his reputation even more than one of the pillar clans as a whole. He was one of the four— or five occasionally—faces of the devils. 

To begin with, the 'test' that Noel was endangering himself for wasn't fair in the first place. Noel wasn't the same as Morgan in Ajuka's eyes, their value was intrinsically different. Noel was Ajuka's golden goose while Morgan was the ugly duckling.

Descending from the sky a myriad of mechanical arms and machinery surrounded Noel's body, light yet certainly metallic pads pressing tightly against various parts of his body. It was a mystical sight and Morgan was clearly enjoying it.

"You may feel a tingling sensation but I assure you that nothing will happen."

Comforting the boy for just a few seconds while typing away Ajuka didn't give any further warning before a bone chilling yet skin melting sensation washed over Noel. Interestingly, it wasn't painful and yet he could tell that should be feeling pain.

The entire process lasted only a dozen or so seconds before the feeling disappeared like it was a mirage as all the mechanical parts ascended back to wherever they resided. Stepping out of the machine Noel was greeted by his adorable fiancée and the focused Satan.

"Your results are quite extraordinary for your age. Your physical body is well above the average, it may even surpass some adult devils, and your plate is obviously extraordinary. Not only that, but your output is in the 78th percentile."

Output was, in simple terms, how much energy somebody could release at once. It was never guaranteed—even genetics had no effects—and could only be increased through a mix of talent and hard work.

It was a seemingly small thing that merely affected casting speed but it was more than that. In the same amount of time, a person with a higher output would have a stronger spell. Output controlled not only speed but also power in many cases.


Despite being in the upper half of all devils—presumably including beings such as Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka himself— Noel wasn't overly pleased. His output was good but it wasn't anything compared to somebody else he knew so it was hard to be overly proud.

"My turn, my turn!"

Waving her hand with all the excitement of a child on crack, Morgan made her desire well known and Ajuka was not one to deny. Cheering loudly Morgan skipped into the room where the same machinery descended once more.

From an outside view, it was a much more surreal experience. While within the machinery it created a web that blocked everything from view but from the outside it was obvious that the machinery was less simple than it appeared.

Emerald energy so dense it was visible pulsated from every wire like a heart beating, the machinery moving and altering itself in real time as it maneuvered to fit the body it was given. Unlike his own experience, much of the machinery focused on her tail.


"Told you."

On the screen, in front of the two, there were many statistics listed and while the average was well below Noel they were above average for her age. Most impressive was the final—and arguably most important—statistic which was quite surprising.

"One hundredth percentile!"

Holding a hand over his mouth Ajuka grinned like a madman however he fixed his expression at the small cough from Noel. Devils were weird and scientists were weird, combine the two and you get a ball of oddity like Ajuka Beelzebub who only pretended to be normal.

But even if it weren't a person like Ajuka they'd be shocked at what they saw. The ability to surpass every devil in sheer output was impressive and borderline impossible. In a way, it was a miracle akin to the birth of him and Sirzechs!

"Morgan! Please let me study you!"

Immediately teleporting to the young girl's side the century old Devil was excruciatingly repulsive at the moment but Morgan didn't put it any kind, only humming in response as she glanced in Noel's direction inquisitively. Unfortunately, Noel didn't answer her.

"Hmm… Okay!"

Agreeing with only a moment of hesitation Morgan smiled in excitement. In her mind, she was killing two birds with one stone, no three! By learning under Ajuka she would receive fame which would protect her against her uncle, strength to help Noel, and a strong connection that would help keep the Forneus name alive. It was, in many ways, a master stroke.

"Oh thank god!"

Smiling sincerely with a level of lumens even Morgan would struggle to replicate, Ajuka had to steady himself before he fell not from saying God's name but from relief. Two once in a lifetime geniuses walked into his hands and neither raised a single complaint!

"Can we start now? Remember, we only have three weeks."

Interjecting before Ajuka could fully realize how lucky he was—and begin crying in full— Noel had no patience for his whims. Looking at him curiously at the abrupt addition time limit Morgan tilted her head cutely while her tail swung back and forth.

"Ahem. My apologies. Let's begin quickly."

Coughing into his hand Ajuka soon clapped, a wave of visible sound washing over them as their vision distorted and a wall of colors appeared in their eyes. The room swam as they stood still yet swayed indecently.

The sensation lasted for what felt like an eternity yet was no longer than a second or two in reality—something not uncommon in the realm of magic— but when their eyes returned to normal they were surprised to find themselves somewhere unfamiliar.

The realm almost seemed normal if it weren't for the sheer lack of color. There were no colors besides black and white and odd waves radiated off them with every movement they made—even their breath made a torrent of them.

"Welcome to the Reverse World, my personal lab."

Introducing themselves to their surroundings with a proud grin Ajuka took immense gratification from Morgan's noises of excitement. The personal lab of Ajuka Beelzebub, if that alone didn't instill awe then the origin of the waves certainly would.

"These waves are air aren't they?"

Twitching his finger the waves moved alongside him yet when he stopped they continued on for quite a while. With magic it would be fairly easy to stop these waves—even more so for Noel—however it was obvious that Ajuka had something in mind with these waves. 

"Yes, however, we will get to that soon. For now, let's talk while I finalize our training plan. What do you both know about the Bubble Theory?"

Taking a seat on a nearby table, Ajuka made no waves in the air without the use of magic or demonic power— a miracle along miracles really. It was like a fish learning to fly or an ape controlling space, an impossibility. But Ajuka made that possible.


"It's the theory regarding the separation of the realms and that we are actually just a small part of a larger existence."

Noel answered casually, his fiancée shooting him a grateful glance immediately after. It was standard information for a pillar heir to learn but Morgan didn't exactly have a normal childhood—then again, did any of them?

"Correct. This theory likens the numerous realms and the dimensional gap to a swarm of bubbles and the air respectively. While many doubt its credibility some, like the Norse, believe in altered versions of this theory. And I personally believe it is true."

"That's how you made this realm?"

Inquiring with a raised eyebrow Noel sent the current Beelzebub an amused smirk. The realm wasn't exactly complete in the normal sense—that was likely by design though— considering the lack of color, the odd sensation of dissonance, and the limited size of the realm.

"Well, making bubbles isn't hard."

Replying modestly, Ajuka's true feelings were displayed by the smug grin that graced his face. It was a miracle of creation that Noel doubted any had managed to replicate. The difference between a world and the common separated space was difficult to say in words.

The difference was akin to a child's drawing of a house and a skyscraper, they had the same idea but their results were leagues apart. Not only that, but the effort was reflective of the result as well.

Most of the numerous realms were actually in existence long before the age of the Gods—likely created alongside the universe itself—and as far as Noel was aware none had been created since. But there was a reason why realms housed pantheons and not separate spaces.

A separate space was akin to a house of cards, pull at a single card hard enough and it came crumbling down. But realms were different, their foundation was reality itself and they couldn't be unraveled at all.

Destruction was possible of course but that was no different than saying Earth was akin to a separate space because it could be destroyed. It was a fool's argument that had long since been discarded.

"You made this place?"

Shouting in excitement Morgan was quite literally jumping for joy, the grin on Ajuka's face only widening. It was impressive, extraordinarily so, and even Morgan understood that albeit not every detail. If she did she would be just as shocked as she was impressed.

"Indeed but I didn't bring this up just to brag. I created this realm and as a result, I can alter everything inside it. Right now, you two are stronger than your age by quite a bit. What you need is not more power but control. That's why, your goal for these three months will be to move without affecting the air around you."

"You sure that's enough?"

Piping in with a raised eyebrow Noel had his doubts. The two of them were talented and the increase in physical control would directly relate to their magical prowess—the spiritual and physical were strangely connected like that—but it seemed insufficient.

"Yes, we may cut it close but I'm confident you'll be able to finish it in three weeks."

"That's not it."

"Then what are you trying to say?"

Crossing his arms Ajuka sent the boy an amused grin while Morgan looked back and forth between the two confusedly. She still wasn't aware of why they were so short on time let alone why they were being so secretive about it.

"I'm saying that your lesson isn't long enough."

Smirking proudly there was not a single doubt in Noel's mind—the same impossible to say for Morgan. He was beyond confident that they would meet and surpass his expectations within the week let alone three. They needed more.

"Hoho? Then let's raise the difficulty." 

With cruelty in his eyes and a smirk on his face, Ajuka had no remorse and increased the difficulty just as Noel wanted. By the boy's side, Morgan looked worried but willing and her indecisive tail replicated those feelings.

[𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

"Come on~! Just tell me where we are~!"

Whining like nothing had changed Morgan's voice was slightly nasally from the objects shoved in her nose. Combined with the blindfold she couldn't tell where they were at all, more so considering she was being flown through the air so it was impossible to sense the terrain. It was a little scary. But Noel is the one carrying her made it alright enough.

"Wait a little longer." 

Replying to his soon to be wife Noel almost seemed dismissive but she didn't mind, her mind was much too focused on the feeling of the ground touching her feet soon after to focus on it for very long.

When Noel unclogged her nose the first thing to assault her senses was the scent of wind so sweet she could have sworn it was honey and nature all around her. The sound of animals was faintly audible if she listened closely—sheep mostly—and the energy in the air was clean much like the ocean she loved so much.

"We're in Wales~!!!!"

Throwing her ups in pure glee Morgan shook in excitement, her wide eyes taking in every inch of their surroundings. Visiting Wales had always been a goal of hers, not because she was overly interested in the country of sheep but instead because of her parents.

Her father and mother had been married here centuries ago and her brother was much the same. It was a family tradition that she had no intention to uphold—nor the power to do so—but she wanted to visit at least once.

"How? I thought we weren't allowed to leave the Underworld?"

Morgan asked softly, her eyes practically shining as she memorized her surroundings with the most endearing smile that had ever graced the world. Youth devils weren't allowed to leave the Underworld where they were practically invincible because Earth was dangerous.

It may not seem that way to an adult devil but to a child, the life of hiding in plain sight was a concept more foreign than somebody would expect. After living in the spotlight for so long, important devils like them struggled to understand that their traits weren't exactly common or acceptable in human society.

"My father promised me anything for the situation with Diodora."

Keeping her silence for a moment Morgan moved quickly, happily embracing Noel as her sizable chest pressed up against him much like her lips clashed against his own. It was nothing more than a small touch at best but it left the usually stoic Noel wide eyed.

"Hehe… Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Giggling adorably, Morgan stepped back slightly with her hands clasped behind her. Never had she seen Noel so flustered before so even if it wasn't all that much in the grand scheme of things, she'd take pride in this. It would be stored away with the numerous other happy memories she had made since marrying Noel.

"It's so… beautiful."

Speaking dreamily was all Morgan could manage, her eyes much too focused on exploration to do anything else. Despite being nothing more than an open field filled with farm animals it was everything she had ever hoped it to be.

"But why? I thought you didn't like traveling?"

Wiping away the wetness building up in the corner of her eyes Morgan shot him a happy but curious smile, her million lumen smile dimmed by the memories—both good and bad—that she had with her parents.

"Aren't anniversaries important?"

Noel's inquiry was met with a face of shock, not because the mere idea that Noel could remember an anniversary was shocking but instead because Morgan herself had forgotten about it entirely.

Six months ago the two had been engaged. Six months ago, Morgan had thought Noel was nothing more than a silent and brooding youth that she wouldn't get along with. And now, six months later, Morgan hardly remembered a time when her life was so vibrant.

"I'll take care of the next one!"

With immense determination in her voice, Morgan's words sounded more like a solemn vow in Noel's ears. The two anniversaries—six months and one year respectively—were hardly comparable in scale but Noel wasn't concerned. His mother would gladly help her. Noel would go as far as to say she was 𝘵𝘰𝘰 willing.

"Alright, I'll leave it to you."

Shooting his betrothed a confident grin Noel trusted her to do well. Morgan was a strange girl but when it came to things like these, he knew that she'd do more than good enough. Then again, with his mother in the picture, he wasn't sure how it would come out.

"Let's go! I want to go everywhere!" 

With Morgan's shout, their travels began in earnest as, for the next two weeks, they traveled almost every inch of Wales. Throughout their journey, the smile on Morgan's face never dimmed and her excitement never once faltered.

"Get out!"

But even that smile vanished when faced with the sight of a girl only a few years older than her being shoved out the door, her hands and knees scraped to the point of bleeding. Without a single thought in her mind, she ran forward to help the girl in any way possible, to protect her from whatever was inside.


But the somber voice of Noel made her stop in place as her face twisted into a mix of regret, anger, and resignation. As a devil—one as visibly odd as her at that—getting involved with the affairs of a normal human was more often than naught a horrible action for both parties.

Unless she was willing to bring the girl into the world of the supernatural—a space unfit for a child like her—they couldn't involve themselves no matter how pitiful she was. They had a responsibility to keep the girl away from the cruel world they lived in.

Morgan herself was willing to bring her into their world but she didn't have the tools. The Evil Pieces, the only surefire method to protect her, weren't given to her as her uncle had denied her the chance. The choice was Noel's not hers.

"I'm sorry but please endure it."

Accompanying Noel's words was the sensation of her tail being covered in a slimy film of demonic energy. She didn't even have to turn around to know what had happened, Noel had magically hidden her tail from view.

With proud and thankful eyes Morgan watched as Noel approached the girl for a moment, quickly skipping over a few moments later. The girl had tears in the corner of her eyes but she still sent them a fearful yet determined gaze as they approached.

"D-Don't come any closer!"

Threateningly holding a small rock the girl tried and failed to make herself seem scary, the tears in her eyes increasing so much that Morgan doubted she could even see them anymore. It wasn't exactly polite of him but Noel ignored her words and continued his approach—effortlessly dodging the rock thrown his way—and kneeled a few feet away from her.

"I'm Noel Purson. What's your name."


Keeping her silence the girl didn't even have to say a word for Noel to understand that she had no intention of saying a single word. She was on guard, bruised both emotionally and physically, and had clear signs of malnutrition. It was a case of unhidden abuse and Noel could guess why.

"Strange things have happened around you, haven't they? Things that couldn't be explained."

To most people, the girl's situation was as mysterious as where the hell the God of the Bible was but Noel had better eyes than most. His Evil Eyes of Perception could see the glow of her wild and untamed energy that threatened him to stay away. It was a sacred gear and a powerful one at that.


Even though the girl didn't say anything the wide eyes she had as she scooted back even more was more than enough to answer him. Humming in thought the fear in her eyes increased but Noel ignored it—Morgan would surely punish him for that.

The energy emitted by her sacred gear was subtle, so much so that Noel was willing to bet at least six PS5s that if it was anybody that couldn't see demonic energy—including people like Sirzechs Lucifer—they simply wouldn't notice. It was like a faint breeze in the middle of summer, something small enough to not be noticed and normal even that it would be ignored.

"Morgan, we're taking her in."

It was a fairly rushed decision but devils weren't exactly known for foresight these days. Really though, it was an easy choice. The level of sentience shown by her sacred gear wasn't much—probably around as much as a toddler—but that meant it was nearly or was a Longinus.

"Really!? Yay!"

Cheering loudly the girl screeched loudly, jumping back even further. Standing up and dusting off his legs Noel lightly snapped his fingers for a bit of flare as a magic circle the color of fresh snow manifested beneath their feet.

"Next stop, the underworld."


Holding a hand over her mouth the girl didn't scream at Noel's claim but the wide eyes she sported more than made up for her lack of reaction. However, by the time she even had enough time to do so, they were already back in the Purson territory.

"Not what you expected from hell huh?"

Sporting an amused grin with all the smugness of a child with an expensive toy Noel took a seat on a chair while Morgan wasted no time chiding her bethroed. Tuning the two out, the girl didn't pay any mind to the discussion between the two.

"This is… hell?"

The girl's voice was melodic yet contained a certain depth commonly found in people in her circumstances. In a life as difficult as hers, you start thinking more cynically, logically, and selfishly to survive. That maturity was what made her voice stand out.

She could hardly believe that this was hell, not a single part of it made sense! There was no fire, no eternal damnation, none of it! All she saw was an expensive house filled with so much gold and luxury that she felt her vision swirling.

"That's right. We're devils!"

Despite trying to contain her excitement in fear of startling the girl Morgan couldn't help but raise her voice at the girl's first signs of life. The girl could hardly contain her excitement upon laying eyes on the expensive ornaments all around though it was up for debate whether that was for good or bad reasons. For all they knew, she may try to steal a thing or two.

"Devils? Not demons?"

In her moment of curiosity, the girl couldn't help but ask the question that popped into her mind without thinking. It was a strange differentiation that she couldn't understand, one that led to a mess of theory crafting. 

Devils—or demons— were thousands of years old so they could have fabricated it couldn't they? But why would they do that? Was it some century long plan to ensure their anonymity or was it something deeper?

"It's just semantics. We've got both devils and demons here, the latter just stuck with humans."

Noel's words—as they often did—poured cold water on her excitement as a fierce blush crossed her face. She had a tendency to overthink—it was part of the reason she was so disliked—and once again it caused her this embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed! I barely think at all and I'm doing fine!"

"That's a problem on its own Morgan."

Coolly replying to Morgan's attempt at consolation Noel wore a smirk. Sticking out her tongue at her betrothed the orca girl was caught off guard at the symphony of laughter echoing out from the other side of the room.

Laughing loudly tears formed in the corner of the girl's eyes as she both cried and bawled her eyes out. She laughed for a long time, so long that she actually ran out of tears, before finally collapsing to the floor.

"Well, that was interesting."

Holding up her slack body Noel lifted her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. He was sure it was strange to have so many conflicting emotions. He wasn't sure what she felt—jealously probably—but it was clearly more than she could take right now.

"Is she alright? Humans don't just knock themselves out like that, right? She'll be okay right?"

Pacing back and forth around the room Morgan chattered worriedly, occasionally poking the girl's cheek as Noel carried her to the couch but always soon returning to her pacing. For a moment, the thought crossed his mind that Morgan would be the most worried if they had a child but Noel kicked the thought to the curb.

"She'll be fine, she's just tired."

Swiftly replying to his betrothed with finesse rarely seen Noel laid the girl's thin and much too light body along the large and comfortable couch that inhabited a corner of his room. It was far from equal to his bed but for her, it was more than enough and Noel wasn't willing to share.

"Phew! I thought she was dead!"

"Why would she… never mind."

Shaking his head and removing what Morgan just said from memory Noel magically moved a few blankets over the girl and relaxed. After two weeks, it was nice to be home. He wouldn't be able to enjoy it long—not with Morgan's unending excitement—so he'd make the most of it now.

"What are you going to do with her?"

"We aren't going to do anything."

"What?! You're just going to send her back?!"

Noel had seen many expressions on Morgan's face but none of them were the betrayal she gazed at him with now. It almost made him cry from how independent she was now but sadly his eyes didn't feel like doing it. 

"If she wants."

"Are you serious?"

"We may have brought her here but the most we can do is give her a meal and some money and send her off. It's her life, we don't get a say in it."


Despite wanting to refute his words with every facet of her being, Morgan simply couldn't deny it. Her life was hers and hers alone, if they tried to force their way into it both sides would end up suffering. As much as she wanted to make the choice, it wasn't hers to make.

"But that isn't to say we can't convince her. I'll give you a day, maybe two, so make her want to stay. Not with bribes but out of genuine attachment. Think you can do it?"

"Mhm! I'll make her want to stay so hard!" 

It was the offer of a lifetime—only second to her marriage in Morgan's mind—and Morgan's answer was obvious. It would likely be difficult, maybe even impossible, but she'd do it! She'd force the girl out of the bleak reality she inhabit just like Noel did for her.

"Uhm… can't I just stay?"

There was only one problem in that plan, an issue that Morgan hadn't expected. Freezing in place like Noel's eyes had landed on her the orca princess turned toward the girl with all the celerity of a machinery left out to rust for half a century.

"… I can, right?"

If there was one thing Morgan never expected, it was that she would save herself.


Hey there, Express_007 here. Hope you liked the chapter.

No action this chapter unfortunately but maybe next time, who knows? It should have been pretty obvious, but this was more of a setup chapter than actual development. We've got the new girl, the cool teacher, and a bit of traveling. All in all, it was a fairly lax chapter huh? While I can't say for how many, a lot of chapters will probably be like this so hopefully you enjoyed it. See you next week!

As always, if you're interested in supporting the creation of this novel I made a patre*on. Just look up Express_007 and you should find it easily enough. You don't have to support but it'd be much appreciated.