
Chapter 73

"Valerie, don't you think this is boring☆?" Hoshino Ai inquired lazily, blasts of stardust leaving the rifle in her palm. Her words were long and drawn out like a child's whining and when compared to her two reincarnated kids she almost seemed to be the child.

"It is but we don't have a choice. Everyone else took the worrying ones." Valerie Tepes replied calmly with an awkward giggle. Due to the nature of their powers, they were delegated to pest control and support respectively.

Groaning loudly another blast of stardust escaped Ai's rifle, the ray of light instantly killing dozens of Nilrem mages and the few dragons that lived. It was a pointless endeavor really, everyone's fights already took care of most of the pests.

The two were wildly overqualified for the task. They had the strongest healing type sacred gear and the one made solely for killing, there was no way they could lose. The Sephiroth Graal ensured that death was nothing more than a pipe dream while Ai killed them all.

Star Buster Star Blaster, that was the name of Ai's sacred gear. Or rather, it was the sacred gear of the Hoshino family. It followed their bloodline like a curse, always inherited by the eldest of the family and only moving on upon death.

Taking the form of a gun and a sword, it was a sacred gear born of death, murder, and slaughter. Unlike other Lontinus, there were no uses of this sacred gear beyond killing which naturally resulted in the strongest offensive power rivaling the True Longinus itself.

Quickly turning around at the astounding explosion behind them the two women could only smile awkwardly and groan in irritation respectively. The battle between the three Heavenly Dragons was incredibly destructive and its scars covered all of the alternate space.

"Looks like Ordes is having fun☆…" Murmuring softly and kicking a rock while beheading a nearby mage Ai was both adorable and horrifying. Ai was a wonderful liar, one of the best in fact, but she was also unbelievably childish. It was an odd mix but it was her charm.

"I plan on rewarding you all for your help today. Since you seem disappointed, I'll let you pick first." Damian spoke up, suddenly appearing behind them with Nero Claudius in tow. In his hand was an odd ping pong ball that seemed to contain a slice of the world itself.

"Anything☆?" Ai inquired hopefully, her starry eyes brightening to the point where even a Seraphim would be jealous of her light. Nodding his head her smile brightened further. "Join me on TV! I want to work with you!" She demanded cheerfully, her smile sincere.

"Alright. Valerie, what is your wish?" Damian inquired softly, an unnaturally gentle smile on his face as he spoke. It was so odd that she forgot to react for a moment, her eyes wide and her mouth agape as she looked at her smiling King.

"Uhm, shouldn't we help them first?" Valerie stuttered slightly as she spoke but Damian paid it no mind. Merely nodding his head in response the group vanished, appearing in the middle of the three dragons alongside all their companions.

"Calm down you big lizards. Any more and you'll die." Marcia teased, leisurely spinning the spear atop his shoulders with a wide grin. Ignoring his words the dragons inched closer, growls resembling feral animals escaping their throats.

"𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘱." The unusually warm voice of Damian resounded through the air, the dimensional gap itself stopping in reaction to his words. A pink glow momentarily flashed in their eyes as Damian forcefully calmed them down.

Hurriedly transforming into his humanoid form Ordes kneeled before Damian, his bruised and battered figure covered by rags alone. The battle had gone on long enough, all three were damaged beyond the level even a normal dragon could endure.

"Let's go home." Damian commanded softly with a smile as he lifted Ordes back onto his feet. It was so unlike their King, so completely impossible that it almost seemed like they were dreaming. But it was also about time.

"Hold on! I heard something about wishes? Mind starting there before we get out of here?" Marco spoke, a cheek smirk on his face. Returning the smirk slightly Damian waved his hand in acceptance. "I want a beautiful woman." Marco requested shamelessly.

"Denied. I'll give you a day with your brother." Damian replied coldly, his voice containing a cleverly hidden teasing intent. "And the rest of you? What do you want?" The Mad Dog asked his family kindly, an almost warm smile on his face.

"All the alcohol in the world." Was the drunkard Yan Qing's response. Perhaps it was because of his overwhelming finesse but walking around with all the elegance of a drunk man had an unnaturally intense charm to him.

"I want to fight you." Ordes requested solemnly, his normally cold tone unbelievably warm in the face of the one who saved him from that man. Ordes was a loyal person, especially for a dragon, but to protect his King he needed strength, and fighting that king would do just that

"I want you to listen to my performance!" Nero requested a groan leaving Marco while the others wished they could do the same. Despite her confidence, Nero was horrible when it came to music, so much so that she nearly killed Ingvild many times over their 'battles'.

"I'd like to have a day with Ga-kun." Valerie requested sheepishly as she shyly pressed her fingers together. Perhaps it was because they had seen each other so little for so long but it was incredibly obvious to everyone that Gasper and Valerie had a spark between them.

"I want to meet Amaterasu. If not, I at least want to send her a letter." Hakuji spoke dreamily, a wide smile on his face at the mere thought. Gently patting the entranced man on the shoulder Marco felt bad for his brother in all but blood. Rejection was always cruel. 

"You'll have to make do with letters for now. Try to get closer to her through that for now." Damian advised his pawn who nodded resolutely in response. "And you Ingvild?" He asked softly, his voice warmer than it was for anyone else in his peerage.

Ingvild had been with him the longest even if she was asleep for most of the beginning. She had been the one to comfort him upon his family's death, the one to help him run his family, and the one to keep him stable... well, as stable as possible.

"A date." Ingvild requested calmly, a radiant smile gracing her features.


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