
Dust and Shadows

After waking up, a man finds himself to be stranded in a room with the locked door. Stranded with nothing in the room apart from a closet, a mirror , and an empty vase. With no clue of where he is, or even who he is.

Padapada · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs

1 : Awaken

I woke up because of the banging sounds. It took several attempts for me to get up on my feet with a heavy headache. And by the time I finally got up, the sounds had stopped.

First thing I noticed was that I was in the room that I am not familiar with at all. It seemed to be an empty room. Well, not exactly empty, a closet is the only furniture in this room. The pinkish carpet was spread on the floor, while the wall were painted blue, some parts were now faded, showing the sign of the time doing its deeds.

Then, I saw a door standing beside that closet.

"Why haven't I saw it.." I whispered to myself while I was walking to the door and attempted to open it.

After a few tries which I could only turn the doorknob for a bit. I came to a conclusion that the door was locked from the other side.

I looked around the room again, hoping there would be something else. Still, the room stayed he same with only that closet and a door. There was no window. Panic started to make it into my head.

"This is a fully locked room." Speaking to myself, while panicking. I ran to the door and started using my strength to force opening the door. The door was not even slightly shaken.

After several slams, I fell on my knee, exhausted. Now might be a good time to calm myself down and start using my head.

I started searching my pocket, hoping to find my wallet, a phone, anything. As expected, there was nothing, no phone, no wallet, not even a dime.

After physical searching, I started trying to recall some stuff that is the clue for my current situation. Basically anything would do in this situation. I spent a certain amount of time generating nothing at all.

It's like suddenly I woke up here after a heavy sleep or something, since my head still ached.

Then I realized something. I realized that, I couldn't just recall the reason why I was here, but I also couldn't recall who I am.