
Dungeons or Raids

Sergeant Daniel Falls, is a soldier turn mercenary with a job to join a new vr game to get close to his current target.

EdgeCB · Du hí
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7 Chs

Character building

Her melodic cries filled him with the need to continue as his rough callused hands gingerly played along her soft supple skin. His little brother standing thick and firm buried deep in her soft velvety pink folds, hitting deeper with each thrust. He was close, she was closer, they climax seconds apart as he pulled himself free spraying his hot seed upon her breast.

"Mhmmm, same time next week?", she asks coyly already knowing the answer. He nods as he hands her the agreed upon amount of credits. "Thanks for the business Danny~"

With that she finished cleaning up and dressed herself and left the simple midsized apartment.

Daniel had started this arrangement because his boss had forced him to, as a private contractor for his guild he had been hired on to follow a specified individual and the woman he just finished with was one of his contact's informants her name was left out of the file so Daniel just calls her Cindy. Daniel picked up an envelope from the table quickly glancing at the information he sighs and goes to take a cold shower.

"This job is getting too damn expensive." he muttered to himself as he was alone, once he was clean and dressed he grabbed his keys and wallet and headed out to a nearby electric store as he was now to make contact with his Target via a new vrmmorpg, 'Drop Dungeons'.

With VR still being relatively new, Daniel had yet to experience it. Infact the last game he played was an old console dating simulation in his late teens. So of course the young clerk asked him, "getting this gaming set for your son?" Daniel didn't reply just payed the 12000 credits for the equipment and game then went home to set up.

After about twenty minutes of hooking up wires and install, he checked the update screen, he still had thirty minutes of updates before he could begin. Thus he decided to grab a cup of coffee, and look over the rest of his report.

[Target : Mika Rosé]

alias- Amythest Rose in Drop Dungeons

lvl- 28 elementalist

specialized in Earth and wood elements.

direct contact necessary

all info on her father needed, priority info project Gemstone

It was all just crap to Daniel, he just get info fills out the report and terminates any non entities . It's his job and he is good at it.

Beep Beep Beep

The update finished so he put on the helmet and got comfortable as he ran the program entering VR for the first time.

"Welcome delver to Drop Dungeons, pick your class"...