

"What was that?!" Tom shouted, amazed by the ability. 

For some low-leveled spell to be able to affect him to such a degree...

To say that he never heard about something like that would be an understatement!

"Are you okay?" Cleo asked, approaching the place where Tom fell. Right now, his vision was still flunky, making it hard for him to stand up.

"Yeah, I'm just confused..." Tom replied, shaking his head to get rid of the nauseating feeling that this spell induced in him. 

'Not only does it blind everyone who sees the explosion but also confuses them,' Tom thought, finally opening his eyes and looking in the direction where the spell fell. 

Rather than disappearing as soon as the explosion happened, the red orb of Cleo now turned into a dense cloud of red smoke, making it impossible to see what was on its other side.