
Dungeons & Dragons - New World

The peace of the kingdom is interrupted when a civilization is discovered on the other side of the ocean. The war of the realms will begin, and from the shadows, monsters will arise to prevent men from exploring their colony. Wizards, barbarians, druids, dragons, paladins, knights, assassins, necromancers, giants, cannibals... what to expect from a land never before explored?

The_good_reader · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

The executioner - The most delicious little mouse in the world

"Go on," said the monarch.

"Many years ago, my mother was burned at the stake, accused of witchcraft. I fear I have inherited her gift. Since that fateful night, I can't stop hearing animals. At first, I thought it was the dead, but then I realized I can hear the thoughts of animals as easily as they hear my voice. Some even obey my commands, like the snake I found on my way home, or the cat that stopped chasing a rat when I was carrying a body to the cart and accidentally left the wheel loose and..."

"Calm down, man! Are you absolutely certain of what you're saying? Can you provide any proof?" The monarch's heart raced once again. He had no idea what path he would have to take from there, but the certainty of death was nearly unshakable.

"Unfortunately, yes, my King. I have tested it extensively before coming here. I believe I am a witch."

The confession was no more shocking than expected. The soldiers stirred in their armor, without uttering a single word. The King's right-hand man hurried to the monarch's side, while Rufus himself stared in disbelief at his executioner.

After much conversation, the King and his right-hand man seemed to finally reach a conclusion. Without saying a word, the southerner descended the side steps and exited through a back door, returning shortly with a yellow cat with white spots.

"Listen well, executioner," the King's voice carried serenity, devoid of malice. "This is our hunting cat. He devours any rat that crosses his path. If you can make him refrain from attacking a rat, I will have more faith in your words."

"You can bring the rat, my King." Dominique watched as the cat was placed between him and the monarch. The feline lay down on the floor as soon as it was released. Dom locked eyes with the cat and thought, "Stay there and don't attack the rat that's coming." The cat looked at the executioner, then turned its head as if trying to comprehend the situation.

Then, from the same back door through which the cat had come, a young woman appeared with a terrified expression, holding a small cage by its handle. Inside the cage was a large brown rat with a long, lighter-colored tail hanging through the bars. The woman bowed to the King, causing the cage to sway and the rat to emit a strange grunt (Dom tried to understand what it had said, but it had said nothing, merely releasing a small natural growl). The girl approached the cat, visibly forcing herself to suppress her disgust, and opened the cage, letting the rat fall to the ground. The little creature tumbled and rolled, then, by ill fortune, ran aimlessly toward the direction of the cat. But the feline, as commanded, did nothing. The rat nearly collided with the cat, then seemed to realize the path it had chosen, quickly turned around, and ran as fast as it could toward one of the corners of the hall, eventually disappearing through the first door it saw. The cat, in its tranquility, observed everything attentively while remaining in the same position.

"Would you like me to make him lie down on your lap, Your Highness?" Dom knew he could do it, and it would undoubtedly dispel the King's doubt. The monarch, who was dumbfounded, nodded in agreement, his mouth open and immobile, with his jaw dropped. Dom looked at the cat and thought, "You know what to do."