
Chapter 2: Civilization

So I've been thinking that this world is probably not the one I recarnated in, then that would mean, I world traveled. I might also be able to travel back to regular old Earth. As these thoughts are going through my head, I see what looks to be an elf being attacked by bandits and by the looks of it she's winning. So I decide to transform back into a slime and try to steal the bodies of the people she killed.

She finished killing off the rest and as I got closer she turns toward me and looks stunned.

"Little one where did you come from" - ??

At first I'm amazed that I understand her language but then realize I cant even speak. Then I get an idea to try to manipulate my slime body to make tentacles.

[Skill Gained: Tentacle Manipulation LV 1 / 10]

[Tentacle Manipulation - As a slime you are able to make tentacles out your body and control them.]

Then I form a tentacle and point at the bodies.

"Do you want the bodies little one?" - ??

I really wonder why she is treating me not like an enemy and not attacking me. I am after all a slime. So getting the important random thoughts out of my head, I move my tentacle up and down, hoping she would understand the meaning.

I think she gets the meaning because she starts to gather the bodies and throw them into a pile. This is gonna be the first time I used the system skill devour. As it happens I feel full control over my body waiting for my command, I command my body to stretch over the bodies and consume them.

[Skill Gained: Aura Manipulation LV 1/10]

[Skill Gained: Astra Language LV 10/10]

[Skill Gained: Ether Elf Physiology LV 4/10]

[Skilled Gained: Dungeon Database]

[Dungeon Database: Ether Elf Added]

[Class Level Up: Devourer LV 6/100]

I'll check out my new status later. I transform into the being known as Ether Elf. The female almost jumps when she see me transform. As she slowly inspects me, I as well inspect her.

"Hey, so who are and why didn't you attack me as I know it slimes are considered a monster?" - Raz

The Elf then looks at me and tilts her head and says.

"My name is Mara and for why I didn't attack you, well it's because I feel no malice from you. Also my instincts tell me not to attack you." - Mara

"Well nice to meet you too. My name is Raz. As you can probably guess but I am a slime. You have some wonderful instincts Mara!" - Raz

"Thank you, Raz!" - Mara

"So Mara Im kinda lost, do you know where the closest city or town is?" - Raz

"A city is that way!" - Mara said as she raises her right arm and points in the direction.

"Thanks for the help Mara, but it's about time that I go. Hope we meet again in the future!" - Raz

As I start walking towards where Mara pointed she uses a something like a foot technique to appear right in front of me.

"Can we travel a together towards the city Raz?" - Mara

I start to think of the pros and cons. First is if I want to practice my skills she will then know them. Second is my secrets, while not necessarily a problem, but if she were to find out I'm recarnated or I likely crossed dimensions to get here. But then she could teach me the rules/laws of the land. I definitely need the information to see what they think of dungeons and find out if they purge them as soon as their discovered.

So I decide to let her travel with me.

"Yeah, we can travel together. Also would you mind answering a couple of questions for me?" - Raz

"Sure, I can answer your questions. And thank you for letting me travel with you!" - Mara

So as were walking I find out that dungeons are actually welcomed in this world as they are viewed as a source of revenue for all classes. A dungeon helps a person level up and cleans the impurities within the worlds energy. There are multiple types of energy in this world like Qi, Ki, Elemental Mana, ect... So a dungeon will clean up bad energies stuck as dark Qi, dark Ki , ect... So when a dungeon is found it is generally a sign of great wealth for the world. Dungeons have avatars, so they are able to come out of there dungeon but only if they trust the leader in the area.

So I for one will am relieved that dungeons are accepted in this world rather than hated. So I can build a town inside of my dungeon on certain intervals of floors to make higher tier people to stay on the lower floors, letting them get easier access to lower floors.

When were about to discuss the rules/laws we arrived at the town.

"So were here. Mara can you stat with me a little longer so I can ask more questions and learn about the world please???" - Raz

"Sure Raz, I feel like we'll be together for a long time since I got involved with you." - Mara

So I decide to transform back into a slime and crawl into Mara's hat so I wouldn't be noticed by the guards. She walks up to the gate and she doesn't freak out with what I did. I think she understands that I want to not be in public sight.

She starts walking to a her place and I sneak a peak from her hat and the town looks like mid ages but very clean. The town doesn't have dirt paths but stone paths that act as roads that carages use and there were quite a few at this time of day which is almost night time. I also get to see that world has slaves. I start to make a plan around slaves. The final interesting thing I saw on the way to her house was a magic shop that had multiple magic items and magic books. Looks like I need to make my dungeon fast to earn or create some money for my plans to work

I know I may not be a good write but this is the best I can do. I might improve or might not but please dont read if you dont like my story just move on with your life. And thank you for the support with the spirit stones some gave me. I am usually busy, so I might not be able to post as much. And for that I am SORRY!!!!

Kronos_God_of_Timecreators' thoughts