
Dungeon Showdown: Is it wrong to properly hunt in a dungeon?

Ciel was a Hunt Showdown player, one day while he was roleplaying in the woods, he found a pit that resemble to him a "rift" from the game and after approaching and sticking a stick into it he got sucked to the other dimension and the next thing he knew was he was lucid dreaming he was playing hunt showdown In an alternative world where Crytek actually developed the game (instead putting more paid cosmetic and lore content). One day he woke up as a human boy who just got out of Orario's orphanage... and got "accepted" into Ishtar Familia, leading the kid a painful death by snu snu... Little did he know, but the bayou's greed never left him...

Tarantula_Paragon · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs


As the sun rose and relume the darkness of Ishtar's Familia rookie team "love room" making Ciel felt like he was struck by lightning making shivers like electricity travel through his bruised skin.

'I just transmigrated into a boy who died by snu snu?'

He couldn't believe it. A gamer who was only 9 years off from becoming a sage was transmigrated into a kid who got rampaged by dozens of beautiful women until he died.

He was also surprised by the fact he knows the world and place where he was now from his past world.

Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?

Danmachi, the world where adventurers are the reenactment of heroes fighting for gods who descended from the heavenly deeds, a world full of cute girls from different races, and a whole world-class dungeon to explore.

But instead, I was picked up by girls and put in a dungeon... How fitting.

In the memories, I've got this body was an orphan since he was to be born, it's said her mother was burnt to a crisp and only her torso with him was left intact since she was wearing a salamander wool cover in her armor.

He was born on the inspection table after the guild members responsible for recognizing the corpse noticed she was pregnant.

She wasn't identified but her equipment was sold to pay for his expenses, and he still had more than 12k on him after he left the orphanage.

After looking for an expedition-type familia for three days without success he wandered into the red district and was guided forcefully to become an Ishtar's member.

Then after being consumed by Ishtar herself for three days since he was a good toy boy...

'I can still remember the taste of that whore blergh! Anyway, why this body has this ridiculous long tongue? Anime sht...'

'Also the vacuum chamber she could imitate with all her holes.'

"No Ciel! You can't lose to her charm person spell! Remember, virgin sages need no bitches!"


'I can't even move' I said falling on the filthy bed after trying to stand up and noticing the lactic acid accumulated over his body after the past 4 days of work while being enchanted by Ishtar's talent.

Then after a few minutes of trying to do any movement and hissing in pain, a small amazon walked in and said to me.

"Rasfi told me to help you with the cleaning, novice." She said approaching the bed with a clay mug that resemble the Japanese ones he saw before.

Then she put the mug with a smelling bubbling orange liquid in my mouth before I had the chance to deny it.

"Wait, ~~gurgling"

A warm sensation passed through my muscles and a cold one started on the damaged part after it until I felt relieved to move again.

She smiled at me after I sited erect on the filthy bed.

"Thank you, I need that" said with tiredness in my voice.

"That's fine, I'll have my reward later, "She said licking her lips and staring at me, between my legs.

When I felt that I had fully recovered from the last day's battles as the young soldier*D returned from battle as a scarred bulky veteran after being destroyed by pressure and healed by magic potions multiple times.

'Even teen amazons are like that, those reverse goblins...'

"Heh, at least it will be fun" The young amazon said when she noticed I noticed she noticed.

'at least she looks cute, better than the previous ones...' I thought.

"If you want soo, but we can discuss it afterward... Now can you guide me to the bathroom?" I said to the cute amazon.

"Hmmmm... Alright" she said moving her head up and down smiling with her eyes closed thinking about it...

Then she grabbed my arm with a strong grip and lead me to the bathroom where I cleaned myself while chatting with he.


"I'm Ciel" I said.

"I know, Rasfi was loud and clear last night" she said making a mocking face.

"Okay..." I said.

"Shaya" She said while guiding me to the dining hall.

"Nice to meet Xaya" I said smiling.

She just stared at my eyes then showed a downcast expression and sighed.

"Shaya?" I asked.

"It's nothing, come with me now since you have to eat fast, at 7 we have to reunite and Rasfi will lead us in a training exploration" She said after recovering her's normal amused expression.


The dinning saloon was basically, a self-service, and there I saw the first person with more than 30% of her body covered since I got here...

Because she was using an apron, taking care of the food that was kept in the fire being cooked, and giving it to whoever asked.

"Get what you need and go fast brat!" A huge amazon yelled at me from the back.

I did what I said and asked for the apron amazon to choose for me...

"Liver and kidney... Organs at breakfast? Perfect for..." I was mumbling to myself while walking to an empty table when Xaya warned me it was the captain's table and the captain... It wasn't good to mess with then guided me to another table to eat.


I would ask who's the captain but I already knew from the past world...

Then come to me the realization that I'm now a "cute young man" the second thing that woman "hates" the most...

'F*ck, I also have to survive until Ishtar família is raided by Freya and Bell... since I can't participate as a normal member of this Familia, and farm in the dungeon or that frog will destroy me if she had a chance...'

The come the memories of what that frog do to her toys, and also I remembered how I got to this world.

'The Sculptor's realm! The Pit's of hell, is also the place where the death-defying powers of the Hunters of Hunt Showdown receive their powers with rituals, black magic and sacrifices...'

'If I was in the normal world I wouldn't consider doing such evil things, but in this world, I can probably use surface humanoid and naturally evil monsters like goblins and kobolds as sacrifices, probably the evil beings at that place would be tempted for some suffering and magic meat...'

'It would probably be even stronger there since the power of the legendary hunters who used dark magic was far beyond the imagination of a mortal when they're at that dimension.

'Also how Mr. Chary would wait for the Hunters to become stronger and more tainted by the evil blood and the Sculptor's miasma before performing rituals with them... So probably the more magic it has the stronger the result from the ritual... also the stronger the "being" if it's a summon...'

Shaya don't disturbed me while I was thinking, and when we finished eating she led us to get some equipment for me and then to meet with Rasfi our team leader and one of the responsible for this body's "death".

"Ciel come there, you will be at my side in this exploration" said the amazon with red wine-coloured hair.

She wore a reduced version of those Indian belly dancers, showing her crotch and boobs armor, her weapons where a whip, and a crescent blade.

"Rasfi-sama" Shaya said without the same amusement as usual.

"I see you did a good job, you're responsible to keep him safe if I get my hand busy, Shaya" the older amazon said smiling.

"Yes madam!" Shaya said making a serious expression.

"Then we go, Ishtar Familia!" The leader shout before we went to the dungeon.

"Yes madam! For Ishtar!" the other members shouted back
