
Rathcroghan Part 1

Dozens of companies, hundreds of zeppelins and thousands of people ranging from regular humans to holy rank hunters watched in stunned bewilderment how the ship they previously described as scrap metal incapable of taking flight went from being the last to depart to the first position. Had it been just a matter of speed it would have been an incredible feat, but their unconventional use of the plasma cannon recoil took it to a whole new level.

Needless to say, some of the most daring crews attempted to replicate it with varied results. One zeppelin was unfortunate enough to accidentally hit the one behind it due to poor aim, another ship's engine blew up as it couldn't handle full throttle and fire a plasma round at the same time and others simply overheated, though no one was able to obtain the same results or even gain any momentum. The closer they got was to gain a slight amount of speed at the cost of destabilizing their ship.