
Dungeon Quest: Zeldoria

In a continent torn by war a young knight must venter fourth into a dungeon system of unspeakable dangers in the hopes of attaining an unimaginable prize. Young Ukonian knight Adam must find the spectrum.

Spaz_Dragon · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Memories of Uko

Adam fell asleep as his body gradually regenerated itself. Eventually Adam woke up and his body was in tip top shape. The lad then walked to the next door. The lad descended the usual flight of stairs between floors and the only thing that went through his head was what might be on the next door. The lad then walked through the next door. He saw wolves with black claws. Unlike the other monsters this monster triggered a memory.


A young Adam hid behind a big rock with a man who had short brown hair. The man wore the Ukonian armour for knights with a band that meant he was a highly ranked official. Adam was on the men's right side and on the man's left side hid a boy who seems a bit older than Adam, the boy had long blonde hair and wore a mask covering his lower face, like Adam.

"Look there boys." Said the man.

The boys looked and saw a pack of wolves. Not bigger than dire wolves but these wolves had black claws.

"Those there are dark claw wolves. They are apex predators due to their claws. Their claws are considered the most powerful material on the planet, and they are an endangered species due to overhunting because of their claws."

"Father shouldn't we eradicate this species because if they have the strongest material at their disposal. They could pose a threat." Adam said while looking at his father.

"That's what you think Adam. You think like a true Jaeger. What do you think Ailo?"

"I think we should leave nature be and try to preserve it because it could be beneficial to our nation in the future. No instead we should breed our own dark claw wolves then we would have our own source of darkslate."

"You think like a true Uko. Monopolizing on the wolves usefulness in order to further Uko's growth. You both are growing into your roles beautifully. I am extremely proud. Currently before use there are twenty four wolves. These wolves hunt in threes so we currently have eight groups before us. Adam if we fight what are our chances of survival."

"Looking at the abilities we all poses and the artillery we poses. Then looking at the wolves numbers and their great hunting strategies. I would say we have a forty five percent survival chance and a fifty five percent death chance."

"I'd say those are good chances. Wouldn't you Captain Jaeger."

"Yea they are but we are not fighting today."


Adam let out a light chuckle and looked at the wolves.

"Survival chances seventy nine percent. Death chances twenty one percent. Those sound like amazing chances right Ailo!!!"

Adam said as he turned the whole armour on his right arm into two swords. The lad let out a retched battle cry as he charged the wolves.

Three wolves stood before him as they instantly dispersed with one going left, one going right and one charging him straight forward. As the space between Adam and the wolf before him closed in he tried scissor cutting the wolf with both blades as it simply jumped above him. Adam then anticipated the attack from the ones on his sides blocking their advances. He then used his raw power to throw them to opposite sides. The wolves slides and growled as Adam slightly chuckled.


Young Adam and Ailo walked through the forest as they were armed to the tooth.

"Ailo you sure about this. Father said it was an endangered species."

"If we capture two, one male and one female, we will be able to secretly breed them until we have our own pack then we will show our fathers who will be impressed."

"But looking at our current abilities and artillery we only have a twenty five percent survival chance." As Adam said that Ailo turned to him and put his hand on Adam's shoulder.

"Aren't those great odds Captain Jaeger?" After hearing those words Adam was inspired and his eyes burned with a desire to serve as the high captain by Ailo's side.

"They are my king." Adam said as he kneeled down.

"Now let us grab our destinies Captain!" the two marched forward.

They eventually found a pack of dark wolves with twenty seven members. Adam looked at Ailo who was shaking with anticipation for the oncoming battle.

"My lord we are looking at nine groups. We are severely outnumbered and outmatched. We are looking at a fifteen percent survival chance."

"Too late to turn back now captain! Let us battle forth!"

"I figured you would say that."

Ailo and Adam jumped into the pack of wolves shouting of the top of their lungs a hopeless battle cry. They landed as the wolves surrounded them.


"Yes my lord."

"Don't die until you are dead."

"With all due respect. Your crazy."

"Man guess you are too."

"Anyone would be if they were stuck here with you."

"You ready!"


The two said "FOR THE UKONIAN EMPIRE!!!"

They boys charged the wolves.

*The present*

Adam chuckled and looked at the wolves circling him.

"The nostalgia." Adam said