
Dungeon Planet

Edward Hill Had two turning points in his live. First, it was when he confessed his love in middle School and Second was when he survived a car accident that killed his family. Waiting for his time came. Edward took one last look upon hospital window and by a fluke witness beautifull shooting stars and made a wish as he close his eyes for the last time. This is the story of Edward Hill as he adventures through the new world with his second chance in live.

HappyLifePursuit · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Trial (1)

Edward is tired. Aside from doing punching routine master Benny add more training to his daily routine like, standing in a log with one leg for three hours for each of his leg, Ten kilometers running, Lifting a heavy log hundred times and more punching. When Edward became accustomed to these training, Master Benny double the training, and also told him to punch, and kick a log until his fist started to bleed. The worse part of this was he must do all these training while wearing a heavy manacle. He trained, and trained from sun rise to sun down with tears and blood flowing out of his body.

Edward felt like a black sheep. He was the only one who doesn't hold a weapon. He asked Master Benny for one and the things he got was a smack in the head and lecture about how a man only need his fist, and everything else is redundant. So, Edward could only cry in his sleep and continue Training like usual.

At the end of the third month. Edward status looked like this.


Name : Edward Hill

Job : -

Affiliation : The White Core (ARBOS)

Level 1

STM : 30/30 (recover 5 (10)/hour)

STR : 20 (200)

AGI : 25

DEF : 30

DEX : 23

Skill :

- Basic Martial Arts 1

- Pain Resistance 1

- Tough Skin 1

Unique Skill:

- Star Rebirth

- Supernova

- Star Heart

- Divine Turnip Creation.

He got pain resistance and tough skin almost at the same time when his hand feels less pain while punching a log. The basic martial arts showed up when he broke the log that accompany him all this time. His tear almost flowed. The log was his best friend. It was always there for him whether in rainy day or hot blazing summer.

"A ha ha, why cried over a broken log, Ed". Eris said while laughing. She started to call him Ed three days after Edward coming to this world.

"You monster. Henry is not an ordinary log it's my best friend. It was there for me when I feel sad or angry. Henry presences always manage to comfort me. It received all of my anger and sadness with its body, and never complain about it".

"Ha ha ha, of course it won't complain. it's just a piece of wood, and not a demon tree".

"You won't understand me. Henry could talk just fine, I know it. It always talks to me in a harsh day and lonely night. We even have conversation when no one else was looking".

"I knew it, you're hilarious Ed. Eris said while still laughing". She have never seen someone show so much care for a piece of wood.

"Anyway Ed, let's go get your Status Plate. You haven't gotten it right! I haven't seen you took it out even once".

Eris mentioned unfamiliar word to Edward. He have never heard a status card but from its name, he knows that it was a card that shown the status of its wielder.

And so, Eris brought Edward to a big cave outside of city. He saw a lot of people here waiting their turn to enter. There's various race here like beast man with dog, and cat ear, the short but muscular dwarf, and beautiful looking elf. Eris left him behind after she brought him here. She went to forest to do her usual routine.

Edward waited for at an hour before his turn finally came. Edward entered the cave and saw a door with spherical white diamond painting in the middle of the door.

He was curious and tried to touch the painting but when his hand touched the painting. He was sucked in and brought to a long and wide corridor with only torches on both sides of the corridor as the source of light. Edward advance and meet with an ugly looking monster with a small body like a child and long poisonous looking claw. He decides to call the monster an Imp as it reminds him of a fantasy creature with the same name that he saw in the past.

Edward felt scared and excited, scared because of his not so good experience with a monster and excited because he can finally test his hard gained strength. The Imp saw only and started to run towards him while screaming.

Edward's took a step back, but then he remembered one of Master Benny teaching "Advance, a man always strike first. Never stood still and let yourself be beaten so, run towards your enemy and kill them before they can do anything to you".

Edward took master Benny teaching to his heart and running to the Imp. When the imp entered Edward range he does the thing he always did in his training. He released a punch filled with all his strength, determination, and frustration and shouted " HARD PUNCH".

His punch strike the imp body, making it sail backwards, and bounce twice before it finally stops moving. Edward saw the imp body became particle leaving a small gem the size of a pea and stood still for a moment. He didn't believe that he easily defeat a monster with only one punch. The feeling of his fist meeting the imp body seared into his brain and making his heart beating like crazy. For the first time in his life, Edward killed a living being. He knows that it was wrong, but the adrenaline hormone decrease the guilty feeling and increase his excitement.

He didn't know how express this feeling, and with only instinct as his guide, he shouted his heart out and made a sound like the cry of a baby out of his mother womb signifying the true rebirth of Edward Hill in this fantasy world.