
Dungeon Planet

Edward Hill Had two turning points in his live. First, it was when he confessed his love in middle School and Second was when he survived a car accident that killed his family. Waiting for his time came. Edward took one last look upon hospital window and by a fluke witness beautifull shooting stars and made a wish as he close his eyes for the last time. This is the story of Edward Hill as he adventures through the new world with his second chance in live.

HappyLifePursuit · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

First Round

At the underground arena, In Block 4 where Edward was fighting

Edward is in excited state with bloodshot eyes, and hard breathing

He is still feeling restless and can't think straight from the adrenaline rush

"Are you alright, Sir?"

The staff asked Edward while keeping a safe distance from Edward in case if he goes crazy and attack him.

Edward looked at the staff and finally realized that the fight is over.

He took a deep breath for several times until he calmed down

"I … am good. Never been this good, thank you for asking"

"Alright sir, if you could please follow me to the drawing room"

"Okay, lead the way"

The staff still feeling suspicious as he was keeping quiet a distance from Edward.

The staff directed Edward to a room and stop in front of the door

"Please enter this room sir"

Edward entered the. It was a room with no furniture inside except for a box placed on top of the table standing in the middle of the room.

He looked left and right. There are 13 people including Edward inside the room from the look of it they are the winner of each block.

It was hard to breath in this room with the strong contestant assessing each other while emitting a slight blood-lust.

Edward became tense and almost start fighting when they looked toward him.They are really a cream of the crop in this tournament

(I can't believe it man just months ago I can't even kill a chicken and now I am standing here ready to battle strong looking people)

Realizing he was now part of them is making Edward quite proud

He was now a strong person and can't be looked down any more.

While Edward busy praising himself inside his head a handsome man with a wolf ears and tails is walking toward him

"Yo ass boy, I can't believe you actually make it through the preliminary"

Edward looked toward the voice and saw Julian

"That what I want to say to you pretty boy, It seems your face is not the only thing you are good for"

"Hmm, you better give up now before you ashamed yourself in front all the spectator watching in the Elgo Colosseum"

"Wow Julian, Do you afraid of me wrecking your face so bad now you are begging me to surrender"

"Punk, don't push your luck"

"I am not pushing it, you are"

"Okay, that's it let's settle this here and now"

"your on, Julian

Before Edward and Julian could fight, somebody come between them and interrupt stop the fight before It could begin"

"Sir, please no fighting is allowed here"

It was a man wearing a staff clothes. It seems while they are arguing all the contestant has gathered here

The staff is here to write the order of contestant after they draw a lot

"Count yourself lucky ass boy, If not for the staff your will be down before you could even participate in the tournament"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say pretty boy, but we know whose truly lucky here"

After the staff separated them, Julian and Edward part away and waiting their turn to draw a lot

There are 16 participant in totals who have passed the preliminary round and will fight in the tournament

According to the staff explanation The contestant will draw the lot according to their block, so Edward is the fourth in turn.

"Okay, Sir please draw your lot starting from the winner of block 1"

One by one they draw the lot until the order of the match have been decided

"Thank you sir, now, I will announce the order of the match"

First Match: Steel Bull Hain VS Matchless Tiger Adam

Second Match : Laughing Fist Edward VS Grand Hammer Dave

Third Match : Oswald The Shadowless VS Bow Princess Alice

Fourth Match : Anne The Sword Maiden VS Carlos The Bloody Fist

Fifth Match : Twin Axe Allan VS Eric The Educator

Six Match : Spear Master Andrew VS Sword Dancer Elena

Seventh Match : Speed Star Julian VS Diamond Head Theo

Eight Match : Ancious The Trickster VS Mike The Crusher

"Some of you may wonder about the nick name that has popped up. There is a tradition in Elgo City to reward all the participant that has passed the preliminary round"

(Fuck, I got a weird nickname what did I do to deserve this humiliating treatment)

Edward grab his hair and lamenting his fate wondering if he can revoke the nickname or at least change it for a better one

"Ha ha ha, that name suit you ass boy. Soon you will be a laughingstock for all the people to laugh"

"Shut up, before I truly make you become a star in the sky Julian"

"I dare you to do it laughing fist, let's see if your fist can make me laugh"



In the middle of the Colosseum

Two man come face to face

One of them is a valiant man with a white hair and blue eyes. He was a man from the tiger clan proved by his sharp tiger ears and his swaying tail. He didn't bring any weapon and was bare handed

The other is a barbarian with messy red hair and green eyes. He was a man from the bull clan with a majestic big horn and muscular body. Same as Adam he was also bare handed

They are standing ten meters apart waiting for the signal to start the fight,


The man who speaks with a cheer in his voice is a man with a huge Afro and weird looking glasses

He continues to speaks to put the audience in the right mood for this tournament

He finally ready to start the match when the spectators all cheers loudly for the fight to start




The one who makes the first move was Adam

Like an arrow released from the bow, He shot toward Hain as soon as the fight started.

He delivered right straight with an added momentum from his sprint toward Hain solar plexus.

Knowing Adam intention Hain didn't let him get what he wanted.

He lean forward and place his arms in front of his body in defensive posture likes a professional boxer.

Even with all the defensive measure Hain prepared, Hain was in for a world of pain.

Adam Punch was packed with more power than Hain expected, His arm blown back making him open for Adam to follow his strike with a barrage of merciless attack.

From a right straight to left jab followed by a round house kick, Adam continue to deliver a bone crushing Strike towards Hain body.

Hain reluctant to become Adam punching back took a giant shield that can cover, his entire body out of his inventory and start to defend himself with the shield.

Adam looking at the shield appearance and change punch to a palm strike.

The strike pushed Hain body along with his shield making him stunned for a moment.

Adam didn't let this chance go to waste, He disappear for a moment and appears behind Hain.

Adam attack Hain spine with an elbow strike followed by a strike to his nape.

It was a strike that decide the match as Hain body falls down.

Hain was helpless from the start to finish against Adam and can only become his punching back.