
Dungeon Core Mutation

This the world of heravious where probos race is its supreme ruler and when one day human race conquered them did they realized how feeble ants they were in the vast universe . This is the world of our mc Archlys who's race has been conquered to became humans servant and cannon fodder soldier in wars with other race's . As their servants there work is to conquer the dungeon and mainly provide them the plundered dungeon core . Join his journey where archlys devised a plan to commit the taboo of his race for to literally die trying as through some sheer will [ Mostly luck / Plot armor ] he survived to further became anomaly in the dungeon core to ultimately the terror of Infinite species . ...... [Bit more about our mc ] Archlys is an orphan with analytic personality and no feeble emotional attachment to anyone. driven by hunger for power , he is future terror of infinite species and one and only anomaly of the universe . ...................................................... Hy, I am a new Author , This is My first book Be kind guys You Will see Some Spelling and grammer mistake here And there And as a new author my story telling might be a bit shaky .. i hope you guys comment and tell my mistake and correct me .

ObviouslyAbsolute · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

My New Cheats

[ yes master , master firstly your race 'dungeon core' has became your primary race because your soul has been merged with dungeon nuclei and took total control over dungeon core . ] 

' what!.. so you are saying my soul merged with dungeon nuclei to further became the dungeon core? . but this doesn't make any sense , my soul is not strong enough to even come out of my body and to further merge with it? its ridiculous , and i never trained in the path of soul before , my soul is not that powerful to survive the merger.. '

 [ Master , firstly you should know about what happened you ate that dungeon core ] 

' Didn't i die ? after eating it '

[ Yes master you died after you ate that core , but after your death dungeon core devoured your body whole from inside out and while devouring it also devoured your soul which somehow had some consciousness left inside it ]

[ so master , my guess is because of your soul's survival instinct or because of your analytic trait that helped you stay rational even while getting devoured helped you in this merger.] 

' huum.. ' sigh' so it devoured me whole ... fuck ! in my information i didn't even knew core can devour beings and i think that probos leader is also not aware of this , probably only human upper echelons know about this. ' 

[ And master as people level up they also strengthen their soul a bit , though this strengthening is negligible and people often don't even notice it if they are not on the path of soul power. ] 

' "sigh.." i also didn't noticed it , this strengthening might have helped me and my analytic trait is really a charm for me it even helped me make rational decision even in the soul state.. but its really unbelievable that someone can merge with dungeon core and take control of it ..'

[ yes master , it's really unbelievable and i am sure if someone else try this they won't succeed in merging with it even if they have boundless soul power as nuclei will explode itself before they succeed , so master your successful merging with it is really unbelievable even to me .]

[ master, you can say that you have became an anomaly in the whole universe. ] 

' Anomaly in the whole universe hah... its really a dangerous title to have , if someone knew about this... , i am sure they will destroy me before i even do anything ... hum.. i have to be careful about everything from now on and Humans will come to take this core.. , i have think about something about that too.. but first lets hear everything .. "continue arence" ' 

[ yes master , about no trait , abilities and skill is because when dungeon core devoured master , it also extracted your trait , abilities and skill and stored it in my storage space , master can have them back you just need to tell me and i'll add them into your status and master can use them like he normally do . ] 

' Good! i didn't wanted to loose my analytic trait its my charm .. " Arence add analytic back and also add back Illusionist ." ' 

[ Done master! ] 

' Huum.. you are fast heh.. its good this way . lets see " status" ' 


[ Trait : Analytic ] 

[ Ability : Illusionist ( Epic ) ] 


' Good now continue arence i won't interrupt you in between just tell me everything ' 

[ yes master , As you already guessed it you're MP is exactly same your DP . Its because they are interconnected and when ever you increase your DP limit with disintegrate it will also increase your MP and when ever you devour being to replenish your MP it will also replenish your DP too albeit with a ration of 10 : 1 .. ( 10 mana : 1 DP )] and for intelligence stat it works the same like it did before 1 Int stat = 10 mp and it also increase DP now . ]

[ And master about your stats it's also in my storage space you can add them into your stats anytime. ] 

[ but master i should tell you that you're dungeon abilities are your class abilities as you are now dungeon core ]

[ And master ( devourer ) right now can only extract 1% of stats ( unassigned state ) from being you devours because of your level limitation , it also means as you increase your level you can extract 100% stats in future . ]

[ however Master , can extract all the traits and abilities from being you devours ] 

[ whereas only stats have this limitation but.. every 5 levels master gain in his ( Dungeon master ) class you can extract 1% more stats , so at level ( 500 ) master can extract 100% stats of being you devours ]

[ And master increasing level benefits are not limited to this .. at level ( 100 ) , master can begin extracting soul power from the devoured being and more features of others abilities will unlock itself the more master increase his levels ]

[ Master , see this description of ( dungeon master ) class you can see more feature that you can unlock in future ]


Dungeon Master : As an anomaly this class is made for you and only you have access of this class in entire existence . This class come's with it's own exclusive abilities which you can further upgrade its working and can also unlock more features of said abilities .

Dungeon : The [ Dungeon ] ability helps you remodel floors including environment theme and traps , generate new floors and structure also facilitates movement between floors and teleportation circle . ( Cost Varies ) Locked features :: Additional dungeon spawn . 

Summon : The [ Summon ] ability helps in summoning subordinates and guardians for the selected floors . ( You need to spend DP to use summon ) Locked features :: Extra guardians , Personal generals .

Inventory : The [ Inventory ] ability creates a Infinite space to store everything ( non living ) Locked features :: lower world .

Artificial intelligence : The [ Ai ] can assist you in everything you do from managing dungeon abilities too help you in fights . Ai has instant thinking speed , infinite data storage and a designated storage space . ( You can access this storage space by " Storage menu" keyword ) Locked features :: Flesh body , Sub-bodies .

 Devourer : The [ Devourer ] ability devour beings and extract their Stats , Abilities , traits , skills and bloodlines and store them inside Ai storage. ( You can also restore your MP by devouring beings ) Locked features :: Soul power extraction & Passive increase in stat extraction percentage .

Disintegrate : The [ Disintegrate ] ability break apart the Stats , Abilities ,Traits , Skill and Bloodlines that are stored inside Ai storage to increase your DP's upper limit infinitely. Locked features :: Grade increase . 

Synthesize : The [ Synthesize ] ability helps combine compatible Abilities ,Traits , Skill and Bloodlines that are stored inside Ai storage and it can also synthesize non-compatible things by paying a price . Locked features :: Combine world.


' This.... Fuck! these are total cheats.. ' 

[ master i'll explain more thoroughly . first , ( Additional dungeon spawn ) it give master more dungeon's to control like the one we are currently at ( The ethereal burial ) ]

[ Second , ( Extra guardians , Personal generals ) these two are self explanatory , extra guardians let you add one more guardian in guardian floors and personal generals is also same as it allow master to summon you're very own forces that have access to go in and out of dungeon and additionally they also can command your summons in you're place , though only if you allow them .]

[ Third , ( lower world ) this ability give master you're very own world with a diameter of 13,000 km . master , this world will act as normal world out their in void , it will have its own laws , environment and life , master can also store living being in this world from outside. ]

[ fourth , ( Flesh body , Sub-bodies ) master these two are also self explanatory , first one give me living body too further assist you and second one will make my sub-bodies to help you in more dungeons that master will inevitably unlock. ]

[ Fifth one (Soul power extraction & Passive increase in stat extraction percentage ) i all ready explained you master and Sixth one ( Grade increase ) using this you can increase grade of your skill , trait and abilities by a Sacrificing some other skill , trait and abilities .]

[ Seventh , ( Combine world ) with this ability master can combine worlds that you control to synthesize with your lower world that you unlock in ( lower world ) ability and combined world will characteristic of combined word and base world. ]

[ And last thing that master's age is in question marks is because its dungeons age and to further understand it master first have too know that when universe came to its being it also naturally fabricate dungeon all over the world's and some are even in void floating seamlessly. ]

" hum.. easy to understand this but what you're saying is that my age is in question marks is because i merged with the dungeon core so system is recognizing my age as same as dungeon core's age ....but even then it should know my age based on age of dungeon core , does system not know age of when universe came to its being ? " 

[ No master it doesn't know because system itself came to its being countless year after universe came to its existence. ]

' oh! arence you even know when system came to its being.. '

' hmm... in the information that i stole from probos council which humans provided them it says this system just came to its being suddenly to every intellectual species simultaneously no matter where they were '

[ yes master that's correct ]

' hmm... so do you know who made this system ' while asking this question archlys was nervous as he knew nobody in this universe know anything about who made this system and how it came to its being . 

[ yes master i know who made the system it was universe itself.. or in easy terms you can say it was universe consciousness who made this for intellectual species and for its purpose to make this system i think it was to give intellectual species a way to gain more power and also to keep track of their gained power. ]

' wooo... firstly i didn't knew universe can even gain consciousness but... it not completely unbelievable as i heard world gaining sentience umm.. so why not universe and i am sure universe means no harm to species living in it ' 

[ yes , you are correct master it means no harm as more there's life in universe more it grows so there's no benefit to harm its habitat ]

 yes... now tell me arence why....

' TAP TAP ' 

Archlys almost panicked hearing heavy footstep as he all ready scanned this room and found nothing but dungeon core floating in mid air , before he could say anything , he heard a loud "Thud" accompanied by a deep women's voice in his head ..


Yo author's here as u allready guessed it cz only author writes here ..

yay i will not be putting on whole status every chapter if there's quantitive change of any sort and will just be showing only changes part of it like i dit it in this chapter ..

and the reason for that its because it will take too much space.. yeah thats about it ..

Leave a comment if u found any mistake or any suggestion for me!

ObviouslyAbsolutecreators' thoughts