
Chapter 45 - Sedhulur Background

Luuber didn't mean anything, in cooperation like this the government risked his reputation so he didn't play around and joke.

Moreover, they did not know Sedhulur's real background, it was impossible for ordinary people to get important information like this.

How difficult it is to get the original location, they really understand it, because the government has made its own investigation.

They knew that there were illegal auctions like this, but they never got their exact location, they tried to bribe some archaeologists, but even before they were informed, the archaeologist who had already received a bribe was immediately blacklisted and had never had a relationship with illegal traders.

In the past they once got the original location, then prepared to carry out raids and cleaning.

But strangely when he arrived at the location where they only found an empty shell, these auctions were not in place, after several investigations, the government found that the pelengan had been moved the same day they got information about the location.

There are two possibilities, there are spies in their government, or maybe the information they get is information that is intentionally leaked because the black merchant groups are about to move.

Luckily there was no trap in the place.

Still this failure makes the government headache, this illicit trade has long been detrimental to them, heritage sites are in their territory, and they have made deals with archaeologists, to sell goods only to the local government.

But because there are too many archaeologists, it is difficult to carry out total control, as a result some archaeologists smuggle illegal traders.

After a long wait they see hope, only to be dropped again.

Actually, apart from being detrimental, acts of cleaning and seizure are very beneficial for the government, for example the magic artifacts they confiscate can be owned for free without the need to pay, therefore the government is very active in carrying out cleaning activities and appreciates any relevant information.

At that time Sedhulur came and gave important information.

The information provided by Sedhulur is not only about the illegal auction business, but also the spies who infiltrated the government. The top level leader has conducted several investigations on some of the people on the list, the result has been proven that almost everyone investigated has links to illegal business.

Verifying this list, making Sedhulur's identity even more mysterious, how can he get this info while the government has conducted an investigation but it is unsuccessful? Nobody knows they can only estimate that there are big supporters behind Sedhulur so they can get information like this.

Whether they infiltrate the auction or in government, each choice has a rebuttal and support.

For now the government does not want to take the risk of offending the big supporters of Sedhulur, so the Government intends to provide payment for the information that Sedhulur gave in earnest.

Unfortunately everything didn't go smoothly as they expected.

Seeing Sedhulur's sharp gaze, Luuber tried to explain according to their original plan.

"Clean these people first and you can get the items you want, their address is printed on the map behind it"

This sentence was made as if Luuber wanted to hire a murderer, but the real intention was 'the person you're looking for isn't at this auction, and we can only give their address, visit it or not, kill it or not it's all up to you'

People who have big supporters are definitely not stupid people and can easily understand sentences with multiple intentions.

Of course even though Alan didn't have a big supporter he understood the other meaning of the sentence that Luuber said, the words were actually not complicated.

Even since Luuber provided the information with the address, he made a guess as to why the data was given and the address, then only to ask for confirmation from Luuber.

Alan had guessed but he didn't want the bad scenario, after hearing Luuber's explanation, he just found out that the people he was looking for were not here.

This would be troublesome, Alan did not understand why the results differed from the information he had.

What happened? Has history changed? Or is my friend lying?

Whatever the result was the same, Alan didn't care anymore, he would rather go straight to visit them and finish all of this as soon as possible.

"Well, I will make sure there will be a robbery in their house tomorrow night, so please forgive me for having to go now to prepare"

This time Alan said like a murderer who intends to disguise his murder like a robbery, even though the fact that he is only twisting words from the real truth, robbing is actually Alan's main goal, while killing is only a side business.

Alan immediately got up from his chair and prepared to leave.

Because the original plan had changed, Alan intended to stop by the home of an acquaintance in the past first.


In the morning just before sunrise, Alan was up from sleep and dressed neatly, wearing a high collared coat and putting a fedora hat over his head.

Alan left the inn he rented and immediately walked to a simple residential area.

Only after a few turns, Alan finally arrived at the place he was headed for, in a shabby house that almost looked uninhabitable.

In front of the house Alan saw a boy about 16 years old feeding a horse while cleaning a nearby train.

Finally I found you little friend.

Alan tried to approach and took the initiative to ask.

"Hello, is train service available now?"

"Sorry sir, I only provide route delivery and not to specific places"

Even though Alan said suddenly the boy was not at all surprised, he answered calmly like a professional.

Getting such a professional attitude strangely Alan instead smiled in a strange way and then continued speaking.

"What if I say, I will go to the homes of those who killed your brother"

Hearing this sentence immediately the calm and professional expression on the 16-year-old boy's face was distorted, his expression gradually changed to become more complicated, sadness, anger, confusion and other complicated expressions mixed with not harmony.

I want to show how many questions that have simultaneously appeared in his head.

The boy doesn't understand.

Who is the person in front of this?

How does he know his brother?

Why does he know about his brother's death?

Why did he say those words to me?

What is the purpose of him going there?

So many questions that arise at once only make him confused, what questions should he ask first.

In the end he asked the most important question first, so that the flow of conversation could continue to flow leading to the reason why he said this to himself

"What did you go there for?"

For the first time, he asked one of the questions that should not be asked to the customer, a rule his brother made so as not to offend the customer.

"It's nothing, I'm just going to rob them, if I'm in a bad mood I might kill them too"

A direct sentence like this made the 16-year-old boy startled, he was made silent because of it, he did not understand how someone could say a crime that he would openly do like this.

"Do you want me to avenge you and kill them? If yes, please lend me a picture of your brother. "

This sentence only confused him and felt strange, what does the photo have to do with killing people? If asking for the person to be killed is still reasonable, but his brother is dead, why is this person asking for a picture of his brother.

"No, how can I know you're not lying? Even you might have bad intentions towards me using that photo "

This 16-year-old boy has not seen the world, but he has heard of curse magic that uses photos like this, so he must be vigilant.

On the other hand Alan who heard this could not resist the twitch on his lips. This child was too narcissistic, even if Alan really had curse magic he did not do it on small fries like him, because actions like that did not bring profit and only threw away throw away what's useless.

"What about this, you don't need to give me a picture of your sister, and only show it for a few tens of seconds, it doesn't matter right?"

Alan's main goal here is to meet his little friend, but there are also other small goals.

Alan wanted to use his brother's face for imitation, but imitation could not be done without the original object, it was impossible for Alan to dig his grave, photos were the only way, although imitating using photos was difficult, with Alan's past experience, he was sure he could make it as close as possible.

"All right, I'll give you what you ask"

How to say it,

The week's turn is only 3 days left but there are still 2 chapters left, slightly out of schedule

Night_Farmercreators' thoughts