
Dumped by a Hitman, pursued by his Boss

Leah is unknowingly dating a hitman. She's desperately in love with him and doesn't realise just how badly he treats her and neglects her. Her close friends notice but Leah does not. She bases her entire happiness on him before her entire life shatters when she catches him cheating on her with a hitwoman he works with. She's heart-broken and continues working on the birthday party that her company is in charge of organizing when she meets her ex's boss. Adonis 'Havocbringer' Kane is not someone people cross lightly. He's the youngest Mafia boss and hides his dealings behind his extremely wealthy and thriving family business. He's not one for parties and is known to go to any lengths to get what he wants. He has many enemies but no one dares engage him because of how quickly he's known to deal with 'problems'. When Leah first sees him, there's an undeniable pull she feels toward him. He's strong, charismatic when needed and extremely possesive as their meetings become more frequent. Leah doesn't want another relationship and doesn't trust him but it makes seeing her ex in the same premises for the next two months so much more bearable.

Layla_Everdeen · Thành thị
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204 Chs

Chapter 43


"Anything I missed?" the two top men in the country's most feared mafia ring sat next to each other in an expensive, sleek black car.

Bruce shook his head, "No, boss. That should be all."

Adonis nodded, "Alright then. Let's go."

Bruce and Adonis got out of the car, their feet quick to take them to the location.

The sprinted, their jackets zipped all the way up and a mask hiding their mouths.

Low caps hid their eyes as the men hurried to the location.

They had had to park the car quite a way away and so it took them a while to actually reach the warehouse.

It definitely looked abandoned from the outside and not a single human stood anywhere in it's vicinity.

The moon was full and bright, bathing the area in its glow.

The two men looked at each other.

A slow nod and they slowly entered the wire fences to get into the large space.