
Finding the Medallion (3)

After everyone scurried out of the tavern Jane walked to the entrance and closed it. She peered through the window to see what the people outside were doing. Seeing as how a few looked back at the tavern she hid and locked the door.

The tavern seemed to get darker as the light that came from the windows vanished. Jane hurried upstairs back to room 103 where Bishop and old Tom were.

Bishop was seated on the bed with his arms crossed on one leg hanging over the other. Both of his eyes were closed seemingly in thought.

Jane looked at the bulge in his pants and back at old Tom.

"Care to explain what happened?"

Bishop opened his eyes, he looked Jane in her blue eyes. He had a feeling that she wanted to believe in him but couldn't when a dead body appeared in her tavern.

Reaching into his pocket he removed the medallion that he was sent to retrieve.

"Jameson sent me to collect his medallion from old Tom. That's why I asked you about him earlier. When you told me he was in room 103 I came up here, you said he was with some woman but there were no moans coming from the room. Therefore, I was curious and placed my ear against the door. Seeing how silent it was inside I checked the door and found it was unlocked, that's when I found him there dead. Since he was dead I figured I'd search for clues but end up finding the medallion instead. I'm a good samaritan, therefore, I told you about his death. I should be getting a reward for this, not being questioned."

Jane took the medallion from Bishop and looked it over. It indeed did belong to one of Bishops Knights. As for whether it was Jameson's or not was another thing.

She kneeled down and looked at old Tom's body. She checked his body it was starting to get cold but it was slightly warm. Jane estimated that old Tom was dead for around ten or twenty minutes.

From what Bishop told her his actions could take no longer than two or three minutes. He couldn't be the killer but he was still in her suspect pool.

"What else is in your pockets?" Jane questioned Bishop as she clenched the medallion in her hand.

Bishop gulped as he emptied his pocket, showing a bag of money and a worn out booklet. As for the other medallion, Bishop had swiftly put it under the bag of money. When he sat the bag on the bed next to him he moved his hands to maneuver the medallion so that it was under him. There was no way Jane would find it.

Seeing the sack and booklet Jane squinted her eyes. She wondered if that was everything but seeing how Bishop was showing his pockets being empty she ignored that thought.

Bishop saw how she was looking and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey, what good is this money if it's with a dead person? I'm better off with it than him! I'm no thief, just… think of it as my reward for discovering this before anyone else did."

Bishop figured that Jane wanted a share of his money, but he was not willing to share it at all.

Jane snorted at his words.

"I can care less about that change. What is with that booklet?"

"Don't know I was planning on studying it more once I completed my errand. Seems a little interesting with what's written in here."

Bishop tossed the book to Jane and she caught it. She opened it up and stared at the contents within.

"If you turn the page you'll find that some are missing. I'm assuming either old Tom here was not really a loyal citizen of Roan Kingdom or the person that murdered him took it."

Jane flipped through the pages of the booklet and found that most were filled with information. As she neared the end of the booklet everything was blank.

Closing the tattered booklet she tossed the medallion that belonged to Jameson back to Bishop.

"You can take that, I'm keeping this."

Bishop opened his mouth to speak but seeing how Jane looked and the situation he was in he had no right to argue with her. She could easily push this murder on him and everything he had right now would be gone.

'Best let her keep that, I still have the silver.'

Bishop grabbed the sack and the medallion of Fenrir and put them back in his pocket. He made sure to do it when Jane was still looking over old Tom's body.

Hopping up from his seat he walked over next to her with his hands behind his back.

"So, what are you going to do now."

Jane looked up at Bishop who stood a head taller than her.

"You mean what are 'we' going to do now."

"Yeah, I mean… no, what? What do you mean we?"

"Don't expect a weak woman like me to get rid of this body myself now do ya? Put yourself to work and grab his arms."

Bishop sighed and did as he was told. Old Tom was by no means 'light' he was on the heavier side so Bishop was struggling to hold him. Jane seemed to have it a lot easier than him as she held his legs.

Jane led Bishop to the basement of the tavern where the furnace was. They stuffed old Tom's body in the furnace and closed it up.

Bishop looked down and saw the stains of blood on his clothes. How could he leave like this?

Jane patted him on the shoulder.

"You sure do know how to make yourself useful. Say, how long are you going to stay in town for?"

"I don't know, I'm a wanderer. I go wherever the wind goes you know?"

Jane seemed a bit shock by how Bishop responded. She did not figure he was one of those types.

"How about ya settle down here? I have a few jobs that need to be done and need someone to do it."

Bishop stared at Jane and shook his head. He had to go back to finish this side quest then head on to the main quest. There was no time to hang out with Jane or do more missions for her.

"Sorry, but I have better things to do."

Jane started to laugh a little.

"What's funny?" Bishop was confused as to why she was laughing.

"It's funny because you think you have a choice in the matter." Jane said as she looked at the furnace. She then pointed behind Bishop to a small object on the wall.

Bishop looked at it and his eyes grew wide. It was a freaking camera!

Duelist had special objects that could only be gained through events and a camera was one of them. It was unlike normal cameras as it only worked with mana. The usage of a camera was special as it could only be used a certain amount of times.

Clearly, Jane had used it this time to record her and Bishop getting rid of the body.

"You can't use that against me! You're on there too."

"Mirrors, cameras and the like can't capture my image. I'm like… a ghost I don't appear on them. Call it a special trait of mine."

Bishop sighed as he heard her words. There was a small doubt in his heart but there was no way to test and see if she was lying for now.

"Cheer up, you'll get to do things for me and get paid. I don't think it's a bad job for you seeing as how you like to collect silver." Jane saw the look on Bishop's face and patted him on the shoulder once more.

It was like fate brought the two of them together. She needed someone and Bishop happened to be in a predicament he could not get out of. If Jane did not take advantage of it then she was out of her mind.

[You've become a subordinate of Jane.]

[Jane is no weak woman that relies on others, and she's not a nice person. She runs an underground organization that protects those the knights fail to, and punishes those who think they're above the law.]

"Now that you're one of mine, how about we get you outfitted. Then I need you to bring Jameson back here before midnight."

[Jane's favorability towards you has increased by 5.]

[Quest Info. Updated.]

[Jane has asked you to bring Jameson back to her before midnight. Before you head out Jane is allowing you to equip yourself with gear from her personal stash.]

While Bishop was glad that her favorability towards him went up, he was disappointed because he could not complete his main mission! He was spending way too much time here if he went and did this quest as well the king would have already sent those men out to search for his daughter.

Jane walked over to a wall and pushed on one of the blocks. A part of the wall trembled for a second before it sunk into the floor.

Inside the room that was hidden by that wall was a small armory. It was filled with weapons and armor of different types.

"Don't just stand there, come over here and pick what you like."

Bishop looked at the different equipment inside the armory then his hand moved to his pocket.

Money and equipment were both things issued to the player as they started the main quest line. Side quest would give out rewards but at the beginning of the game, it was usually small amounts of copper.

'Don't tell me… this is actually the main quest line!'

Bishop was confused… why was this so different from Duelist?