
Finding the Medallion (2)

"What's this?" Bishop spoke out loud with a confused expression on his face.

Reaching out he picked up the bag of silver first. Counting it, it came out to be a total of 41 silver pieces, added on with what he already had a total of 56 silver pieces!

Bishop couldn't help but smile feeling slightly rich. His pockets were now fat and he could feel a little at ease now.

The bag of silver entered his pockets and his gaze was now focused on the tattered book. It was worn out seemingly ready to fall apart at any moment's notice.

[Tom's Research Notebook - Worn out]

A notification popped up as soon as Bishop's hand touched the tattered booklet. It was a notebook filled with old Tom's research, but what kind of research was it?

Bishop opened the first page up and saw that it was filled with names, some names were crossed out while others had a star by their name. Bishop recognized two names on the list.

'Why are they on here? What could this mean? Old Tom was a hitman?'

Bishop had many questions but no answers. He turned the page again only to find that there were pages missing. The most important information as to why these peoples names were written down was missing!

Either old Tom tore it out because there was a slight chance someone might find this booklet or the person that killed him took the pages. Yet, why take a few pages but not the entire booklet?

Bishop scratched his head in frustration. The more he thought about it the more questions appeared in his head.

Setting the booklet down he picked up the medallion. It was on a silver chain but the medallion itself was a bit strange looking. There was a wolf's face on it with two red glowing eyes.

[Medallion of Fenrir - Epic]

[A medallion used by Fenrir the member of Myth. When worn grants the user a permanent buff called Eclipse. Grants access to all Myth bases.]

[Eclipse - Gain increases speed and attack at the cost of durability. +3 to Strength and Dexterity -4 from constitution. Every third hit you are guaranteed a critical strike.]

Bishop sucked in cold air as he looked over the medallion. It was too powerful, not even for the stat boost but from the critical rate. Every third hit was guaranteed to be a critical strike! Every gamer knows how important critical attacks are when facing mobs or even in pvp.

Bishop did not recall any organization called Myth but he must have made it up at some point in time. That or one of the other members put it in the game for fun.

As he held the medallion his hands were shaking. He really wanted to put the medallion on and check the effects for himself but he knew that he shouldn't.

Closing the secret compartment backup Bishop grabbed the pants that were under the bed. He had to be thorough making sure he did not miss any silver. Making money in Duelist was not easy, especially in the early stages of the game. Therefore, it was a great idea to stack up as much as he could.

When he patted down old Tom's pants he did not find any more silver, instead, he found another medallion. This one was different as it was golden like the sun and had a cross in the middle.

One was dark the other was light, but which one belonged to that mysterious figure?

[Bishop's Knight Medallion - Epic]

[Medallion signifying alliance to Bishop - The Holy. All knights under Bishop must wear it proudly. Grants the wearer a permanent buff called Holy.]

[Holy - Gain increases resistance to darkness and a boost to spell power. +50 darkness resistance, +25 spell strength. Your aura is warm when worn but dark when not.]

[Bound to - Jameson]

Bishop did not expect to find a whole new medallion in this room. Why were there two of them?

'Jameson? Hmm, that must be the name of the mysterious figure who was at the castle. No wonder he looked the way he did, it was because he was missing this!'

Bishop thought about it and figured out that this item belonged to the man at the castle while the other one belonged to old Tom. How was old Tom connected with Myth, Bishop had no clue.

[Quest Info Updated.]

[You've found Jameson's medallion now it is time to return it to him and collect your reward.]

He already spent enough time finding old Tom and searching for the medallion, now it was time for him to head back and collect his reward!

Bishop put the silver in his left pocket along with the medallion of Fenrir. In his right pocket, he put the other medallion along with the tattered booklet.

He hurried out of the room and made sure to close the door. The corridor was still clear so he did not have to worry about being seen.

As Bishop went down the stairs he made his way over to the counter. Before he leaves he had to complete his side mission.

The blonde haired woman, Jane was filling the glass of a drunk man. She was smiling while listening to his flirtatious words. The man's face was red and from how he was leaning in his stool Bishop knew that the man would pass out soon enough.

"Excuse me." Bishop spoke up interrupting the man and drawing Jane's attention.

"Find what you were looking for?" Jane asked as she noticed the bulge in his pants, clearly he put something in there that was not earlier.

Bishop did not understand the meaning behind her words and just nodded his head.

"Can I speak to you… in private?"

"Don't tell me you've fallen for me? I think there is a slight age gap here and I don't like older men."

Jane stared at Bishop as she placed her hand on her hips. She did not know him but he wanted to talk to her alone with no one else around. She was not new to these type of situations, clearly, he wanted to confess to her.

Bishop waved his hand.

"No, not really."

"Oh? You saying I'm not pretty enough? I don't fit your standards?"

"No! No, you aren't ugly…"

Jane started to laugh seeing how Bishop reacted. She was just teasing him a little.

She walked over to another part of the counter and told Bishop to follow her, which he did.

They were not really alone as they could still be seen by the other customers but they were away from everyone else at the counter.

"Speak your mind, what do you have for me."

"Well… old Tom's been killed. I didn't do it, but someone sure did."

Jane raised her eyebrow hearing what he said. She knew old Tom's strength, he was as strong as an Ox how could anyone kill that guy?

From Bishop's size and the muscles on him, he would not stand a chance against old Tom. He'd be unconscious in one hit.

Jane hopped over the table and dragged Bishop by the arm. She took him upstairs with her.

The customers who were drunk and saw how she acted started cheering for Bishop. Many have tried to sleep with her before but all failed, but somehow Bishop did what they could not.

"Tell me how she rides lad!"

"Let me get a little taste once you're done!"

"The great Jane has finally been conquered! All drinks on me boys!"

Jane and Bishop both ignored the yelling of the customers. Two minutes later Jane came downstairs.

"Damn, the boy finished that quick?"

One of the drunk men in the tavern asked out loud.

"Tavern's closed, everyone get the hell out!"

Jane yelled in a tone Bishop or any of the customers heard before.