
Dude Love

The love of his undead life died five years ago. And for five year's he's been waiting of her return. After five years of waiting , he sees the impossible. She stands in the doors of Fangasia.She's returned to him. He wanted to hold her, his friend, his lover, his wife. She only stares at him and says, "Hi, I'm Sookie Stackhouse." She doesn't remember him. He dies Once again. Will she remember?

Franklin237 · Khác
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24 Chs

Chapter 20 : Vermin

I trust Pam but I love Sookie and I want to show her that she can have faith and trust in me. I won't betray her or use her talents as I did before.

She has to know that I love her for who she is and not what she can do or the taste of her blood.

"I understand." Pam fell silent for a few seconds. A blank look took over her face. Pam has never been one for being shy or beating around the bush.

She had something that she wanted to say but was hesitant. The way that she is acting I know that she is concerned about my reaction. It had to do with Sookie.

"Say it, Pam."

"I hated her," she blurted out. "I know that her death was not her doing but I hated her. I wished that we had never met her. I wished that I had never met her; damned humans."

She dropped her head so that she did not have to look me in the eyes. "They are more trouble than they're worth." She was speaking to the floor.

In the past, if anyone had spoken those same words, I would have killed them on the spot but after Sookie died, Pam was in pain.

Don't get me wrong; she didn't show weakness. She was just as strong as ever. She never cried.

She never mentioned Sookie's name again. She didn't go to the funeral. As far as I know, she hadn't gone anywhere near Bon Temps.

She was a lot colder towards humans than she was before. Sookie's death was the catalyst for her change. Now humans are food and sex; nothing more.

"Look at me Pam." It was not a command but a request.

When she lifted her head, anguish was in her eyes. "Humans are so fragile," she whispered. Her Victorian accent was more pronounced now than ever.

"She called me her friend and she was mine. It hurt me when she died, Eric. For me, it felt as if all that I have loved would soon follow.

I was afraid that I would lose you too." She looked at me when she said that. Sadness was swirling through the bond.

Instantly, she stood up. A chilly and icy glare took over her once tormented face. "I am glad that she has returned to you. Come, we must amuse the vermin." Without another word, Pam was gone.

Soon after, I followed her to the bar. As I walked to my throne, heads turned to face me. They were all looking at me; especially the lust struck fangbangers. When I took my seat, I looked at what was before me.

The dance floor was packed with bodies moving badly to the beat of the loud and offending music. The smell of their sweaty bodies was offending to me.

Usually, I would look at the partying vermin and I would feel a sense of achievement, success and accomplishment. Tonight, I only wanted to feel Sookie. I wanted to love her.

As I thought of my wife, the redhead from earlier was watching me. The beast had me trapped in her gaze. She was trying her best to dance seductively.

As I watched her, I wondered what Sookie heard in her head. I only needed to smile and she I knew that she would come to me.

I smiled; she came.

She walked shakily to me one in those worn out six-inch heels. In a matter of seconds, she was standing before me.

As sexily as she could, which was not very sexy at all, she said to me, "I knew that you would call me to you. I have been waiting for you."

She gave me a sickening smile. From my throne, I could smell the alcohol permeating from her mouth and her skin.

She had the stench of filth all around her. Her neck was covered in vampire bites. What vampires would feed from her?

"You couldn't resist me could you?"

I stared at the woman with disgust; a look that I did not try to hide. My only concern was what Sookie heard when she looked at the woman.

"You did not like my companion this evening."

"No. You can do so much better. I'm what you need. Do you want to know what the vampires say about my blood? They say that my blood is sweet. It's the best they've ever had."

I looked at her as if she was telling a lie. It was not possible.

She let her yellowing fingers trail down her bony, bite riddled neck. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her but not because I wanted her but because she was serious in her pursuit of me.

She really believed that I would want her. She is not the type of woman I would be seen with.

Her hair was the reddest of reds. It was unkempt and it was not of its natural hue. She was thin and shapeless. She had no curves. Her bosom was non-existent.

Her outfit did her no favors. She was wearing a skirt that looked as if it was fashionable several years ago. Her t-shirt was stained. Her make-up was barely thrown into place.

She had lipstick on her teeth; what few teeth she had left. She had no reason at all to believe that she could or would ever stand a chance with me.

"What can I do for you to make you feel better?"

I took an even closer look at the slag that stood before me. I could see why Sookie called her pitiful. Maybe it was nothing that she thought. It could've just been her.

There's a lifetime of abuse radiating from her. Her eyes tell the story; sad, dead eyes. But unlike Sookie, I have no pity for her.

"You can do nothing for me."

She laughed as if I was playing a game with her. She began to walk closer to me; teetering in those ridiculous, worn-out shoes.

"Oh, I can do a lot for you if you'd let me; more than that girl that was with you tonight." She was smiling those yellow teeth at me.