
Dual Gluttony System

Alden was an ordinary young man when one day his village was attacked. With his home burned to the ground, he was hunted down and left for dead. His desperate wish to live is heard by a nameless goddess who gives him knowledge for his eye. Alden discovers not only memories of another world but also a mysterious dual system, (Demonic) Gluttony and (Heavenly) Gluttony. Now in a pact with the goddess, Alden must slay the 12 Demon Gods to restore her power and meet the Creator. Can Alden with his modern memories, survive the merciless world of the Demon Gods?

GreatRedDragon · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

The Next Tasks

When the hour was up, as promised, Yalgri came back and he brought someone with him. At first, when they stepped through the door, Alden almost didn't recognize the person with Yalgri.


"You don't think I wear armor all the time do you?" Nylane said playfully when she saw the slightly confused look on Alden's face.

She was currently wearing a simple one-piece dress that the girls in Alden's village would've worn. It looked out of place on her, her facial features and golden hair were too outstanding for the boring-looking dress.

"Ahem! That ties into what we need to talk about." Yalgri directed them towards the table and they all took a seat. Yalgri was facing Alden while Nylane was at the side between them.

'This feels oddly familiar… wait… it can't!? They're trying to interrogate me while trying "Bad cop, good cop" on me!?'

Alden stiffened his facial expression to not burst out laughing. With his modern memories, he felt that it was ridiculous that they would try a tactic so common in his time.

'They think I'm some country bumpkin from the sticks but I have enough knowledge to see through your poor excuse of an interrogation'

"First of all, I want to thank you for saving me and helping us stop the feral animals." Nylane said as she held Alden's hand in both of hers and shook it in gratitude.

"Of course."

"Now, we get to the bad stuff.. the reason why Nylane is walking around in a damn dress is that she took her armor off. And why did she remove it? Because the undead were chasing her! Which brings us to now, where the undead are besieging the town."


"It's true, it's been 2 days since you and Fleyn passed out. She's suffering from mana exhaustion, using an excessive amount of powerful spells. She won't be back to full strength for a while. Meanwhile, all the wild animals we slew have been resurrected and are prowling the outer areas of the gates."

"Does the light affect them at all?"

"They've burrowed downwards into the ground and lie in wait. If you get too close to their mound of dirt, they'll catch you and tear you apart when they drag you in."

"The rest hide in the forest, waiting for us. As a result, retrieving my armor is not possible at the moment. Also, my ankle is still a little swollen so I'm afraid the magic users of the Lundri Knights are out of the picture for now."

"And that's why Nylane is wearing such a drab-looking dress while the undead hunger for our flesh every night. But with that on, that might repulse them." Yalgri chuckled sarcastically as he and Alden looked at Nylane.

"Is it that bad? I like it, I think it has a simple rustic charm to it." Nylane frowned as it seemed like many others had agreed on the same conclusion. Alden could guess what everyone else was thinking, her dress had the same color as a sack of flour.

"If you're going for a simple look, why not tie your hair into a single long braid? Otherwise, letting all your hair down makes you look a little glamorous for that simple-looking dress." Alden suggested, to which Nylane took a moment to think.

"While Nylane sorts out her sense of fashion or lacks thereof, we need your help Alden."

'I see, they were just buttering me and getting me to loosen up. Here we go with what they want…'

"What do you want me to do?" Alden asked slowly, suspicious about where this was going.

"You don't have to do it tonight, but we need your help in repelling the undead. They constantly attack the four gates at night and we need all the able-bodies we can to fend them off! Next, we need to investigate something during the day. I take it you recall how I said earlier that the dead are rising again?"

Alden nodded to show Yalgri that he was following along.

"Usually, there's a necromancer nearby doing the resurrecting. The undead bear which appears to the leader of the horde doesn't look like it's capable of this."

"So you think it's someone from the town who is the necromancer?"

"It would make sense, yes. Especially after what you told us about the draugr in the mines."

"I recognize the blades you carry Alden, I remember Baron Lundri presenting them himself to those brave souls. To think they died in that dark and dusty mine years ago. I can't help but wonder what kind of place the mayor has let the town develop into." Nylane said in a low and hushed whisper, they were in the mayor's territory after all.

"But you're also telling me this so you can watch me, right?"

"In actuality, Alden, the mayor would've already jailed you or worse. The undead didn't show up until you did. Nylane vouched for you and we managed to extract the smallest of promises from the mayor. He hesitated for so long before agreeing to not jail you completely provided one of us watch you at all times outside this room."

"I guess I have to thank you Nylane, for getting such a nice private room to rest in."

"Of course, although…you are under our purview now. Until this crisis is over, I wouldn't even think about leaving the surrounding area."

"Nightly cleanup crew and investigating during the day, seems reasonable."

"Good, I'll be with you during the day. Kane and Aster will be with you at night." Yalgri explained as he started to lay out the sorts of things they would be doing.

"To be honest here Alden, we came to audit the situation here. The mayor runs a tight ship so we can't complain since we need the resources extracted here. But if his actions have somehow caused a damn necromancer to appear here, we will take control of the town back with force if need be!"

"This seems to have gotten very troublesome. But as long as it leads back to the necromancer with the Demon god traces, you'll have to endure this." Daiyu shook her head as she looked over Alden's shoulder at the plans Yalgri was showing.

Meanwhile, Nylane had just finished tying up her hair when she noticed something about Alden again.

'There it is… that strange shimmer is near Alden just like last time. Is that a part of his power? Or is it something else?'

He had saved her life and was a decent enough person, and yet still Nylane couldn't ignore the small doubt in her heart.