
Dual Cultivation in Naruto

“What the fuck? UNDERWEAR?” Miles shouted, shocked at his bad luck. All he wanted was to fulfil his late childhood friend’s dream of climbing a mountain. Not die by crashing underwear. His eyes widened in disbelief as the meteor grew closer. “Whoops, apologies,” a mysterious figure of a man appeared before Miles could react. “Don’t mind me, just picking up my undies.” “Am I still alive?” Miles blurted in confusion. “Well, not really, but good news! As compensation for this um…” the man paused as he lifted his undies with a finger. “I can offer you a specially good reincarnation of your choice…” “WHAT?! YOU KILLED ME?!” Miles hollered. “Oh, I’ll even throw in three lucky draw gifts too!” When the guy who claimed to be Rob god was sending Miles in Naruto world through portal someone manipulated and send him to a chaotic Naruto world in which even the god think hard to survive. "What? I am Shisui's adopted brother ?" "Kushina joined akatsuki ?" Why is many characters became female ?" NOTE:- This is my original Fanfic Get ready for a wild ride with my fanfic! I've come up with an epic story full of surprises and suspense that'll keep you hooked. And if you're dying to find out what happens next, head over to my Patreon page for early access to the best bits. Let's go on this adventure together and make this story come alive. Your support means the world to me! Support me on patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/Yamraaj_021

YAMRAAJ_021 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

What's his name?

After defeating the ninja, Shisui turned to Miles and picked him up. As he held the child in his arms, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his unexpected help. "Little guy, you really saved my life back there," he said with a chuckle. "If it weren't for you, I might have been seriously injured or worse."

Miles just stared at Shisui with wide eyes, and Shisui couldn't help but smile at the innocent child. "You know what?" he continued. "You and I make a pretty good team. How about I take you under my wing and make you my little brother?"

As he spoke, he saw a hint of a smile on Miles' face, and he knew he had made the right decision. "From now on, we're family," he said with a grin.

After that, Shisui came near the dead body of the Mist Village ninja he just killed. He crouched down and picked up a small bag from the ninja's body. He opened the bag and moved his hand inside, taking out a big crystal that emitted pure energy from within. Shisui exclaimed, "Supreme grade chakra crystal. I'm getting rich hehehe." He looked through the other crystals but found that the supreme grade chakra crystal was the highest grade among them.

As for Miles, he was happy when Shisui said he would adopt him as his little brother. He watched as Shisui walked back towards the Mist Village ninja he killed. Miles thought that Shisui was going to burn him or do something bad to him, but instead, Shisui started searching for something on the ninja's body. He took out a small bag and moved his hands inside, taking out a big beautiful purple crystal.

'What's that?'he thought to himself, trying to make sense of the situation. 'I've never seen anything like it before.' Miles was shocked as it was his first time seeing such a beautiful crystal. Shisui said it was a supreme grade chakra crystal, but Miles didn't know what he was talking about. He remembered that he hadn't seen or read anything about chakra crystals before in Naruto anime. He thought that something was wrong, but he didn't understand what it was.

Shisui noticed Miles looking at him and the crystal, so he turned to him and said, "This is a chakra crystal. It's a rare and valuable resource for ninja. They can be used to enhance our abilities or sold for a high price. You will know when you grow up, how important this is."

Miles tried to process the information as best he could, still not fully understanding the concept. He just nodded in response.

"Let's go, it's abnormal for a Jonin rank ninja to suddenly appear here, so he must have some ally. It's better to leave before any more danger comes," Shisui said to Miles as he picked him up and started to move away from the scene. As they walked away, Shisui thought to himself, 'What am I trying to teach a child something he can't understand yet?' But he was also surprised to see that Miles nodded, as if he understood what was happening.


As Shisui and Miles left the area, a group of four people suddenly appeared. They were shocked to see what had happened, especially the dead body of their comrade lying on the ground. One of them muttered, "What the hell happened here? He only came to loot from those bandits, and now he's been killed."

"What happened here?" one of them asked, his voice shaking with fear. "Did you see who did this?"

The group carefully examined the scene, trying to piece together what had occurred. They noticed the signs of a fierce battle, but they couldn't find any clues about who the attacker might have been.

"I didn't see anything," another replied, eyeing the body warily. "But whoever did this must be powerful. Look at how easily they took down our comrade."

After a few moments of confusion and frustration, one of them said, "We need to report this to the village. Maybe they can send some kage level ninja to investigate and figure out who did this." The group gathered their fallen comrade and quickly left the area.

Shisui and Miles made their way towards the Hidden Leaf Village. Miles was too weak to see anything as they moved quickly, and he drifted in and out of consciousness. Shisui held Miles carefully in his arms, making sure not to jostle him too much.


Shisui and Miles finally made their way to the Hidden Leaf Village and arrived at Shisui's house. As Shisui entered his house, he was greeted by Mayuri Chan, a beautiful young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties. She had long black hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing a simple yet elegant kimono that accentuated her curves. As soon as she saw Shisui, she rushed towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Welcome back,Shisui-kun . I missed you so much," Mayuri Chan said, her voice full of love and affection.

Shisui hugged her back and smiled, "I missed you too, Mayuri-chan."

As Mayuri looked at the little boy in Shisui's arms, she asked, "Who is this little one? And why are you carrying him?"

Shisui then proceeded to explain the whole incident to her, how he had saved the boy's life and had decided to adopt him as his little brother. Mayuri listened attentively, nodding along with the story.

As he finished, Mayuri's expression softened and she gave him a warm smile. "You have a big heart, Shisui. I'm glad you were there to save this little one." She then looked down at Miles, who was still sleeping soundly in Shisui's arms, and gently stroked his hair. "He's so small and innocent. It's a good thing he alerted you, who knows what could have happened if he hadn't."

Shisui nodded in agreement, "Yes, I owe this little one my life. I think he's special in some way, there must be a reason he was there and able to warn me."

Mayuri's eyes sparkled with curiosity, "Do you think he has some sort of special ability?"

Shisui shrugged, "I don't know, but I have a feeling he's not just an ordinary child. He saved me from that ninja, after all."

Mayuri nodded, "Well, we'll have to wait and see. For now, let's give him a warm welcome to our home." She then turned to Shisui and asked, "What's his name?"



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