
Dual Cultivation in Naruto

“What the fuck? UNDERWEAR?” Miles shouted, shocked at his bad luck. All he wanted was to fulfil his late childhood friend’s dream of climbing a mountain. Not die by crashing underwear. His eyes widened in disbelief as the meteor grew closer. “Whoops, apologies,” a mysterious figure of a man appeared before Miles could react. “Don’t mind me, just picking up my undies.” “Am I still alive?” Miles blurted in confusion. “Well, not really, but good news! As compensation for this um…” the man paused as he lifted his undies with a finger. “I can offer you a specially good reincarnation of your choice…” “WHAT?! YOU KILLED ME?!” Miles hollered. “Oh, I’ll even throw in three lucky draw gifts too!” When the guy who claimed to be Rob god was sending Miles in Naruto world through portal someone manipulated and send him to a chaotic Naruto world in which even the god think hard to survive. "What? I am Shisui's adopted brother ?" "Kushina joined akatsuki ?" Why is many characters became female ?" NOTE:- This is my original Fanfic Get ready for a wild ride with my fanfic! I've come up with an epic story full of surprises and suspense that'll keep you hooked. And if you're dying to find out what happens next, head over to my Patreon page for early access to the best bits. Let's go on this adventure together and make this story come alive. Your support means the world to me! Support me on patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/Yamraaj_021

YAMRAAJ_021 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Shisui Uchiha

Shisui Uchiha stood at the edge of the village, scanning the area for any signs of the bandits who had taken control. His Sharingan spun wildly, taking in every detail of the scene.

"Man, these bandits really messed up this place," Shisui muttered to himself. "Can't let them get away with this."

Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes. He turned his head sharply, ready for an attack. But all he saw was a small, trembling rabbit.

"Phew, just a rabbit," Shisui said, relaxing his shoulders. "Better get back to business."

He continued his search, leaping over fallen trees and dodging traps set by the bandits. Finally, he saw them - a group of five men, gathered around a campfire.

"Looks like I found the party," Shisui said with a smirk.

He snuck closer, making sure to stay in the shadows. As he drew nearer, he could hear their conversation.

"This is great, boss," one of the bandits said. "We're making a fortune from this village. No one can stop us now."

"That's right," the leader replied. "No one can stand in our way."

Shisui rolled his eyes. "Arrogant jerks," he muttered.

Without warning, he charged towards the bandits, his chakra surging within him like a raging inferno. The bandits scrambled to their feet, grabbing their weapons as they saw him approaching. They were no match for Shisui's speed, however, as he moved like a blur, effortlessly dodging their strikes and closing in on them.

In one swift movement, he formed the necessary hand seals and unleashed a powerful fireball jutsu. Flames shot out from his mouth, enveloping the bandits in a searing inferno. They screamed in agony as they were consumed by the flames, their cries echoing across the village. Shisui continued to unleash a barrage of fireballs, burning through the bandits like a knife through butter.

"Damn," he muttered to himself. "Why does it always have to be this way?"

Shisui stood there for a moment, panting heavily as he surveyed the aftermath of his attack. Suddenly, a cry caught his attention. He turned to see a small child, no older than two, staring up at him with wide, tearful eyes.

"Hey, little guy," Shisui said softly, crouching down to the child's level. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you."

But the child just stared at him, his cries growing louder.

"Uh, what do I do now?" Shisui thought, feeling a bit out of his element. He had never been good with kids.

As he stood there, unsure of what to do, the child suddenly reached out and grabbed his finger tightly.

"Whoa," Shisui said, surprised. "You...you want me to hold you?"

The child nodded, still clinging to Shisui's finger.

Miles Pov

Miles was ecstatic as he stepped into the portal, saying goodbye to ROB God. He was traveling smoothly, feeling like he was on top of the world. But suddenly, the portal became chaotic, and he felt like he was being slammed by red lightning bolts. It was painful, and his head throbbed with every strike. Then everything went black, and he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found himself in the middle of a fight. He looked around, and he saw a guy fighting off some bad guys with fireballs. He was confused and scared, but he couldn't move or speak. When the fight finally ended.


"Whaaaaa!"Miles wanted to say something to the man who was fighting, but as he opened his mouth, Shisui looked at him with concern, "Hey, it's okay little guy. Don't cry." Miles continued to cry.

"Whaaa, whaaa!"

"It's okay, I won't hurt you," he said. Miles felt safe in his arms and stopped crying, grabbing onto Shishui's finger tightly. As they were walking away, Miles pointed his finger behind Shishui, trying to show him something.

"What is it, little guy? Do you see something?" he asked, but Miles didn't say anything, just continued to point. Shisui turned around, but he didn't seem to understand what Miles was trying to say.

Suddenly, an attack came at Shisui, and he quickly used his Body Flicker technique to avoid it. Miles watched in awe as Shisui disappeared and reappeared a bit further away, placing him on the ground. Miles tried to say something again, but the words wouldn't come out, only more cries, then he reappeared to face his attacker.

The man was from the Hidden Mist Village, and he was a Jonin rank shinobi. "What the hell? How did a kid screw up my plan?" he grumbled. Shisui replied with a smirk, "Looks like you underestimated me." The man charged at Shisui with a Kunai in his hand, but Shisui was quick to dodge his attacks.

"You're not bad," the man said with a grin. "But you won't be able to defeat me." He used a Jutsu to create a thick fog around them, making it difficult for Shisui to see.

But Shisui was a skilled ninja. He then activated his Mangekyo Sharingan, and his eyes glowed a bright red. The man was taken aback, but he didn't let it affect him. He continued to attack Shisui, who used his Body Flicker technique to evade the attacks. Shisui then appeared behind the man and punched him in the back. The man stumbled forward, but he quickly regained his balance and turned around to face Shisui.

"Impressive," he said with a smirk. "But you'll have to do better than that." The man then used a Water Release Jutsu to create a giant wave, which was heading straight towards Shisui. Shisui quickly used his Body Flicker technique again, and he appeared behind the man once more. He then used his Fire Release Jutsu to counter the water wave.

The two ninjas continued to exchange blows, and it was clear that they were evenly matched. But Shisui's Sharingan gave him an advantage, and he was able to anticipate the man's attacks. Finally, Shisui saw an opening and took it. He used his Susanoo to trap the man in a cage, effectively ending the fight.



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