

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs


Amara's eyes tremble at the sight of the headless body. Alixandre's head came to a full stop as his eyes landed on the trio of women who looked at him with pity. No one's eyes left the presumed dead man, waiting for him to miraculously heal himself.

"You killed him," Amara whispered.

" Daughter, I swear you will forgive me in the future, but this boy is in the middle of the war. The evil factions of demons know they can't get Pondwell's resources, but every divine family seers had the same vision about the crimson moon and the red sky. They want to use him to destroy the divine families residing in Pondwell. My spies caught wind of it a few months ago, that the prophecy was slowly being fulfilled. Even his sister Veronica knew what was happening. She bragged about the downfall of the Alexanders!"

" So what now Steffon?" Fenrir was furious, but he couldn't disprove any of Steffon's points. He saw the death and destruction the crimson wolf caused. The vision of the two blood-red moons, illuminating the red sky, shedding light upon thousands of dead bodies flashed through his mind. It was a genocide no one could stop. He never met Alixandre to determine how true the visions were, but from what he heard from Steffon and Amara, he knew the prophecy wasn't too far off.

" Demons will still wage war against Pondwell. Your family shares the responsibility to protect its citizens just as much as the Alexander's do. Or did you forget that it's a dual monarchy?"

" Your sassy remarks will get us nowhere. The demons won't make a move for some time. We still have time to strengthen our forces. Get rid of his body and lie to his parents."

Suddenly, everyone could feel chills on their spines. Blood from the headless corpse of Alixandre shot toward his head and reattached to Steffon's horror.

" Impossible," Steffon said softly. Scarlett wasn't surprised. She'd been curious about Alixandre's healing ability. She knew he should've died when his stat went over the cap.

A blue and ominous aura erupted from Alixandre's body. Scarlett could feel the hair standing on the back of her neck. Fenrir and wolves prostrated themselves causing the other to look at them oddly. The maids shivered in fear, some even soiled themselves.

' He's here.'

Fenrir had felt this presence before, from the howl he heard a while back. Alixandre's body gradually rose off the ground, hovering just inches from the floor. His eyes slowly opened, exposing a bright blue light where his eyes were supposed to be. The only people not afraid were Amara and Sophia, who felt nothing but warmth and love from the powerful energy.

" You were right about my successor," Astus said. His deep and powerful voice shook the building around them.

" Alixandre isn't a good person. He's highly emotional and unstable. A true killer in every sense of the word, but he was not born this way. Life can you for the better or worse, but I've warned you." Alixandre's eyes fell on Scarlett who looked at Alixandre's floating body in awe. She's never felt a presence so strong and dangerous in her life.

" You can't kill someone who can't die. Alixandre is in a deep coma, reliving his worst memories over and over again. He won't wake for a long time, but when he does, I'm not sure if I will be able to deter him from his destiny. He's slowly destroying the seal I placed on my dormant power in his body. He will inherit the strength of a primordial god, even if it destroys him. He is angry. I've never felt such hostility in all my years of living. I don't want to see my planet in ruins, so I'll tell you the way to stop him when the day comes."


" I can't believe they all stood by and watched Steffon kill me!"

Alixandre was in the white corridor, talking to the protector of his darkest memories.

" Yeah. How could they let him kill us! They wanted us dead this whole time!" the boy said.

Alixandre and the protector had been having this same conversation for a year and a half now. The boy wouldn't allow him to leave. Instead, he forced him to watch the hundreds of memories to pass time.

" I don't even know how long I've been here. I wonder how Amara and Sophia are doing."

" They're probably fucking some dudes behind our backs."

" Shut up Orion!" Alixandre punched him on top of the head.

" What else can we do besides, look at the past? I'm not going to lie, it's kinda depressing," Alixandre said.

" This is your world. You can do whatever you like."

" Why the hell didn't you say that the whole time I've been here!" Alixandre tried to hit Orion again but Orion ran and Alixandre chased him.

" Get back here, you little runt!"

" Catch me if you can slowpoke!"


Sophia brought a plate of mashed fruits and vegetables to Alixandre's room, where he lay down with a slight smirk on his face.

" Say ahh."

She scooped up a spoon full of apples and fed the little baby boy sitting beside Alixandre on the bed. He had slightly tanned skin, curly dark blonde hair, a slightly wide nose, and ruby red gem-like eyes.

" Dada is going to wake up soon so you have to eat your veggies and fruit so you can be strong enough to play." Sophia flexed her muscles and Silas burst out laughing.

' I hope he wakes up soon.'


Alixandre had his hands on his knees, huffing, and puffing. He didn't know how long he'd been chasing Orion, but at that moment, he couldn't run anymore.

" There's no way you're tired now. We haven't played that long," Orion said. Even though Orion said it, Alixandre didn't believe him.

" You said I could do anything in this space. Can I train? It's kind of embarrassing to not be able to catch a kid in the hallway," Alixandre said. He was here for almost two years and hadn't caught the boy once.

" Sure. Do you want to fight me?" Orion said.

" No, I want to fight Astus."

Immediately, a door materialized and Astus walked out of it.

" You called for me, successor?" Astus could barely look him in the eye after witnessing his horrific memories. He didn't feel fear, but something he felt was something close to it.

" You know the doggy?" Orion said.

" Yeah, we're best friends." Alixandre locked eyes with Astus. " I don't know how long I've been here, but I'm sure time is wasting away and I need a training partner. Do you have a human form?"

Astus slowly changed from a wolf to a human. He had long thick silver waist-length hair with two strands in the front that went down to his exposed chest. His silver fur covered everything besides his neck, chest, abs, and face. He wore blue dogi pants with a black jewel encrusted belt that went down to his knees. Astus was a handsome older male with a diamond-shaped head, golden eyes, and an extended silver goatee.

" I'm sure you had all the women during your time," Alixandre said.

" Thank you, successor. "

" Enough with the formalities. Train me."

" Are you planning on taking revenge against the Scarlett's family?"

" Hmmmm... Why would you care? Are you afraid that I might lose my marbles and go crazy? Don't worry, I won't cause Amara and Sophia that much pain. I already forgave Steffon for trying to kill me. I'm just bored and need someone to train with. Who better than a god."

Astus looked Alixandre in the eyes. He couldn't tell if he was lying or not, but his vessel had to get stronger.

" I'll train you, but please keep your word. Please forgive them."

" I'll think about it."