


MonarchXD · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

The Day Before, Last Preparation

In the two days leading up to the competition, Cyrus spent his time exploring various hunter/awakener markets in search of ways to spend his hard-earned currency. Despite accumulating a substantial amount, he found it challenging to locate useful items that would give him an advantage during expeditions. However, his search led him to a shabby workshop that sold a range of equipment such as headgear and chest armor, all boasting impressive stats. Sadly, these items were of no use to him since they would instantly burn when he activated his Overloaded Heat ability, effectively restricting him from buying them.

Cyrus searched the shop for an item that could withstand fire damage but had no luck. However, he stumbled upon an unexpected item behind the shopkeeper - an orange and dark-colored mask resembling the facial structure of the Fire Ant he had defeated earlier. The mask covered only the mouth and nose, giving it a stylish appearance. He realized that the dissected Fire Ant materials were sold to a workshop that had crafted this item. Intrigued, Cyrus approached the shopkeeper and asked about the item.

"Hello there, how may I assist you today?" the shopkeeper asked.

"I'm interested in that orange mask behind you. Can I take a closer look?" Cyrus replied.

"Absolutely, this mask was just crafted by our blacksmith a few hours ago. It's based on the popular military ant-shaped design that hunters often use. It even comes with a respirator filter to protect against smoke, fumes, air pollution, and germs. Here, take a look," the shopkeeper explained, presenting the mask to the customer.

[Name: Tactical Fire Ant Mask

Item Type: Face Mask (Crafted)

Rank: D

Descriptions: A wearable face mask that has been crafted using the facial scales of a Fire Ant's monster and a [Fire Elemental Stone(Rank E)]. The mask has been strengthened to have an affinity with the fire element, making it resistant to fire and providing a certain level of protection to the wearer. It has an ant-like design and has been made to accommodate other headwear such as helmets, ear protectors, and goggles. Additionally, the design includes an air filter to provide the wearer with clean air.

*Item is Immune to fire damage.

*Item helps filter out air, reducing the chances of inhaling dangerous ailments.

*Increases Fire Resistance by 5%.]

"Wow, this item is amazing! It'll save me from having to wear a medical mask, and it provides fire resistance and air filtration too." Cyrus exclaimed.

"How much does it cost?" he asked the shopkeeper.

"It's priced at 15,000 credits." the shopkeeper replied.

Cyrus was taken aback by the steep price. He only had 18,000 credits from selling the materials he obtained from hunting monsters. Buying the mask would leave him with barely enough to cover his rent and expenses for two or three months. Despite this, he had scoured many markets and had yet to come across an item as useful as this.

As he contemplated his decision, a sudden noise startled him. A burly old man emerged from a door on the right, carrying a pair of goggles with similar colors to the mask that Cyrus was interested in. The man's hair was grey and long, his face tan from exposure to bright flames, and his brow barely visible due to the harsh work he endured, causing his hair to burn away from the sparks. He was drenched in honest and hardworking sweat.


"I have some materials left, so I made goggles that match them. Try selling the mask and goggles together if possible."

"Got it, Boss!"

"Hey, kid. Are you buying something? If not, we're about to close the store."

"Actually, Boss, he's interested in buying the mask you mentioned."

"Oh... The mask will cost you 20,000 credits."

"What? He just said it would be fifteen!"

"Take it or leave it, kid."

"...I don't have that much money. I'll pass. Goodbye."

"Wait, kid. You're not much of a haggler, are you? How about this: I'll sell you the mask for 13,000 credits if you start buying equipment only from us and sell any monster parts you find in gates to us. If you do, I'll also craft any item you request with a 10% discount from the market price. How does that sound?"


This proposition seemed to be a great opportunity for him. By becoming a loyal customer, he could reap long-term benefits and avoid relying solely on the Hunter's Association. He could also establish connections with individuals outside the association who weren't influenced by its decisions.

"Okay, I'll accept your offer, but only if you include the goggles."

"Agreed. This is a gentleman's agreement, but let me be clear: if I ever catch you trading with any store other than ours, there will be serious consequences."

"I'm a man of my words."

"Pleasure doing business with you," Cyrus added as he received the mask and goggles from the old man. He examined the new goggles to ensure they were functional and felt pleased when he confirmed they were. Satisfied with his purchase, Cyrus left the store feeling overjoyed with his new gear.

[Name: Tactical Fire Ant Goggles

Item Type: Goggles (Crafted)

Rank: F

Descriptions: These goggles are crafted by a skilled blacksmith who uses the facial scales and cornea of a Fire Ant monster. Because of their composition, the goggles are impervious to fire damage and have dark lenses that provide a natural light filter.

*Item is Immune to fire.]

"Hey boss, I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"I noticed that you made an exclusivity deal with him. That's something new for you, isn't it?"

"I have spent years as a blacksmith, immersing myself in the flames of the forge and enduring the searing heat of burning sparks embedding themselves into my skin. Eventually, I reached a point where I could no longer feel the pain. However, this young man's mere presence has ignited within me a sensation that I thought I had lost forever. It's as if he possesses a fire within him, much stronger than anything I have ever experienced."

"I see. So, what should I do now?"

"Let's close up shop for the day. You can start cleaning."

"Yes, sir!"