
Chapter 10: Part 3-3

Sitting alone in his living room, Mark Messner was having some trouble. It was noon on Sunday and the young thief was sitting on his living room sofa in nothing but a simple pair of gym shorts. The goal was recuperation.

But it was difficult to focus on recuperating when it felt like everything was reminding Mark of all the fun he wasn't having at the moment.

For instance, the television was taunting him. No matter what channel he turned to, there was something to remind him about sex, about women, about sex with women. A women's volleyball match playing on one of the ESPNs. Changing the channel only to be greeted with a Victoria's Secret commercial. Even flipping through to a nature documentary had him getting an eyeful of lion mating habits.

That last one didn't particularly turn him on, but it certainly reminded him of sex. And when Mark's only guest at the moment was a very willing, very beautiful woman, his caveman brain was almost certain to conjure up some impure thoughts.

And of course, Diana chose that moment to join him in the living room. She was near-completely nude, her tanned, luscious body totally bare but for the silver bracers she wore on her wrists.

Spent as he was, Mark couldn't resist getting an eyeful. His gaze was fixed firmly on the woman's lovely rear as she rounded the coffee table. She took a seat on the smaller sofa to the side and Mark was disappointed to lose sight of such a luscious, well-sculpted ass. His loss was quickly mitigated as Diana playfully flipped her mane of black hair over her shoulders, giving him an unobstructed view of her bosom.

Mark nearly groaned at the sight. Large, proud, and prominent. Great swells of soft, milky flesh. Areola the size of silver dollars, capped with nipples hardened by the cool indoor air.

Beautiful, Mark thought. Wonderful.

They beckoned for him and his hungry mouth, begging for his lips and tongue. He had already enjoyed their bounty, several times in fact. But with the perfection that was Diana Prince, several times was simply not enough. He wanted her again, her ass in his lap and her tits in his face. He wanted to enjoy the taste of Amazon again.

Mark managed to tear his eyes from those teardrop swells and saw that Diana was looking right at him. She wore a proud smile, her eyes glittering with playful mischief.

Devious woman…

Mark groaned as he began to sit up on the sofa, the muscles in his back flaring up. He turned his shoulders one way, then the other, wringing the soreness from his body. His body ached then, but it was a good kind of ache.

"You know, at this point I have to assume you're doing it on purpose." Mark muttered then, giving Diana a pointed look.

"What?" The Amazonian asked, her voice soft and oh so innocent. She was playing a game, he knew. And even drained as he was, he would play along.

"This." Mark said, gesturing lazily towards her. He sank back into the sofa cushions, his prick already starting to stir back to life. "The nakedness, the sashaying. That little smile you've got on whenever you walk in here. The whole thing. I think you're doing it on purpose."

"Mmm. And what do you think is my devious master plan?" Diana crossed her legs - her long, elegant, perfect legs - clasping her hands together over her lap. Her eyes twinkled then and Mark felt his manhood stir.

"To drive me crazy." Mark grunted through clenched teeth. By then he was pitching a clear tent in his gym shorts. "To make me ache every second I don't have you in my arms."

"And why don't you have me in your arms?" Diana stood then, slow and deliberate. Tall, proud, strong. Every inch an Amazon, every inch a woman. She moved towards him, every movement measured like those of a hunting lioness.

Mark breathed in, his chest rising and falling as the statuesque princess drew closer. Soon she was before him, her body mere inches from his touch. She stood over him then, and for a moment Mark felt what it was like to be in the shadow of a goddess.

"Ah, well…" Mark cleared his throat, his heart thumping. His cock stirred again, now half-hard. But he knew that half-hard wasn't nearly enough for Diana. "You can blame the limits of mortal men."

Diana took a seat beside him, the softness of her hips pressing into his own. Mark stole a glance at the junction between her legs and saw a small tuft of black hair, glistening. Humming softly, Diana reached over and slipped one hand under the waistline of Mark's shorts. It wasn't sudden but rather leisurely. Shameless, even. She stared into his eyes, biting her lower lip and smiling as she cupped his balls.

"Oh, don't tell me the well has run dry." She cooed, draping her body along Mark's flank. Her full, soft breasts pressed against his arm.

Mark Messner was hard as steel then. And still just as exhausted as when Diana first entered the room. The very mortal man silently prayed for the blessings of his Princess's gods. The strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas. Anything to give the woman cradling his manhood the lovemaking she so craved.

"Hey, I didn't say that." Mark was quick to correct the record. It was his pride as a man that was at stake, after all. "The well has absolutely not run dry. I just need some time to… replenish myself, is all."

"Hmm. So it seems." Diana pursed her lips, resting her chin on one hand. The other hand began to work in Mark's shorts, moving up and down in long, slow strokes. "Perhaps it's for the best. I wouldn't want to break my favorite toy now would I?"

"Wonder Woman's favorite toy, huh? That's me?" Mark grinned despite himself. Sighing, he resigned himself to whatever came next as Diana next fished his cock out from the confines of his shorts.

"A part of you, yes." The Amazon told him, smirking. Now openly jacking Mark off, Diana then leaned over and kissed his neck. A delightful warmth spread through his body, his cheeks and chest flushed red.

"You know what? I'll take it. You know how many red-blooded men would kill to have that title?" Mark groaned, weakly thrusting his hips up into Diana's hand. The woman giggled as she gently pushed him back down into the sofa. She gave him a look, her blue eyes silently telling him 'none of that, now'.

"More than a few men. Some women as well."

Diana continued to stroke him, her pace quickening. Mark felt a rousing in his balls. He hoped that he still had enough left in him to give the woman the finish she wanted.

"Obviously. You're Wonder Woman."

"I am. And I'm yours." Diana whispered those last words into his ear. Mark closed his eyes, swallowing a deep groan. His prick, now thick as it could be, throbbed painfully, wonderfully in Diana's hand.

"Okay, now I definitely know you're doing it on purpose." He hissed through his teeth.

"Are you sure you don't have anything for me, Mark?" Diana cooed again, peppering flower petal kisses along his neck, his collarbone, down his chest. The warmth of her hand, the skill of her strokes, they had him at full mast. But still he could feel no end coming upon him.

"Positive." Mark sighed, his arm snaking around Diana's waist. He felt his fingers sink into the soft, pliant flesh of her hips and . Perfect. "I just need some time to rest. Then you can ride me ragged. I promise."

Diana slowed her strokes along his prick, drawing her face from his neck. Humming, she gave Mark a peck on the cheek.

"You're sweet." Her words were simple. Genuine. Mark would have felt honored had Diana not still been running her hand up and down his length, her thumb rubbing circles into his swollen head. "The last person to have control over me never gave me any downtime. She was immortal, like myself."

Then Diana drew her hand from him. Mark immediately felt the absence of her touch, near instantly longing for it again. But deep down, he knew it was for the best. He drew his shorts up over himself, the thickness of his manhood resting against his thigh and leaving a considerable impression against the dark fabric.

"You never talked about her much. Neither did Luthor's files. Wasn't she an Amazon like you?" Mark sat forward, hoping that smalltalk would drive his arousal down to a bearable level.

"Yes. Her name was Aresia."

Right. She was that rogue Amazon. The one who tried and failed to poison the Justice League a couple years back.

"What was she like?" It was a dumb question. Mark knew the woman likely wasn't a joy to be around. But he saw an opportunity to learn. And to perhaps allow Diana to air things out.

"That depends. When I knew her back on Themyscira, she was passionate, driven. Traits she shared with many of my sisters." Diana brought her hands together under her chin. Her thumbs played idly, while her eyes were fixated somewhere out in the open air. She took on a concerned look. "But she carried a darkness in her soul. Bitterness and hatred towards Man's World and the men who ruled it. She despised what they stood for - Or rather, she despised what they represented in her own mind. War. Oppression. Decay."

Mark frowned. He couldn't deny that Man's World had problems. But to write off everyone who lived there? But that was a common case with supervillains: taking extreme measures to "better" the world.

"How did you end up in her thrall?" Mark pressed on.

"She used a special artifact. A scepter. It's how the spell was able to override my Amazonian blessings. The scepter and the command phrase together were what gave her control over me."

A scepter. Right. Read about that in Luthor's files, too.

"So… What was her plan?"

"She wanted to destroy Man's World. And I was to be her tool, her bludgeon." Diana had a look of distaste as she uttered those last words. "As long as the Justice League stood, Aresia knew any plan of hers would fail. She wanted to send me back into their ranks as a sleeper agent. I was to destroy the League from the inside."

"Obviously that never happened. Thank God." Mark tried not to sound too relieved. That would have been in poor taste. Aresia had been one of Diana's sisters after all.

"No. Aresia sent me off with a memory wipe, much like you did after the museum gala." Diana told him. Mark winced at the parallel made between himself and a madwoman. But it was the truth, wasn't it? He had used a memory wipe on her. "It wasn't until you reactivated the command phrase that night that I remembered what she had done to me. I've since learned that Aresia perished before she could give me the order to kill my fellow Leaguers."

Diana paused then, frowning.

"You wish that hadn't been the case." Mark said after a moment of silence. Diana nodded in turn.

"Aresia was ruthless and full of loathing, but she was also an Amazon. I'm relieved that her plan failed, that she wasn't able to use me as a weapon of war. But I still wish I had the chance to just speak with her. I might have been able to reason with her, show her a more peaceful path. Instead, Luthor had her assassinated."

Mark didn't have many connections in his life. As an only child with late parents, he couldn't truly relate to Diana's feelings towards a wayward sister. But that didn't mean he couldn't understand her regret.

"You think it was a waste of a life."

"Yes." Diana sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. Mark didn't enjoy digging up these negative emotions in his lover. Certainly not while she was sitting naked in his living room. And certainly not after she had just given him a handjob. But there was an element of therapy to this, Mark knew. So he pressed on.

"I can understand that. Now that you can remember… Did she ever mistreat you?" The question came slowly, tentatively.

"She used me for pleasure, like you have." Diana answered plainly. Mark gave another wince but this time Diana noticed. The Amazon gave Mark a look, regarding him with unreadable eyes. "But I will admit that Aresia was… far less generous than you have been to me. She certainly never bothered with friendly conversation."

Remember, she can't lie to you. She's not just trying to make you feel better.

The thought banished some of the ill feelings that clouded Mark's mind. But not all of them. Perhaps some residual guilt was a good thing, Mark decided.

It meant that he truly wasn't a psychopath.

"Yeah, well…" Mark forced a small grin. "I might be a dick, but I'm not that much of a dick."

"You are much better company, Mark." Diana insisted, smiling warmly. "You can trust me when I say that. You see me as a lover. Aresia only saw me as a tool."

"Right. I'm sorry you had to endure that, Diana."

"Don't be. I'm free of her now. Her plan failed." The Amazon reached over and took Mark's hands in hers and made sure their eyes were locked together. "As twisted as our relationship began, Mark… It's an improvement over what I had with her."

"Really?" Mark asked dumbly.

"Yes." Diana gave a small laugh, nodding. "Drastically so."

Now, Mark hadn't started the little impromptu therapy session with the intent on getting his ego stroked. He really did want to learn more about the amazing woman he had under his control. The fact that he came away with the knowledge that Wonder Woman legitimately enjoyed his company was a bonus. A very, very sweet bonus.

As it turned out, the knowledge that a beautiful woman enjoyed being sexually subservient to you did wonders for a man's libido.

Once again, Mark was hard as steel. And pitching a very serious tent in his shorts.

"Well…" Mark started, smiling like an idiot. "In that case, I might be ready for another round."

He was just stating the obvious at that point. Hell, Diana likely noticed the raging stiffy before even Mark did.

"Have I lifted your spirits?" Her voice came smooth and sultry as she reached over and used her fingers to stroke him through the fabric.

It was a lovely sensation. Wonderful, even.

"If Wonder Woman tells me she prefers my company, I'd be a fool to prove her wrong."

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