
Dropped 汉字/漢字gdg

For thousands of years, mystics, magi, and sages from various world traditions have known that the Akashic Records—a dynamic repository that holds information about every soul and its journey—every truth and lie, every start and end Once reserved for a "spiritually gifted" few, this infinite source of wisdom and power is now available to me to answer questions big and small. "What is the purpose of life?" An innocent question went answered yet unanswered in this journey of my new life. Note: The cover page is MINE. LOL.

Krishnbarad · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Say "No" to loli's, legal or not!

It was early in March, and the temperature was quite cold.

Rei blew warm air from his mouth to both of his hands to get some warmth, but since it wasn't enough, he subtly covered his physique with [Flash Air] and connected it to his room, and soon enough his body was enclosed with warmth.

His human physique still limited him...Damm!

Especially after coming into this teen's body, however, there was one thing unique here: he looked exactly like how he looked in his previous life, despite the fact that he is supposed to be Japanese.

He had black hair and ruby eyes, like his ancestor Darius Ainsworth, as a member of the Ainsworth magi line.

He was second in line in the family as the second eldest child, but since he was young, he couldn't care about their family goal, which was to save humanity.

Since he was young, he always questioned life and its mystery; he thinks even omega-level beings don't understand the concept of life, which is why they planted seeds of humanity in order to observe them.

His disinterest caused him to get shunned by the family and be ultimately discarded, but he could care less; his brother Julian was fucked up anyway since he inherited the magic crest of Ainsworth, and the poor bitch didn't even know that his fate was sealed.

His ancestor, Darius Ainsworth, used his greatest magecraft [Conceptual Replacement], which involves the newest head of the Ainsworth family gradually being overwritten by Darius after his death.

Rei was so terrified in his previous life that he purposefully crippled his body and completely changed his identity with the help of Touko Aozaki.

He really had to go through a lot to get that done; he literally had to sell Pandora's Box's secret to get her best work to retain his soul without degradation forever; after all, he didn't want to become a puppet, he merely wanted to remove the concept engraved in his body. But all that running around was worth it.

Oh! Well, not to forget that blonde-haired bimbo, the thot almost crippled him with [GOB] for betraying their family, but technically he was wanted by the Ainsworth clan since he was the last pure-blooded human who could still breed with the Ainsworth blood considering rest were transformed as dolls, so he was important to keep the line going.

But thanks to Emiya Boy. That boy sacrificed himself and made her temporarily forget about him.

+1 to Emiya Boy. Poor boy, he was clapped so much that even someone cold-hearted like Rei felt a bit of pity for him.


*Beep* *Beep*

Rei took his phone from his pocket and answered the call since it was his father.

"What is it, old man?" Rei asked curiously; it is quite rare for his father to call him.

"I won't be home for two days; some important work has come up; I will be going to Tokyo; so you will have to look up for yourself; if you need anything else, then call me." His father spoke strangely as if he were in a hurry, but he masked it quite well.

"Why so suddenly?" Rei asked curiously; his father was a pharmacist and owned a massive medical store in Kuoh, which served as the main place to buy medicinal drugs, so they were fairly rich, and their supplies came from imports, so he had nothing to do with Tokyo.

"Something came up, an opportunity to expand, in other words, and don't ask so many questions, brat, is there anything else?" Amon said in an annoyed voice.

"If you say so, old man, good luck; I hope you get this deal," Rei said, to which his father thanked him and ended the call.

"The old man was behaving strangely, but whatever." In this past month, Rei came to respect Amon as a father, but there were many things about him that she didn't bother with.

Because it was still too early to go home, he made the decision to walk around the Kuoh food stalls in the hopes of gaining some new ideas that he might implement in his own business.

Soon after, while out and about, he came across the ideal location; it was a juice bar. ' A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice sounds like a good idea right about now.' Rei was thinking this as he made his way toward the shop. Because Rei wasn't much of a foodie, he didn't mind too much if his dinner was on the lighter side, especially at night.

"Welcome... What would you like to have?"

The voice of the employees was extremely lifeless, which demonstrated how exhausted the staff was; yet, Rei wasn't surprised by this, considering how monotonous it might get at the store at times, whether transitioning from morning to night or night to morning.

Rei was certain that the staff had been engaging in all of the activities he described above for the past few days, weeks, months, or perhaps years. Even if someone had a cheerful personality from the beginning, they would become lifeless after being hit by "reality".

"An orange juice."

"That will be 100 yen, sir," the clerk replied. Rei promptly paid the money and waited for his order to appear, but the staff explained that because he had ordered a fresh juice, it would naturally take some time, so he chose to wait and proceeded to the magazine stand to look through some books while he waited.

He was looking through the magazines at random until his eyes landed on a book that had no green colour and numerous strange symbols inscribed on the page. It said "Icha Icha Paradise" over the image of a woman who was only partially clothed and kissing outwardly.

As a man, his interest was piqued, and as a consequence, he grabbed the book in order to get some good reading in.

He turned the first page and saw that it was a collection photo of a woman dressed in a French-style maid costume with blue accents. He scratched his chin and nodded in agreement because he better understood this place's culture.

As a European from the soul, he was greatly taken aback by the culture of Japan, particularly after seeing a number of images that exemplified certain "culture" of this county in its purest form.


The entrance to the juice bar was opened at this very moment, and a lifeless voice said "welcome" once more after it was heard.

A voice that was as monotonous could be heard saying, "one melon juice, with additional sugar and crème on top."

Rei was so engaged in the sights, stories, and writing style that he forgot about the rest of the world. Rei continued to read, his eyebrows furrowing as he was forced to acknowledge that the maid depicted in the magazine was both quite attractive and incredibly busty. Even if he may not have been interested in romantic relationships, he was nevertheless able to enjoy the beauty of a woman without any difficulty. Right?

'This woman is nice too. God damm! Women wearing kimonos are freaking hot, blonde, and her big bust peeking out is also quite a nice touch; the author of this book must be god-tier,' Rei thought as he looked at another illustration, in which a busty woman wore a yellow kimono.

While Rei was reading, all of a sudden he had the sensation that someone was watching him, which made him feel uneasy; nonetheless, he chose to disregard it. However, after he ignored it for a bit, he was able to detect the presence of someone alongside him, and based on what he perceived, he was able to deduce that this person had a somewhat petite build.

"Do you boys enjoy that book?"

After hearing a voice that was both monotone and feminine at the same time, Rei had no trouble determining that the person who had just asked him that question and was standing next to him was a female. However, he didn't seem too concerned about it and continued reading.

"I am not sure about others, but I like it," Rei responded as he turned the page.

"I knew you were a pervert!"

When Rei finally lost control of himself and looked around, he saw a familiar loli with white hair and golden eyes staring angrily at him. She had a dagger-like glare on her face.

"Oh, its you! No surprise that I was irritated."

Rei was nasty to her and completely disregarded her while he continued to read the magazine he was holding. This loli was a waste of time and place. So he didn't bother anymore.

"One orange juice and the melon juice with extra sugar and crème are ready," the female staff said in an audible tone so that they could hear it.

Rei finished what he was reading, gathered his order, and sat down in the far corner of the table, where he continued to read his book while taking leisurely sips of his drink.

As Rei took a few swallows of the juice, he reflected, "Not bad, albeit the sugar could have been a touch less," as he drank the beverage. It was wonderful and enjoyable up until the loli decided to sit in the opposite direction from him.

"Why are you sitting here?" Rei asked,

"Because there is no other seat available besides this one," she replied. Loli talked as she adorably sipped on the straw and nibbled on the candy in between bites.

"Tell me, why did you decide to turn down Rias's offer?" Unanticipatedly, the loli opened their mouths, which caught Rei off guard.

"Didn't I already mention my reason? Furthermore, I value my humanity; I prefer to stick close to my roots no matter what," Rei said as he finished the juice, while the book had already vanished from his hand.

As he was about to leave his eyes fell on this loli's build. For a moment, he thought, 'Where the hell is that fat going?'

"Hmm... Can I ask you a question too?" Rei posed the question in an inquisitive manner since, as a magus, he is constantly interested in mysteries.

She nodded at him.

"Say fake loli, even after eating all these craploads of sweets, how come you are so flat?" When Rei asked the question in a serious tone, the girl's eyes widened briefly, but soon her cheeks flushed with humiliation, and a monotonous voice filled with immense wrath could be heard coming from her direction.

"Die Pervert."


But too bad, Rei has already left the store.
