
drop on

meeting unintentionally to life savings object which make his future bright starting chapter 1-3 you might find Little boring as these chapter are introduction. English is my native language so .. if any grammar mistake occurred please forgave this ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ me ... ""Starting of journey after two steps is not end""" so please be patient

devilshadow · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs


At Night time around 09.09 pm a boy is coming out through the gate of mini mall with holding something in the carry bag as he come out he look here and there and start move forward to the direction at which his home lies .

As he walked on road he come across many houses shops , and restaurants but he didn't pay any attention to inside of those. but some teennage boy in restaurants saw him on path so he immediately yield to the boys who sit around he pointed his finger and said" look there that Dev fu...k.r is happily going home after ruined our day in school " Karan as gang leader of his small party with consist with his three followers namely as Saran , tarun and John.

Saran the one who notice Dev and his opposite direction Karan is sitting , tarun and John sit it's left and right side . after looking Dev ,Karan is fuming himself and he looks very angry after moments he looks his friends and says that " bro's today's night is the perfect for revenge because today is end of summer classes and school is closed for 6 weeks so we don't miss the chance he he he..." Karan laughed as if he is going po*n paradise.

and tarun also added " his friends also can't save him at all but he can call his friends for help so what we do" in response Saran said" I have a plan", he explained and all four exit after paying bill.

Dev moving forward with thinking what should

he do during holidays.he made many plan in his mind about study , part time jobs for money for his expenses, well his family is rich amongst riches but Dev live alone in different city .

His parents send him here because they think he spread his own wings himself and become mature enough to live in harss nature of society.his parents sent only 10,000Rs [rupay) and they pay his school fees .Dev have to pay 5000Rs as his rent 3400Rs for food and he left with 1600rs for his expenses like clothing, books , and other school necessities.

Dev is a rich born but not his body he born at a period of time at seven months, he born early so his body is not full developed and his genetic constitue also less developed so he had to faces many diseases between from his birth to 10 years he had to visit many hospital.

Dev now is 16 year old with look of 12 year boy his body is very light and skin is very thin as we clearly sees his bones, he look long in height due to his body frame . he hated himself for weak💀 not able to do anything to other who always make fun of him .

Dev wanted to do many things and wanted to follow his passion but he unable to run 50m what he can do with his body he only average in his study nor high or low .

. ....Now Dev stop in park for rest as he relaxing himself he heard someone calling him so he looked back and see a bunch of idiot are coming to his side so Dev speak in cold voice " hmph.. what do you need, today

lessons is not good for you" as Dev speak Karan and his party come near to him and Karan look Dev faces his lips move upward and he said Dev in plain tune" look Mr. skeletal as***le buddy today is the day of judgement for your action , we all come come here to puncture your butt so we ready he he hahaha.." at last Karan and his party laughed.

After listening Karan calling him that Dev didn't get angry he is very calm because he got tiered of listening these insult so as he is going to speak his phone vibrate so he takes his phone from his pants pocket and look number which is unfamiliar to him so he hesitate whether to pick up or not at this interval of time Karan make eye contact with tarun who is stand behind Dev and sign him to took Dev phone from his hand. Dev didn't see any thing his attention on phone so he lowered his gaurd for a moment at that moment a hand come from behind and fastly snatch his phone, Dev stunned and his mouth utter"... what..is this ?"

Dev look Karan and look behind who took his phone he sees a person is running with his phone he looked Karan and ready to speak , is that your doing but before he can speak Karan fastly spoke " what are you looking at me your phone is snatch and stop looking at me with detective eyes and u should start chasing "

Karan word startled him so he turn around and start running .

Karan and his gang make eye contact to each other and smirks , and running towards Dev , after running 300m he reached outer of city and he spotted the same figure, who stood alone on highway under the light his figure clearly seen but his head is opposite direction of Dev so he can't see .when figure sense some one is approaching so he turn around toward the forest ,he walked around inside 150m and stop as he waiting for someone ..

Dev also seen figure with his phone walking inside the forest so he hesitate he thinking of giving up he spoke himself is" life more valuable than anything"