
A clue of broken past (I)

Zero stood shocked. He remembered this voice that projected outwards in the large secluded room. It was the same voice that haunted his nightmares. It was the man in the skull mask. How this man was here was a question he did not fully understand.

Was he still in the game world, dream world, or was he out in the real world? This thought crossed his mind many times.

He gulped. Even in his years in the Academy of Danketsu Ryu, there was always someone better than him. Grandmaster Demon Fox, Blue Phoenix, and Black Dragon were considered the best of the best. He could say that they were truly a force to be reckoned with.

Especially the legendary leader Black Dragon that took the name Black Dragon Ninjitsu as his own. He only heard rumors about him. They say they don't compare to Demon Fox or Blue Phoenix's skills.

Even though he had never seen Black Dragon, he had seen many fights with Demon Fox. One could say that he was inhuman. Things normal people can not do, Demon Fox broke those rules and set new heights and boundaries. To him, the man in the skull masked seemed to be on equal footing as his Grandmaster.

Sitting in a chair, the man in the white suit with a skull mask covering his face was talking to someone he could not see. Rubbing his silver cross on the table, the man in the mask spoke to the group. One was a female wearing a rabbit's mask. The other two were hiding in the shadows. "How is the plan moving forward? Have I made any progress?"

"That is a matter of opinion. Everything is going too slow." A sweet seductive voice replied. "You know you could speed up the process by helping me out."

"I'll pass for today, WhiteRose. I'm already at my limits with what I have to do. Why don't you ask BlackStar to help you out for now?"

"He doesn't want to help. He said I'll just get in the way."

The masked man sighed. "I heard he's had a possible breakthrough in his Seed Search. We'll leave him alone for now."

"The Seed. That damn Seed. That's all he ever talks about." Rose retorted peevishly. "If he keeps talking about it, he will suddenly be one himself." She was disgruntled with the thought that BlackStar was now paying less attention to her.

"That's not the problem here. The Seed was just a side project. Angel here has lost the soul stone." The man in the shadows stepped out with his arms crossed. He was well built, lean, and had long silver hair in his teens. A smiley face mask was covering his face. "Our plans have been delayed by a couple of years because of him. So why did we give the stone to him to collect the souls? It would have been better left with me. I would have done a better job than him."

"Sweetheart. Don't kid yourself. You are twenty years too young to compete with Angel here. He had shortened the time needed to collect the souls in half. He had also begun the sixth hundredth phase of the plan. Don't you see, he had a splendid job of riling up the crowds. But, Angel, that last piece of art was truly first class. I couldn't help but shiver with pleasure at the statement you painted on the school floor. It's a very memorable piece, don't you think?"

"What kind of psychopathic idiot would say that is a piece of art. That's just a complete waste of time." Red kicked an empty can that was lying on the floor. "Massive death, destruction, and chaos is art. That is like child's play. Use a bit of C4 and see the tower collapsing. Bingo, we got fireworks for the world to see. Just like that time when the twin towers came crashing down. Wouldn't you say that was spectacular?"

"You dynamite head. Is that the only way you can express yourself?" WhiteRose pouted. She folded her arms and leaned back on the wall. Her scarlet clothes stuck onto her body, showing off her curves. "I don't believe a thing you say."

"What are you saying? I could blow up a building and bring you hundreds of different souls all in one," replied Red arrogantly.

"You're kidding, right? You bring crappy souls. Angel here brings the best qualities. That's the difference between you and Angel." Rose replied, scoffing at Red's comment.

"How are a few thousand people dying trivial? It doesn't even put a dent in the world's population. A few thousand go missing, and what? The world is going to cry over them? Hardly. The next day the world moves on. Helping cut down the population is a wonderful job to do."

"This airhead is talking about population again. Someone stop him." Rose said with uncaring words towards Red. "He thinks he's some god of death again."

"Stupid bitch. I'm not a whore like you. Your stupid S&M reenactments are overrated, and my cause is more just than yours." Red retaliated with venomous words. "What are you going to do, frolic around naked, hoping the world will change one partner at a time?"

Rose burst out laughing, kneeling over, trying to contain her outburst. "Is that the best you can do? You must never have been laid by a genuine woman. Oh, wait, you don't swing that way, do you. So what is it?" she tapped her fingers on her lips, "I forgot you like little girls, you pedophile."

"Excuse me?" Red was about to go towards her and throttle her.

"Calm down, Red. You know she is trying to bait you like last time." A young female's voice called out towards him. Her pure white hand stopped him from moving forward. It was a little girl with a bird mask. She was wearing a black gothic lolita dress and beside her a black umbrella. "You fell for it and ended up playing with her fingers. Rose, I would appreciate it if you would leave my brother out of your little ploy."

"Awww is little Sirius afraid I'll steal her precious little twin brother away." Rose jabbed her with her comments. "It's okay, little girly. I haven't had a taste of your sweetheart yet. I don't want to taint myself with the incestual behavior I see going around. So don't be bashful; it's true, isn't it?"

"Rose. That's enough." Angel slammed his silver cross onto the table hard. All three of them became quiet and turned towards him. "Sirius, tell the higher-ups I'll go ahead and remake the soul stone while I'm working on the other missions they have sent out."

"You sure? You're not going to lose the soul stone?" Sirius skeptically asked.

"I'm sure. I'm not worried about losing it."

"Fine. By the way, you set up quite a stir with that killing at the college. It made the headlines calling your work murder art."

"You saw? I'm surprised coming from you. You hardly like listening in on the news channel."

"I heard it from Red."

"That would make sense. He does like to watch the news waiting for his deeds to make the spotlight. So was your last mission a success, Red?"

Red went silent.

"Oh? What is this? Red is quiet. You failed, didn't you." Rose spoke out towards Red.

"I did not fail. I've just been hindered."

"Hindered my ass. You failed in blowing up the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Australia. You're all talk, Red."

"There's always another chance. Tokyo Dome doesn't sound too bad for the next target. I wouldn't be too sure that it's the end. I have other ways to get things moving."

"Sure you do."

"There is no point in talking to a slut. Let's go, Sirus. I don't want to defile our presence near a tramp."

Red pulled forward past Angel. Sirius followed closely beside him like two lovers walking through the park arm in arm.

Zero couldn't help but slink back into the cover of darkness even though he was listening in on them near the broken window and door.

"Stop." Angel's voice called out. Both Red and Sirius stopped moving and turned towards Angel's voice.

"What?" Red asked. He was not happy to be stopped from leaving the room.

"I sense someone is nearby."

"Where?" Red asked in alarm. He pulled out his dagger from his waist while Sirius' umbrella sounded off with a click and a sharp metal piece came out of the end.

"How close?" Rose asked; she glanced around, trying to find where this intruder was.

"I don't know." Angel pushed back his chair and got up. "Someone is listening in on us. Find whoever it is."

Zero looked around, looking for a way out. He didn't have much time, especially when he just heard something dangerous that could be life-threatening. All he could think of was one thing. Run away.

In a mad dash, he ran for his life. Running through doors, jumping through broken interior windows. Even hopping over broken furniture. He finally made his way to the front of the broken-down door. Reaching for the door, an electric spark shot outwards, harming Zero. He couldn't help but pull back his hands and stare at the door, stunned. It was more than a light static shock.

If he had touched the doorknob, he would have gotten a full-blown electric shock. So he was lucky it only felt like a small static shock.

"What the hell?" Zero gasped out in shock. Again, he rubbed his hands together, wondering what was happening before him. This time instead of reaching toward the doorknob, he tried to put his hands against the door. Instead, he was stopped short by the same sudden electrical shock that started to buzz with life. He pulled away just as quickly as before.

"How am I supposed to get out of this now?" Zero wondered, "Maybe there is another exit."

This time Zero ran towards the nearest room where open windows were present. Unfortunately, they were all tattered and broken, with a couple of them actually being barred. Zero wondered even more where he truly was, especially in a run-down building that had broken barred windows. Only the dim summer light passed through the windows casting an unsuspecting warm glow.

He couldn't help but run towards the open window, hoping he would not get caught. But, running towards the window at full speed, he had an unusual urge that screamed for him to stop. Then, with a sudden break before just about jumping out the window, a heavy static-like shock burst, almost hitting Zero.