
He will come save me!

"She didn't even get to finish the text,I don't even know where she is and how she's faring?"Waylon said hitting his forehead frustratingly.He walked out of the apartment and slammed the door shut,he walked over to where his car was parked and stayed in the car,he kept looking through the phone,which had no password,his photos were on the phone's lock and home page,he smiled bitterly,Just then, he saw a man wearing all black outfit and his face was barely seen as it was covered with the hood of his cloth, Waylon alighted and followed the guy,with his two bodyguards acting up in the shadows,the guy arrived at Paisley's door, pushed the door open,then walked in,he was busy scattering Paisley's things just to look for her phone when Waylon attacked him with a kick landing on his chest,the guy moved back and he got up in a flipping style,he attacked Waylon with his fist,in martial arts method, Waylon evaded his attack and grabbed his waist roughly in the judo style, hitting the guy against the floor,the guy tried fighting back,but Waylon pinned his hands and twisted them to the back making the guy face the floor,the guy was scarcely breathing,

"Wh...Who are you?"The guy asked in a shaky voice.

"The lady you abducted is my girlfriend, where's she ?"Waylon said coldly.

"I don't know where she is !,you had better saved yourself the stress?"The guy said.

"Let's see then,get him!"Waylon ordered his shadow guards that suddenly appeared,they dragged the guy out of the apartment into Waylon's car,

"You can take him, I'll be home soon..."Waylon said.

"Another car has arrived for the criminal,boss,get in the car!"A bodyguard said.

Waylon got in the car still holding onto Paisley's phone,

"I need to know where you are Paisley?"Waylon said worriedly.

He only wished he had a tracker on her that was hidden,so that he could know where she was,the car arrived at his home, Waylon got a shower,and changed into his casual clothing, Without having dinner,he walked into the dark room in his study,the guy was tied to a chair,he walked in with great fury,the guy was still unconscious, Waylon splashed water all over him,the guy stirred and was awake,

"Where is she?"Waylon said emanating deathly aura.

"She is with boss,and he has private places which he could have taken her to..."The guy said.

"You're Dimitri Denovo,the right hand man of Mr. Ashley,the head of another clan where Mr. Freeman had joined recently..."Waylon said.

"You're really not an ordinary man,Mr. Anderson was never mentioned because he's our mastermind, while Ashley is just the boss..."Dimitri said.

"Now,I know what happened!"Waylon said smiling coldly. He gave the phone to Dimitri,

"Ring your boss!"Waylon ordered.

Dimitri refused to ring his boss,

"Since I was caught already,Boss,does not care whether I'm dead or alive,he only wants successful missions..."Dimitri replied.

"That's only a lie,your boss still needs you, you're the most perfect man in his clan,the coolest sharp shooter, martial artist and as well the most intelligent man, there's nobody who would like to throw away such man!"Waylon said.

"You really wanna manipulate me?,You can't get anything from me!"Dimitri refused.

"Fine!, I'm only being lenient with you because of my girlfriend,if you wish to play dirty,I can do that too,Gracie Diaz ,a very pretty blonde lady,I can drag her into your mess!"Waylon said coldly in a threatening tone.

"You can't do that!,You don't have to briny girlfriend into my own mess, don't hurt her, I'm begging you..."Dimitri begged.

"Seriously,you really care about Gracie so much,and you think I don't care about my own girlfriend as much as you do?,if you don't ring your boss, I'll drag her into this mess,and if my girlfriend eventually gets hurt,you and your girlfriend are going to pay for that!"Waylon threatened.

"Fine, I'll call him!"Dimitri said coldly.

"Good!"Waylon replied.

Dimitri dialed his boss,and it was picked on the first ring,

"Who's this?"A cold voice rang out.

"This is Dimitri,Boss!"Dimitri replied.

"Oh, Dimitri!, Where on earth are you?,and where's the phone?"Mr. Anderson yelled impatiently.

"I have it safe with me,but I can't return to the clan tonight, I'll return in three days,To where has the girl been taken?"Dimitri replied.

"Till you're through with whatever,I will send the location to you through your private smart watch..."Mr. Anderson replied.

"Yes boss!"Dimitri replied and the call was ended.

"What strings are you guys pulling?, come on , To where was my girlfriend taken?"Waylon yelled angrily.

"We've got connections across the globe,but I'm sure she's either still in the states or in Mexico!"Dimitri explained.

"Now, there's only three days left for you to live!"Waylon said angrily walking out. He looked up frustratingly,he was tired of looking for her,he only wanted to embrace her and sniff on her rose flower cologne,that always made him happy and confident.

* * *

In an unknown location, Paisley was clothed in a white flowing gown,she was placed in the water,one of her hands were cuffed to the pole beside the tub in which she was placed,she woke up and found herself in water,she looked around and her vision was really blurry,

"Waylon?, come and get me out of here!"Paisley mumbled. She silently prayed in her heart that God saves her from all of this.

A young man which had a very good height, handsome face and nice gunmetal blue eyes,he had good features,when he saw Paisley mumbling,he felt drawn to her,she was so pretty,she had good body features,she was prettier than all the celebrities he had known,but surprisingly the girl looked so fresh and young,she was still faintly smelling of her rose flower cologne,he thought she looked like a fairy which had just descended amongst men, her long Brown hair cascaded her shoulders and neck as well as her face,he wanted to touch her face as he felt drawn to her,he suddenly restrained himself when he heard the creaking of the door,

"Lord Jameson Ashley..."A tough looking lady clothed in extremely fitted black leather jacket and pants said bowing.

"Take her out of the water, dress her up and bring her to me..."Jameson said.

"Yes Lord Ashley!"The lady walked in the room where Paisley was locked up,she had known her boss for years and never seen him caring so much for a woman,he treated women like he was an animal but today she felt he was acting weird.

Jameson Ashley walked into his study,he placed some ice cubes in his glass before pouring an amber colored liquid into the glass and sipped it, throughout his thirty two years on earth,he had never felt this different, thinking of Paisley had brought light into his life,he had always being the ruthless and cold man but on seeing Paisley he felt warm and cozy,he smiled warmly. He felt he needed to tell his boss to let her go,he didn't think she had tried to kill Sia,who was his boss's niece,he smiled awkwardly thinking hard about what his boss was going to say If he finds out.

The next morning,Sia and her classmates were taking their English class, when men clothing in a camouflage wears, walked in,their faces where partly covered,two walked in,

"Excuse me, madam!,we have to arrest Miss Anderson..."One of the two men said, everyone in the class was shivering,they hadn't experienced such situations.

They dragged Sia off her chair,

"You can't do this?,I didn't abduct anybody..."Sia yelled but was whisked away by the hefty men.

"Sia abducted someone?"

"isn't that Paisley Axel?"

"What will happen to Sia?,will she ever be able come back again?"Lolita asked as she was scared of what the soldiers might do to her.

"I'm scared too..."Judith also said.

* * *

Dimitri had told his boss,Mr. Anderson that they could fail as he smelt a rat,he had to admit that Waylon was young and intelligent and not even his boss, Jameson Ashley could match up to him,he felt like quitting the drug clan but knowing that he was already arrested,he felt the plan would never work.

Waylon had plans of discussing with Dimitri today,as Sia was already in another room,

"Dimitri, I've got your boss's niece, would you like to tell him,that the enemy has his niece and is willing to kill her if he doesn't bring back Paisley,my girlfriend!"Waylon said emanating his deathly aura.

"I know you have all the right to be angry, don't take it all out on us, you will get the lead on your girlfriend,I assure you..."Dimitri said calmly.

"Really?,you expect me to be fine when my girlfriend is in the midst of blood thirsty wolves ,huh?"Waylon replied angrily.