
Dreaming in the Multiverse with no Limitations

Hello there this is my first novel! Original Title: dreaming in Danmachi with no limitations ——•——•——•——•——•——•——•——• After being ruthlessly kept in a lab for 14 years Arius is killed by a truck falling threw 1/2 a kilometer of ground just to reincarnate the lad! Follow Arius as he goes threw a multiplex of universes {primarily Danmachi} to forge his own path.

Arius_PenDragon · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 13 - misunderstanding

"now that you have done that let me tell you" Chloe started with a mischievous smile. "touching a cat person's ears is a sign of romantic affection."

after a second of processing the information Arius still not knowing what the problem was asked "what do you mean, Romantic affection? is that different from just showing affection. plus your ears are very soft. their kinda flu..."

being cut off by a shout in his direction Arius shifted his focus to the big bar keep known as mama mia. "Chloe your break is done, get back to work." with the prodding of her well-respected boss Chloe gave Arius some well-deserved quiet but not without saying "meet in the front of babel tower at eight tomorrow, in the morning."

Finishing his meal Arius thought back on his time in the city so far. from things like the senior guard bernard to the rude guild worker by the dungeon refusing his entry. there was Loki as well who seemed to have helped him. then there would be the future. what plans could Arius have, what could he possibly do?


with the sun just over the horizon Arius awoke at an early-ish time of 7:13 and found himself one of the only ones left in the 4-person room he was staying inside at the Twilight Manor. getting up, brushing his teeth, and splashing himself with some clean cold water, Arius was now ready to meet with Chloe.

leaving the Twilight Manor, Arius saw a Loki hitting on Ais, who he had yet to see but still recognized. Ais was responding to Loki with a blank expression and ignoring her. ignoring the situation himself Arius started to run towards the tower of babel.

Arriving at the Tower of Babel 15 minutes early Arius was able to spot Chloe immediately. "hey Chloe. why are you here so early?"

"I'm not the only one early. but let's get going up the tower! we need to get you something other than an of the white tunic to wear. how can you go dungeon diving with nothing but a shirt and average pants on, do you have any clue how dangerous that is..."Chloe trailed off she started to drag Arius towards the Tower of Babel.

walking along the lowers floors Arius came to pass by many stores including stores that sold his current clothes for dirt cheap. stopping 10 floors up Chloe looked satisfied with a store and dragged Arius in "you can stop dragging me you now."

"oh ya, there you go," picking a black tunic with a single button at the top of a crow neck-esk cut shirt and a pair of black pants." try these on."

finding 3 new outfits for Arius they moved onto a balcony walkway overlooking the whole of orario from the 15th floor. "Arius, you've got plenty of wack in you. and while you don't seem that confused you have little to no common sense. you kinda remind me of myself when I first came to this city just a bit happier, but that may just be you being kina oblivious. what I'm trying to say is that you got a lot to work on and you got a long path ahead of you If you want to become a great adventurer. good luck, I hope you can find someone to join you in your adventures," walking off while being trailed by Arius's eyes Chloe added "if you ever want to talk, just drop by the hostess of fertility"

Arius thought about these long but true words. and went into action.


shink, with the Pearce of an arrow Arius claimed a magic stone for an experiment. *Please work* Arius practically chanted in his head as he tried to sell the magic stone in the SP store.

"wooo~ it worked!" while screaming like a maniac in a dangerous area. a magic stone disappeared from Arius's hands turning into 5Sp for a single goblin.

such a discovery would change the way Arius gained SP forever.

*well, I shouldn't stay any longer than I need to today as it's almost sunset.* with such thoughts Arius started for Twighlight Manor. with even strides, Arius walked through the halls of Twilight Manor familiarizing himself with the layout, but before long he ran into the familiar face of Loki slipping towards him threw the crowds.

"you don't mind me having a look at your falna again, yes? great." not waiting for an answer Loki started to lead Arius towards the same room they were in before.

revealing his back Arius gave Loki another look at his falna of true Yggdrasil. "I Might have an idea as to how I got this Falna." Arius offered to the contemplating Loki.

taking Arius up on his offer Loki asked for more information. "well to tell you the truth I can read my own status board in my head and one of the abilities that don't show a description when you read it is a skill called [Blessing of Yggdrasil] SSS. I think it might have something to with that sense the falna is kinda like a blessing."Arius dumped his thought on the petite Loki who was boring holes through his back with her eyes.

"I already deduced this. the only questions I had walking into this room were who is Yggdrasil and why is this blessing a SSS skill." Sighing Loki continued "but now I have more questions. for example why can you read your own board, essentially making you able to grow while inside the dungeon. I might trace you down later for more questions. also due to your special skills I will not be putting you in a group with 3-4 others. instead, I will let you track down your own team You just need to inform me when you add someone new." With the conversation coming to a close and Loki somehow having slipped towards the door without Arius noticing even tho he was staring at her the entire time Loki left.


Time Taken to Write: 1 1/2 hours -New Record!-

alternate titles: missteps; Yggdrasil, what is it? ; that doesn't exist in this world. rooted curiosity.

thanks for reading my novel! hope you've been having or are going to have a great day. to all my readers if we're able to get 14 votes on a weak from now on I will post a second chapter~!

as always ~stay happy~ and have fun.

P.S: if you don't know how to vote there should be a vote button at the bottom of each chapter!