
3.Company X

Dazzling, omnipresent white light.

Even though there was a layer of eyelids between them, the pupils still felt the stinging sensation.


With a groan, Jiang Yanche's pupils contracted to adapt to the strong light, and his body returned to his control.

What happened...?

Even without opening his eyes, Jiang Yanche knew that he was no longer in the familiar bedroom, and was probably in a strange place. Out of a sense of escape, Jiang Yanche focused his attention on memories.

He remembered that he still couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell into a repetitive nightmare. When he was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly came to a world with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Where was that? With the development of the city, where else would such a natural environment exist?

Or maybe it was just an illusion before death...

Death... It seemed that he didn't really die in the end.

So where was he, the hospital?

He could feel the obvious binding on his wrists and ankles, and his chest was cold, as if there were many metal heads of medical equipment attached to it.

After adapting to the strong light, Jiang Yanche took a deep breath, struggled, and opened his eyes a little.

Sure enough, there was a bright fluorescent light directly above him. Although it was a fluorescent light, the light was reflected by the lampshade and focused on Jiang Yanche's face.

He frowned slightly. A trace of panic surged into his heart - the previous guess was wrong, this place could not be a hospital!

Which hospital would set up lights like this on the patient's bed? What's more, the bed under him didn't seem to be a soft bed!

He turned his head slightly and found that he was lying in an ellipsoidal space, a bit like a capsule. He was not wearing his own clothes, but a white suit similar to a space suit, with a blue plaid shirt lining.

This white coat was like a down jacket, with a slight bulge and a logo on the left chest.

The logo is very simple, with a shield outline and a blue background. The most eye-catching thing is the white cross that occupies almost the entire logo space - of course, it could also be an "X".

It seems that the time I have been lying here is much longer than expected. Jiang Yanche tried to lift his legs, but found that just such a simple action almost exhausted all his strength.

"Hey, that brother is awake."

An equally weak voice came from the right. Jiang Yanche raised his body slightly, but saw that there was a metal wall on his left, and on the right, parallel, there were seven other "capsules" exactly the same.

The voice came from the "capsule" next to him, and it sounded like a man.

Embarrassingly, this voice did not arouse the echo of others. The whole room was filled with silence again. Jiang Yanche saw a black shadow flashing on the edge of the "capsule" next to him, and a head poked out.

"Ignore them, brother, hello, my name is Luo Wuyou."

OK, Jiang Yanche's mouth twitched, and he finally understood why others ignored Luo Wuyou.

Where are the eight people now, what is the situation, what have they experienced... There are many problems to be solved. Luo Wuyou is 100% "socially anxious" to be able to socialize at this time. A social terrorist.

Although he was conscious, the anxiety in his heart still existed. Jiang Yanche was a little tired and didn't want to communicate with Luo Wuyou. But it didn't seem very polite to ignore others like this.


The sudden noise broke Jiang Yanche's inner entanglement.

It can be seen with the naked eye that cracks suddenly appeared on the wall of this closed room. The cracks spread and finally outlined a door. Amid the roar, the area in the cracks moved to one side, which was considered an opening. Two men in formal suits walked in slowly.

"I warn you, this is illegal imprisonment, and I have the right to appeal against you!"

After waking up, he finally saw two normal people. But before Jiang Yanche could be happy, a weak but angry voice sounded from the right. Looking at the source of the sound, the sound source was a "capsule" on the far right.

Illegal imprisonment?

Jiang Yanche's expression froze. After being reminded, he suddenly realized that illegal imprisonment was the best explanation for his being in such a strange place.


Wearing strange clothes and being in different positions, is there a possibility that not only his repeated falls from the building were dreams. Even the old woman's divination in the past ten days...

Everything, everything, is also a dream.

Does the double dream really exist?

Full of doubts, Jiang Yanche looked unfriendly and stared at the two men in formal clothes.


One of them wanted to refute "illegal imprisonment" and leaned forward slightly. The other man he called the director just waved his hand, with a demeanor of a superior.

Director: "Welcome to X Company for an interview for the 'dream entry' position."


Listening to the director's irrelevant answer and looking at his hypocritical face, the eight people present were inexplicably angry.

But being under someone else's roof, a tough attitude is sometimes not desirable.

Jiang Yanche's face showed no expression, and he raised his hand:

"Can you explain your company's main business and the specific situation of 'dream entry'? In addition, please answer the question of the friend just now."

I don't know if it was Jiang Yanche's illusion, but when the two men in formal clothes saw Jiang Yanche, their hypocritical smiles on their faces froze at the same time. But this micro-expression was fleeting, and the director's eyes showed approval and nodded:

"Very good question. Our X company is mainly engaged in the pharmaceutical research and development industry, and has made important contributions to the development of malignant tumor drugs nationwide; the 'dream entry' position is a new position in our company, which helps the research and exploration of human dreams, records dream-related data, and helps our company's research and development of psychotropic drugs in mass production..."

After a set of words, this director seemed to be a bit talkative. But Jiang Yanche roughly understood the nature of Company X. In short: a pharmaceutical company that focuses on innovative research and development.

But... Jiang Yanche had no memory of applying for a job here. Why was he here?

Director: "In addition, in response to your questions, I would like to clarify that our company has not used any coercive means to imprison or kidnap you. When you applied for the job, you have voluntarily signed the relevant contract agreement."

As he spoke, the director clapped his hands, and a woman walked in from the door. She was wearing a professional tight-fitting suit and polygonal frame glasses. She seemed to be a secretary.

She was serious and had eight file bags in her hands.

"Impossible, I studied French in college, how could I come to your shitty pharmaceutical company for an interview?!"

Due to his personality, Jiang Yanche was prepared to remain unchanged in the face of changes, but others were not as calm as him. No, a questioning voice sounded.

Jiang Yanche asked politely, and the director also played the role of a smiling tiger. But in the face of ruthless questioning, he was like a Peking Opera face-changing, his smile instantly withered, and his eyes were full of indifference.

With a wave of his hand, he took the document from the secretary. After slightly confirming the name on the document, the director threw the so-called contract to the group of "disobedient" people from the lower class of society in front of him.

Silence is sometimes better than sound.

Silence, like a huge hammer, weighs on everyone's heart.

Jiang Yanche caught the brown file bag steadily, but his hands seemed to be weaker than he thought. With a slip, the file bag slipped out of the "capsule" and fell to the ground.


A crisp sound broke the silence in the room, and in an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Yanche.


The moment she saw Jiang Yanche's face, the secretary exclaimed, as if she saw something shocking, but the sharp eyes of the director beside her made her quickly restrain her surprise, and her expression returned to indifference.

She took a light step and was about to step forward to help pick up the file bag, but was stopped by a strong arm.

The director's eyes were cold, and deep in the cold, there seemed to be a trace of warning: "Pick it up yourself." Jiang Yanche shrugged, and didn't take the secretary's gaffe to heart. It was his own fault that the file bag fell to the ground, so it was reasonable for him to pick it up himself. Uh... Struggling, Jiang Yanche supported himself with his shoulders, and slowly sat up, then bent over to approach the file bag. His right hand stretched forward, drooping weakly, and he could touch the file bag, but his fingers were powerless and couldn't pick it up at all. Damn... It has been a while since he woke up, but his limbs still can't use any strength. In connection with the nature of Company X, Jiang Yanche believed that Company X had given them some kind of medicine. The probability that a company that would give people medicine so casually would be a conscientious company is zero! In addition, just like the person who studied French, Jiang Yanche is a graduate student in literature, and it is also impossible for him to apply for a pharmaceutical company that focuses more on medicine. "I'll help you."

Fortunately, Luo Wuyou was lying next to Jiang Yanche. He stood up and reached down with his equally limp arm. He picked up the file bag in coordination with Jiang Yanche's palm.

"Thank you."

"It's okay, but I just scanned the contents of the document, and the signature handwriting..."

"Shut up, it's not time for you to communicate freely yet!"

As soon as Luo Wuyou opened his mouth, he gave people the feeling that he could talk for a long time. The director's expression turned cold and interrupted him.

It was also when Luo Wuyou stood up that he saw his face. He was very immature, as if he was still a child, maybe just over 18 years old?

At this age, the rebellious psychology is strong, but Luo Wuyou also knows the limit. He made a face at Jiang Yanche with a playful smile and lay down.

Later, Jiang Yanche realized that Luo Wuyou was imitating the director's ugly face, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly.

This guy...

Concentrating his mind, Jiang Yanche opened the seal of the file bag and took out all the documents inside. There were three copies:

"Application for Interview for the "Dream" Position at Company X"

"Personal Physical Examination Form for Interview Application"

"Confidentiality Agreement for the "Dream" Project at Company X".