

The world of Alteria was once ruled by ancient gods, who created a harmonious existence between themselves and the mortals. However, when demonic gods invaded from multiple timelines, chaos and destruction ensued, leading to the "Ancient Last Battle" between the two opposing forces. Though the ancient gods ultimately emerged victorious, they suffered a significant loss and many of them were at the end of their lives. In order to avoid leaving behind a void universe and abandoning their faithful mortals, the ancient gods created 12 new gods to rule over Alteria. It is in this world that a young man named Alex finds himself suddenly transported, facing the challenges of navigating this new and dangerous reality.

Rosin_Romel · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 the Power of dream

Would you like some skewer sir ?

"Recently made fresh skewer only 12 bronze coins."

"Only 4 left first come first serve."

Several vendors shouting like the Vendors in road side.

"Would you like some skeweres,kid?

Hearing the question of vendors pique Alex Interest. As he has not ate any meat for years thus his eyes didn't get away from the meat in grill.

"Seeing him like that the seller Sayed."

"Good. This is very cheap only 12 bronze coins." The vendor happily said.

Alex finally turned his eyes away from. The grill and looked at the vendor.

Scratching his head Alex confuse, bronze coins? I don't think I have…...the…m

As he was thinking, Alex suddenly paused.

The reason for that is, out of nowhere, two transparent screens appeared in front of his eyes.

With just a glance Alex understood what it was.

"So, this is an inventory and the other one is my personal stats!!", Alex said, Touching his Back hair Unconsciously.

That's right, the screen that appeared in front of Alex is the character inventory and character info screens.

Just like in games, the inventory is 10 by 10 grid and each slot in the inventory can hold 99 of the same items. But there's a catch, two slots can't be used for the same item.

Then, at the top of the inventory is where his money can be seen.

Right now, there's 1 Gold coin, 1 Silver coin, and 10 bronze coins in it.

On the other hand, the character info screen shows the equipment Alex currently have, money he has and of course his character attributes.

"Hmm! Let's take a Look at my Character first."

"Saying that, Alex turned around and walked away from the skewer stall."

"Boy, Ain't you buy skewer? Boy boy!"

Behind him, the vendor called out to him.

Although, under normal circumstances, Alex would simply go without an argue, he was feeling particularly defiant today. With a gesture that could only be described as impudent, he pointed both hands towards his clothes, raising his middle finger for emphasis.

"Do you think I can afford something like that?" he spat out, feeling the anger rising in his chest. "And besides, I am a grown man!"

The vendor looked at him with confusion, unsure of how to respond to this outburst. Alex was acutely aware of how he must have looked – a scruffy man, possibly in his early twenties, but with a face that made him look like a thirteen-year-old boy. It was a frustrating reality that he had grown accustomed to.

As he walked away from the skewer stall, Alex made his way towards a bench near the fountain, known as the Fountain of Cupid.

Frustrating without paying attention to couples acting lovely dovely near him, Alex thoughtfully looked at his inventory.

"I wonder what this is."

Alex whisper as he looks at the only item that is in his inventory.

When the screen appeared earlier, Alex immediately noticed that in his inventory, there was actually an item taking one of the inventory slots.

It appears to be a black rock in triangle shape

Curious l, Alex took out the item from his inventory with his though.

The next moment, the black rock disappeared from his inventory and appeared on his hand. Looking at it Curiously, Alex said, "Hmm, I wonder what this is,it looked quite alien also Familiar to me. I can't remember where I saw it."

When Alex tried to look at the item description, there was only one line there that says,

[Put a drop of blood to view information.]

Alex found it weird.

"Why is It that even viewing the items info needs something like a drop of blood?"


In the end, Alex still decided to do as the item says.

He took cut with the pyramid shape black rock top Sharp Angel.

And squeezed a drop of blood onto the black rock.

Like a sponge, the black rock absorbed the blood.

The next moment, the black rock shone with Black sim light and started floating slowly.

Without waiting for Alex to react, the black rock suddenly flew towards him and went through his forehead!

The light on Alex's eyes seemed to dim at this time and he fell into daze.

Inside his head, chunk of information that Alex didn't know before appeared out of nowhere.

After almost an hour passed, Alex finally regained his consciousness.

After blinking his eyes few times Alex Shout out "Whaaaaaaat".

The commotion caught the attention of a couple kissing by the fountain, causing one of them to fall into the water. "Dude! Why are you screaming!!" the soaked person exclaimed Embarrassed by the scene, Alex quickly left and started exploring the town, trying to get his bearings. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the information he had received earlier from the black rock.

"So that is to say, this place I am in right now is a world called Alteria. Which is in Different Galaxy from the futuristic Earth world.

Muttering that, Alex Let out a helpless sigh at the bizarre situation he found himself in.

It's no that coming to this world make him surprised as he already felt enough shock after Transmigrated. It's just that Alteria is an Origin World and withing this galaxy Every single thing is altered by gods. Thus, magic exist. Not just magic any kind of wild things a human could Think of could exist here.

And from the information It didn't explain how many galaxies like this is actually exist.

"Why the God fucking make my live looked like joke. Transmigrated into Transmigrate!! Naah I think Gods are actually going nuts. Alex sighing in himself.

The black rock, which Alex's learned to be called, [Dungeon Masters Core], is actually a very important part of a Dungeon Master.

"The dungeon master's core was actually formed from the gods' consciousness. After millions of years of refinement within the laws and concepts of the universe, a dungeon core is formed."

Top of Form

In this world Alteria, Dungeon and Monster Exist where Danger and riches come in hand.

Dungeons are mainly Full of dangerous Monster layer and lot of Unlucky People Die inside these Dungeon daily. As for Victorious, they bathed in richness.

Just like land and houses, Dungeons also have their own owners

And those called owners are called "Dungeon Masters"!.

Although there is lot of Dungeon but Dungeons Master were count in Hands .

That is because of the [Dungeon Masters Core].

After all [Dungeon Masters Core] is an item which contains the power of gods.

And using so much Gods Power could Cause Imbalance in the Universe. And there was after all only 12 ancient God that's why That's why There is so less Dungeon Master.

Once a Mortal, animal or any other Gods Creation came in touch with Dungeon Masters Core it will fuse with them.

Once fused, there is no going back.

Just like what happened to Alex.

"The dungeon masters Core that Fuse with me is a weird one." Alex said, "I just hope it's not a bad thing."

Alex sighed and opened his status panel.

[Class: Dungeon Master]

[Level: 1]

[Talent: Dream manifestation.]

[Health: 100/100]

[Mama: 100/100]

[Strength: 6] (below average)

[Constitution: 10]

[Agility: 11]

[Intelligence: 35]

[Charisma: 17]

Height : 5.5'' (growing period)

Looking at his own character panel, Alex fell into contemplation. So much imbalanced within my stats. Guess I had to work to improve myself.

Touching his knack, Alex yawn loudly As a extremely Lazy person Alex actually didn't wanted to do a lot of work as he more believing work smartly and that's one of the reason he Is so well off than any other refugees Nomad. He sometime ensures some orphan children one-time meals to work for him scavenge the trash than work for it. That's one of the reason his strength state is so low.

After all, even after So much scavenge one couldn't Afford one time of meals…

In that regards orphan under him was Quite lucky on his own Accord.

Looking at his talent, Alex focused his eyes on it to see more details.

[Dream Manifestation]

[Rank: D (Growth)]

You're not just a dreamer, you are the very embodiment of the dream. Among the seventeen kings, you are the chosen representative of the Dream Realm. However, the universal law has stripped you of your power, leaving only the enigmatic realm of Weird Dreams. To reclaim your throne, you must reunite with your original dreams.

Talent Skill: Dream Bestower – As a master of dream manipulation, you hold the power to bestow and control the dreams of others.

Dream Manifestor: As one of the seventeen kings, you possessed the power of manifestation. As a holder of the Dream Inheritor title, you had the ability to bring any dream and its items into reality

[Detail: To utilize your extraordinary talent skills, you must spend Dream Points, which are a measure of your power within the Dream Realm. However, you must exercise caution as the power of the gods defies the laws of the universe, and using it may have unforeseeable consequences.]

Extreme Caution: if you Deplete you Dream point During venture during dream realm you will be one within the countless dream. As a Mortal you could never came to the real world.

[Dream Point:100]


Alex read the description of his talent but didn't get the information how to use its real power. Power to travel one dream.

Unconsciously he blurred "My talent description is trash.

Just when he said that, he immediately noticed that people around looking at him weirdly.

Realizing his mistake, Alex looked at them embracingly and running off somewhere.

After all, not everyone is Given a Talent

And the concept of System or its description is unfamiliar to rest of the world.