
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

W.H.Y Chapter 13.5

The carriage pulled out of the city with great haste and very soon the high walls of the city were falling to the background.

"I had no idea this world was so beautiful." one of the players was taken aback by the landscape outside the city walls.

Whether it was your first time or your 100th time, this world always had a way of drawing you in. The vermillion sands of the desserts, the floating islands with raining falls and a purple sky filled with jewels of vast sizes.

Looking at the group had me smiling before I collected myself.

"Guys, based on our team, I think I have an idea for a strategy."

"As crazy as it sounds, I'm going to need you to hear me out"

Their shocked faces were expected. It was far from a typical plan but considering their strengths it was an idea that could work.

"I'm in. Let's go for it" Songmine jumped in. Her passion is something I'm not getting used to anytime soon, or is it part of the elf race's traits to be so flighty.

The rest of the group had their reservations, no one wanted to lose their EXP but they were already on the way so an option to turn around wasn't on the table.

"Sure fine, if it wasn't coming from the higher level player in the group I would have shot it down but we're already in this, why not see it through". The grumpy rogue was surprised by the druid who was happy to have him on board.

'Guess dryads and elves aren't that different in terms of personality.' Finally taking a sigh of relief I leaned onto the carriage.

"I'm going to take a quick nap, let me know if something comes up." sitting back as the vision of my character turned dark, the audio of the game turned muffled as the only thing left on the FOV was a clock counting down.

Hitting zero, my eyes opened up revealing the image of the inside of the carriage. Finding most of the players amongst themselves in discussion as it pulled over. The driver informed us that we would be camping for the night.

"All right, you can all probably hit the hay. You get an EXP boost when you take a long rest"

"Sure but who's to say you don't stab us in the back and take our gear in the dead of night?" the rogue quipped as they stepped out of and sat by the campfire cast by the driver.

"We're still a part of the same party, friendly fire would only make the quest harder for me if I did."

"So if you could handle the quest on your own then it wouldn't be a far thought?"

"...." my pause might have had the rest of the party sit up with all but Songmine bearing a scowl the longer I held my tongue. Though it was not out of malice.

"...This...is only the second time I've partied up. The first time playing with strangers. It's all just new to me. If you are worried that I'm planning on robbing you, then you can rest easy. I won't. Dark blood or no, paying kindness with kindness, that's what I believe. And right now, that is for my party."

"Inspiring speech, but you can relax. I was just asking. However, something you said has piqued my interest"

"Ehh...sure. You guys should check out the Helper's Guide. There are a lot of neat tips and tricks. But to keep a long story short: Races of Ulgree can be separated based on the karmic affinity they lean closest to. Dark bloods are those with an innate negative alignment while Bright Bloods are those with an innate positive alignment."

"Of course, they don't impact your personality but they do affect how the game world perceives you. According to the in-game lore, the lands closer to the Glass Sea are more welcoming to the Dark bloods while those closer to the interior offer better treatment to the Bright bloods."

"Sure, but you spawned in the Middle Kingdom no?"

"Yes, guess the devs didn't have any qualms with dropping players in potentially hostile territory."

"Alright then, so what's your race?"

"That is a story for another time"

"Come on, don't keep us waiting."

"Look I have to make a call, you guys can take your nap."

Walking away from the camp, I opened my menu. Finding that they were on their way to the Southern Border having made good progress.

'I'll have to make double-time after completing the Quest. Entering the town by tomorrow means we shouldn't waste any time.'

Returning to find most of them were already asleep, I waited...looking at my gear and checking the items.

'A crazy plan is better than no plan' I thought as the nightly breeze bit into me.

Early morning brought on the rising sun's heat, with the carriage already heading off, travelling to the town.

By the time everyone had woken up, it was already in view.

"Brave Adventurers, up ahead is the town of Mynil"

"Bout time, I've been itching to get started." the Monk said as he tightened his bracers.

"Let's get us some coin" the Rogue chimed

"Time to see what you guys can do" the Berserker added.

When we arrived in town, we found the mayor waiting alongside a group of guards. With the carriage coming to a stop. After thanking the driver for the trip, he took off.

"Brave Adventurers. We received word from the Federation that our request was accepted. Please we need your aid. A drake has terrorized us, stealing our flock and burning our crops. Please, bring an end to this threat and you'll be graciously rewarded"

"Will do." responding to him, the quest acceptance prompt pinged for all members for the new quest:

Mynillian Bounty Quest: Objectives.

• Retrieve the Key of Audrake Manor.

• Save the trapped guards.

• Slay the Mynillian Drake before its next assault.

"The guards must have been the ones who tried to fight the beast when it first attack, but the Key of the Manor. What is it?" I asked the mayor.

"The Manor holds a great many treasures hoarded by its previous owners and further filled by the beast that now nests in it. Bring us the key at any cost sir Adventurer. Those riches will greatly aid our town as we try to rebuild"

"Let's get going Win, we have a dragon to slay"

"Hmph, all right. C'mon" we made our way out of town towards its northern edge, where the Manor sat overlooking the rest of it. But before we could get any further, we found our first encounter.

Skeletal warriors have spawned.

Skeleton Warrior Level 3


"We can take care of this, Berseker cover me" Before I could suggest anything the rogue took off.

Rushing in before the Berserker leapt ahead of them and cleaved through one of them with an overhead strike.

As the rest tried to take a swing at her, the rogue used Smokescreen against them, with the Berserker knocking away the straying foes before he moved in granting the spectators only a glimpse of several flashes as the dust cloud cleared.

"Good work. I take back what I said" the Rogue scoffed as she sheathed her weapon.

"I'm going to ignore that, short stuff" the Berserker answered.

'Well then, at least they can handle themselves.' Winter let out a breath of relief.

"We can't keep sitting on the sidelines or were going to keep someone waiting" Songmine tapped me on the shoulder before joining the group up ahead.

Arriving at the Manor door, a prompt was spawned.

"Beyond this point, you will not be able to leave the area before the prey has been hunted"

"Well threaten me with a good time" the Berserker pushed the door open, and instantly the group was teleported with the building.

Far from the ornate and aged masonry that greeted the party, the innards of the homestead seemed to be crumbling with part of it opened up to bleed in the sunlight and foliage, and resting beneath the tattered banner of the Audrake House was the scaly behemoth.

"Mynillian Drake Level 10"



"Title: Serpent Killer Bonus [Deal 10% extra damage to Draconic Beasts]"

"Seeing a draconic beast with an actual level displayed was a relief, to say the least"

"All right first blood—" Songmine pulled back the Berserker by his belt as she pointed to me. My expression must have shown my frustration with her act.

"Hold on, remember the plan. And stick to formation"

"Formation, strategy, plans... let's just get to smashing things"

"Look, if my plan goes out the window, then you're free to go crazy" I answered, with the response being something that most could get behind.

Getting as close as possible, I used my Frost Skill, starting the battle.

The cold effect slowed the beast's starting attack, giving Berserker enough time to tank it, opening the beast to an assault from Songmine where she released a barrage of spells.

With the cooldown running, the Rogue was called to use her Smokescreen blinding the beast that started to thrash wildly while Berserker and I backed out. In our place, the Monk moved in and delivered a devastating blow knocking the drake into one of the weathered walls.

With a moment given to the Berserker for the druid to heal them, they moved into the fray once more taking the beast's tail swipe.

Blocking the brunt of the attack granted the Monk a chance to avoid it. In their delay, I rushed in and unfortunately the next attack was the least I was looking forward to, seeing the flame lit in the beast's maw, I pulled out a scroll.

"Scroll of Morning Dew temporarily offered Heat Resistance" burned up after its use and pulling out a Gas Vial, I called to the druid to use Enhance Defense on the group.

Accepting the order with a nod, they got into position and used the spell.

As the blast shot out, I threw the Gas Vial, breaking open when meeting the flames and igniting it in a vast explosion.

Tossing me to the side, with the impact striking against the group. Who could only see me get washed over by the smoke cloud:

"Don't lose focus, Win's HP is still in the green!" Songmine called to the group.

Dashing from the smoky veil with steaming garbs, the cooldown for my skill was done, using the Frost skill once more, the beast's rage was stalled.

Moving on its delay, I called on the Rogue to join me, delivering a series of slashes at the beast before the skill began to wear off, prompting the Rogue to once again use her Smokescreen.

With the two of us leaping out of danger, we watched as the creature thrashed about the black mist.

"Well, that was my limit. I won't be able to use that spell again for rest of the day."

"That's fine, just be ready to go on the attack from now on. Berseker you'll cover us, and Monk you'll make an opening. Songmine you fight off any counter and we'll go in for the final strike.

"We can only pull this off about two times before I'm out. Here" I tossed Songmine and the Druid the mana potions before taking a Health potion and handing the other two to Berseker and the Monk.

"Mynillian Drake Level 10"



"Right, this is the final stretch. " getting into position, the Berseker made off alongside the Monk, as the beast readied another flame volley though, this time I threw both a Pitch and Gas Vial. Breaking against the beast and binding its jaws for a moment before it released its blast creating a massive explosion.

"Scroll of Fairy Step" might have cost a pretty penny but let's hope it was worth the cost, running after them as we all ducked from the sudden tail swipe knocking the Druid and Songmine back into what remained of the crumbling ruins, the beast maw's filled with an amber light before belching all around the room.

The lava-like spew splattered all over forcing everyone to leap for cover. With the cooldown still running for my skill, I had to take a chance.

Unequiping my regular sword and using the Sword of Ash. I caught the eye of the beast that slithered up along the wall over its spew as it chased me down.

The group split up as the rearguard pulled themselves together. The Monk stepped in, knocking the beast off balance and leaving it open to an attack from above by the Berserker.

The blow was fierce but the drake carried on with the last of its HP. Songmine was finally up and ready to attack, railing down a hailstorm of ice spikes, giving them time to avoid the attack. The beast fell against the blow.

By this point, the blade was only a visible hilt wrapped in flames.

"Rogue, keep it up" I pushed on as she joined, avoiding its laboured assault, as each strike we brought down on the beast was true...for a draconic beast, their insides aren't all that fireproof, as the blade pierced and what laid beneath the scales.

The beast tried in a valiant effort to bite at us, thankfully the spell cast from the Scroll of Fairy Step that granted an automatic dodge was activated.

For a single attack, I could leap out of danger's grasp.

With the beast's final breath, the group waited...until

Quest Complete: Slay the Mynillian Drake


> Draconic Scales x6

> Fangs: x4

> Skill gained: Whipping Slash, Dragon Claw

Level Up: Level 9

Mynillian Bounty Quest: Objectives.

• Retrieve the Key of Audrake Manor.

• Save the guards.

"We did it, can't believe we managed...Yugo, Valentina—"

"Quit mumbling on your ass, we aren't stopping now." said the Berserker as he helped me up.

'Wait! What is this? This isn't right.' seeing the beast lying static and the cheers of the party, a strange feeling filled my mind. Like a growing fog that had numbed my thoughts easing up.

"Stop. Song, everyone this isn't right—" my voice was drowned out by a growing darkness, filling every crevasse until nothing was left nothing but an empty void.

'Hurry, who knows how long the master has been near the Iron Hearth'

"It's a furnace, how did he manage to fall asleep near such an inferno. Malik, make sure to secure the covering so this doesn't happen again."

"Yes sir."

"Bludfire, carry him to the clinic, I'll get the healers."

A flurry of voices filled the boundless void, as Winter tried to find a way out.