
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

W.H.Y Chapter 13.3

But there was little time to waste, I didn't want to be the one to hold back my comrade. And so with renewed vigour, I left the Guildhall before crashing into someone.

I could hear a loud thud as the person fell back onto the stairs, I wasn't sure who they were but they seemed to be running from someone.

Dusting myself off, I approached the figure with a steady hand.

"Are you okay? Sorry about that, but I'm kind of in a rush."

"If that was true, then you wouldn't be here helping me out now would you?" they responded with a gentle tone, getting me a little tongue-tied for a moment before collecting my thoughts.

"If I make a mistake then I'm going to make an effort to fix it. Anyways my name is Winter, and yours" looking at them as they ruffled their garbs before they went to shake my hand.

"Well polite stranger. My name is Jinse Songmine, Winter" she answered getting closer as she took a look at me.

"I'm not an NPC if that's what your wondering"

"Well can you blame me, everything looks...well so real. I'm so siked to have gotten a copy of the game."

"Well, it's always fun to see a new player. If that's all I'll be going"

"Hang on. At least send me an invite. We can party up if you're feeling free, stranger?"

"Uggh sure, but call me Winter" aside from the other students I was diving alongside, this is actually the first person I've spoken to that wanted to see me again.

Granted it's more like she wants to speak to Winter more but that didn't banish my smile as I walked down the street to the Craft and Market District.

Being true to its name, you would be pressed to find any place in Aufruinen that matched this area in diversity and the uniqueness of each curio that was put on display.

Though the prices of some of them would quickly shake your interest.

Stepping into one of the stores, I approached the counter and rang the bell. The shopkeeper quickly raced to the front willing to hear the customers.

Getting past the lively interaction, my request was finally given a chance.

"Can you show me your racial wares? Blueprints included" oftentimes the option to display the method of construction for many items has to be filtered for or marked else most miss it completely.

A trick I owe to Hawkwing.

The status menu appeared with many blueprints and the currently available items.

Of those, there were two items.

One a blueprint and another a Cursed Item.

Cursed Items are quite rare to find and even harder for them to drop from enemies these are powerful gear that carries a status effect that inflicts the user.

Seemingly a price for the power they offer, it's no wonder most would ignore it.

Though the lack of any points in my luck stat seemed to draw disaster and trouble for these cursed items to fall in my presence.

The requisite gold from the scales that were sold was spent on them. Along with a few items, it seemed as though the Ashen Serpent's arrival was a blessing and a curse.

Axe and Arms Purchase List:

• Cursed Weapon Blueprint(-3 gold)

• Cursed Weapon Swords of Ash and Blood(-5 gold)

• Leather Armour (-2 gold)

• Navy Hooded Cloak (-100 silver)

• Iron Greaves and Braces (-300 silver)

• Mask of the Reviled (-50 silver)

• Lesser Healing points x9 (-90 silver)

• Lesser Mana Potions x2 (-40 silver)

• Lesser Stamina Potions x 3(-45 silver)

Axe and Arms Sold List:

• 7 Frost scales(14 gold)

• 10 Snow apples(10 bronze)

• 1 Sheep fleece(5 bronze)

Feeling a lot better about my gear, I sheathed the red blades and departed.

Stepping out of the store, I was surprised to see the same face as before. the beggar who had disappeared now stood by the door.

A little unnerved by seeing his dishevelled frame and wanton posture had me drawing out a few bronze pieces.

Though the money would have gone a long way to supporting me, the fact that I found some Cursed Items for my race was enough to put me in a good mood.

"Your relationship with this character has increased. You may now receive a unique interaction"

"Huh?" looking back at the beggar smiling with a hand full of bronze, I thought that might be strange, though seeing as how the beggar keeps appearing he least expects, he was willing to hold off the interaction.

Opting to head to the Guildhall for some room and board.

One of the benefits that come with the Adventurers Federation is the discount that adventurers receive under being a part of them.

Before calling it a day, I decided to begin my level allocation. Since the battle with the Chromatic Beast, I hadn't had time to sit and make a choice though my walk to and from the shop gave me some much-needed clarity with my desired goal.

Knowing that I made for the classes most suited to the task:

Status Menu

Class: Swordsman Level 3

Derived Class: Swordmaster Level 1

That being said, having my nap bothered by an alert from the Guild attendant, I got up and gear up though before stepping out, I took a moment to go through the Cursed Items.

While I did make sure to sort by race, it would be bad if the debuff was something outside what I expected. opening the item detail, my eyes couldn't help but widen.

Item Description:

->Status: Cursed. Origin: Racial

->Level: ??

->Element: None

'The Swords of Ash and Blood bear an effect that cannot be nullified or removed with an item or magic. The Curse of Ash causes a sustained burn effect on the wielder that grows with the duration of the blade remaining unsheathed.'

'The Curse of Blood activates with the blood of the wielder, sharpening the edge with the more HP is taken imparting a Bleed effect for as long as the sword is unsheathed.'

"Figures the level data would be locked for a cursed item. Can't say I didn't try. Well then, I think I'll need to stock up on more—"

"Knock knock. Winter...you in there?"