
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

W.H.Y Chapter 13.2

Looking at the status menu, one thing stood out. Aside from the experience points, item drops and quest completion prompts, one name stood out.

'Pale Serpent'

"A Chromatic Beast, here?" having played the game before I knew that seeing such a spectacle would be a surprise each time.

During our time together, Yugo, Hawkwing and I only faced them enough to get the much rarer items we needed. For the most part, they were a force you want to steer clear from but now...

My mind was split between two places as I returned to the homestead after the fight.

The farmer wasn't a bit shaken but was all the same glad to see their child happy. Thanking me for my help, they offered me a ride to the city, one I gladly took up.

As the carriage to off, I tried to contact them.

:: Where are you guys right now?

Y: Just heading back to the Federation after completing a quest, managed to get myself a mount.

H: What, how did you manage that? I've been stuck trekking it along...god that last quest was a pain but at least I'm now a part of the Federation.

Seeing that they were still the same kind of made me chuckle.

As I told them what had happened. Granted, I wouldn't have believed it either...but after Yugo's rant, things began calming down.

Entering the city the place somehow managed to be even more lively with players running about in search of a quest.

Coming past the same street he was waiting on in search of a quest, he walks by the same beggar greeting him with earnest joy after being ignored by passing players.

Having met a similar figure in my day to day while I attended high school, I felt somewhat inclined to help him, tossing two bronze pieces in his cupped hands as we spoke for a moment before I departed for the Adventurer Guildhall.

"Your positive reputation has increased"

With a strange prompt appearing, I turned back only for the figure to have disappeared.

Entering the hall, I was matched by the sight of fantastical music livening the scene with flutes and strings engaged the senses with the scent of iron, leather and gold surrounding the people within.

Most of the patrons inside were engaged in discussions over their last battle or the manner in which they planned to split their most recent haul, my ears pricked up as I got started.

During my talk with Yugo and Hawkwing, we decided that we would meet at the southern border. Yugo had a plan for us to head towards the Glass Sea.

A suicide mission for early game players but after hearing about my battle with the Pale Serpent, this idea struck him.

Though we urged him that we should at least gather our strength by farming. Since the trip may be a long one, I'll need some coin.

Luckily the Federation had more than enough quests for started. Though if there is one that I'm looking for it was that one.

I reached over to grab the bounty: Dragon Slayer needed for the town Mynil.

Mynil would be west from Aufrunien meaning a bit of a delay, still, it means that there's a chance to get the drops I need.

Fighting the serpent in the lake was a surprise but with the drops, the possibility for something useful being made just became a real possibility.

That being said the job would have been a steal had there not been another that grabbed it.

"You plan on handing that quest over or what?" I turned to have the source of the voice. Only to come face to face with the armoured annoyance.

"I SAID, are you handing that over or what?"

"Why would I exactly"

"Oh so your not an NPC. Well then, I doubt you can do much with gear of yours. A dragon is a little out of your wheelhouse, no?"

That explains it, the pompous tone, arrogant sneer the sense of entitlement was all too clear. Despite the game having only.been open for two days the Cash Shop made anyone willing to shell out the necessary coin more than prepared for the early game.

Though while certain items were restricted to class and stat restrictions...some would offer you better stats than starting gear despite their mediocre level.

"Sorry but no!" I tried to walk away but the very same figure pulled me back this time with an offer of gold.

The game had started all that long ago and yet he managed to secure himself such impressive gear. I would admit that it made me a little furious...but there was nothing I could do aside from walking away.

'There's no right way to play the game so I can't blame him for paying his way through the game. I hate how awesome he looks though' clenching his fist before letting out a sigh as he continued.

Approaching the registrar, a kind eleven attendant stepped out to assist me...placing the quest on the counter she hesitated before I assured her that I made the correct choice.

Conceiting, she stamped the quest but urged that the quest required a party to complete.

Needing three more members for the quest, she asked if she should open it up to a party request. I thanked her as she did. Noting that I would need to wait for some time.

She asked if there were any other resources I would like to use.

Requiring the services of a weaponsmith, she directed me to the Crafts and Merchant districts.

Spawning the appearance of the marker on my map. Thanking her, I departed with the ire of the same player still being drawn.

"Dark blood conflict has increased"

Of course, hate between characters is always going to be a thing, and when it's between different player races, the penalty can be annoying. Since it increases the suspicion of other characters around your chosen race.

The game really takes the idea of an ethnic image to new heights. Though the fact that the game spawned me so far from the Glass Sea was surprising, I merely told myself to expect more changes to the world of Ulgree.