
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 9

"Seems pretty clear he hasn't used any skills before. Casting one like that so often..." Gil shared with Elyssara as Winter rested.

"What kind of Blessing would let him survive something like that...I could have sworn the beast's breath had showered him. Honestly, having the two of you appear out of nowhere was strange enough but helping to save our town on the brink of collapse and for that, I'm truly grateful" as tears streamed down her relieved expression.

"It's quite alright, even though all I did was provide you with the knowledge. Really, if it's actions you are thankfully for then I believe he would be more worthy" he answered, as he offered her a handkerchief for her tears.

"I think we are all fortunate to have survived, for a Chromatic Beast to appear without warning could be the first signs of the coming Horrors. But for now, you should rest, it has been a long week for everyone"

As he slept, Winter heard the same chime from before.

"Parameters have been met for Secondary Blessing: Root of Ambition."

Current Status: Winter


Uryans Trace

Root of Ambition

Vitality: 22

Agility: 27

Strength: 27

Intelligence: 27

Intuition: 32

Luck: 10

Defence: 16

Skill Cast: (20 seconds)

Skills Available:

Frost Breath, Frost Effect(Mastered)

New Skill: Cold Manipulation

Class: Sword-Wielder. Title: Ashblade[Condition: Slay an Ashen Chromatic Beast]

"You plan on waking up anytime?"

Gil teased his companion, who rose with an unusual feeling of chill despite how warm the room was.

Gil handed him a cup of tea as he tried to warm himself, he reminded Winter that he should be careful how often he uses his skills.

"The Skills you take from others might take a heavy toll on you if you overuse them, so just watch okay"

"Strange that you would only tell me after I did so, are there limits to your Foresight?" Winter said before taking another sip.

"I have no control over what I see, I'm only shown" Gil answered with a smile.

Rising to his feet, he explained that since his quest was complete he needed to return to his Guild, though he wants him to stop by anytime.

"It's called Poseidon's Steel, you can find it in Lacol. If you're ever nearby, visit me, and we can chat, but before I can leave, let me ask you something?"

"Sure, though if it's no trouble you can call me Xachai"

"Oh. I'm glad to hear it" Shaking his hand.

"So what do you plan on doing with the village? You've stopped by and dealt with a threat they've been struggling with for a while, but what's next, do you plan on moving on and leaving them to deal with what may come?"

"I-I'm not sure. I'm still trying to figure out the best way of handling my duty. The responsibility of a World Walker of dealing with the Horrors. Since I arrived in this world, I've spent my time here training but I don't know how to do what I'm supposed to, to start helping people"

"Well, there's no one way. Whether it's as a hero travelling the continent in search of fame and glory, searching for the Ivory Stars or even serving as a knight that protects their kingdom. No matter the avenue, your kind always leave a mark. And right now, you get to decide what kind of mark that is"

"It helps to have someone to share this with. I think I have an idea. There is someone that I've been looking for, though all I know is that they've become a great knight within some powerful Guild.

I don't think I could face her if I haven't grown from being just a Sword-Wielder. If she managed to make such strides, I want her to see me as an equal," he reveals how much the thought was lingering.

"If she's part of what motivates you, then keep growing stronger, Anheii will be thankfully for you protecting her, and you might grow to be a man worthy of her"

"It-it's not like that, it's just that I'm drawn to her for some reason. Since the moment I fell into this world"

"Well then, just keep going. Now, are you going to see me off?" Winter was handed his coat and slowly put on his boots before walking him to the village gate, only to find a few of the villagers were waiting to see them off.

Having protected the people, Winter saw Gil off and returned home, but not before the villagers requested to name the village after him for protecting it and saving the citizens...

"You don't have to, whether I was sent here or I came of my own accord, I don't think I could abandon those that felt alone" saying his goodbyes before setting out on his chosen path.

Returning with the Nylstag, that the villagers offered to him as a gift, Whitebeard praised his student as he noticed the contemplative look on the boy's face.

"You've finally decided haven't you, Xachai?" the old man asked as he embraced his student.

Winter thanked him for everything and tried handing over the Darkscale though Whitebeard was just as adamant as before that he keep it. After gathering his things he greeted this master a final time before leaving

"Don't forget to visit me okay, the elderly appreciate visits from time to time"

Winter nodded as he left for the elevator and made his way down to the lobby of the Antikytheorem. For the first time in so long, he approached the attendants as they asked him how they could help.

"Hi. I'm not sure where to go but, I want to join a guild..."