
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 7

Sitting in the room warmed by a cosy hearth in the Guardhouse, Winter, who had previously been fuming at the thought of the Darkscale in the hands of another...but now he found himself in a state of discomfort as the guard's women kept eyeing him as he sat in silence, feeling their eyes mark his every moment, he opted to sit in silence until Gil returned with Elyssara.

"Ahh well done. Though you weren't called to duty to gawk at him...yes he is a man, and no he does not see to be stricken either. I believe the time spent eyeing him should have proven that" Elyssara calls the guards to attention, forcing them to their posts, leaving her with Gil and Winter.

"Thanks for waiting," Gil spoke kindly.

"Yeah. So can you please return my swords"

"Maya, return to him his weapons" One of the guards rushed out from the back and returned with them in hand before handing them to her.

"Alright. So I'm going to hand these back to you, and also make you an offer. Tell him Rudriel" Winter wasn't sure what she meant, that is until he turned to Gil:

"Listen, Winter, I think I found the cause of the plague. According to the request, Frostmorne is a matriarchal town, though surprisingly enough there are no males beyond the age of 13. Once they get old enough, they all move down the mountain working in the lands there while the women of the town lead and run the city."

"Wait...so that's why there aren't any male guards, but what does have to do with me," Winter asked has looked at Elyssara clutched his weapons.

"That's just it. When I went to check any of the patients, Elyssara told me that it was only recently that the plague began affecting the women of the town, including the children.

Primarily, the Frost lung plague struck the males that remained in the town above 13 though now it's spreading indiscriminately."

"Your friend here seems to think he might have found the source of the plague. The PlagueWalkers."


"Guessing that means you don't know what I'm talking about...sigh."

"Plague-Walkers are those that have to succumb to the Frost lung. When the dead aren't properly disposed of, they begin to wander the plains of these mountains, passing the disease on.

We think we might have found the source of the disease, if we can take care of them, we might be able to stop the Plague Walkers infestation of these plains"

"So we need your help. Say what you will, but I think you could help"

Gil staring him down had Winter feeling a bit uneasy about the silence, as though he was able to look deep within him with a surprising purity, he found that he couldn't deceive him.

Knowing full well that he couldn't put his hunt above the people in need, he accepts. With his next question aimed at the relieved Gil wondering about the source of the plague.

As they spoke, Elyssara sent out some guards to return with her armour and weapons, shocking him as she stated that she would join them, through sharing the same look as Gil, the conversation that would have spawned was cut short.

"Dear friend, the source of the plague seems to be the Lake. Most of the Plague Walkers were seen emerging from there. If we can get close enough, we might be able to find out why"

"It's a little strange to hear you call me friend"

"You seem like someone I would like being friends with"

"If you two are done having your little romance, we have a plague to stop"

The trio left the guardhouse and travelled towards the outskirts of the village.

The Lake sat not far from the caldera's centre where the village sat, with mines being found in the caves closer to the rim that was formed by the long asleep volcano.