
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 5

Training under Whitebeard for almost 3 years, he developed his talents what few they were into a reasonable force. With progress impressive enough that the master selected him to inherit his sword style.

Reasoning that since he had no prior skills or aptitude for other paths, it would allow him to better assimilate the style, and right he was as he managed to assimilate and even develop his techniques.

The sword style was known as the Vanishing Sword: Rippling Streams of Reflection.

The style requires the user to develop increase striking and manoeuvring speed, such that the practitioner's blade appears to vanish in the wake of the attack. The blade is swung at such speeds that the eyes struggle to follow, creating illusions and even, at times, disappearing completely.

The base of the style can be inherited and refined, but with each user, the style reflects their nature and origin, allowing for the creation of new techniques, as such a master of the style is capable of exceeding any other sword style as the growth and history each practitioner inherits can be passed on and refined.

Because of the incredible growth potential of the style, every practitioner has the responsibility of developing and one day passing on the style to another, maintaining the cycle of growth.

White beard's last student perished and as such hasn't had another for almost 40 years before He arrived.

Xachai's training helped him discover something that wasn't revealed by his status plate prior. Finding out that his Affinity or the nature of his magic was that of Storm, which gave birth to a variation of the Vanishing Sword, not only made full use of his affinity. He created the Stormblood Techniques.

"Xachai my boy, come over here for a moment", the stout elder called to him after entering the practice room.

He immediately placed the practice sword beside the dummy before pacing after his master:

"Yes, master, what is it?"

"You know kid, usually training is only supposed to last for 6 months not 3 years, anything after that you could learn through experience"

"Oh, I see...I just haven't felt confident enough to go without your teachings, there is so much more I can learn from you", he responds with a half-hearted laugh.


"I thought you might say that, which is why I need you to go on an errand for me, you could think of it as training if you'd like. I need you to head to the Northern mountains and bring me a Nylstag"

"A Nylstag master? Are you looking to eat some venison?"

"Not at all, the beast holds a more intriguing mystery, and my old bones don't fare well in such bitter cold. Now off you go, and take this...it might help"

He tosses him a strange looking sword, jet back with silver tailings, some parts looking to be covered almost in shimmering scales

"Oh and be careful when you use it, if you break then..."

"I swear to return it in superb condition, master—"

"Ugh, I don't want it, it's a nuisance, I was going to say if you break it then it's too bad, it was a pain in the ass to get it made, and ended up being more work than its worth on the account of its disobedience"

"Disobedience master?"

"Well, what are you waiting for, get cleaned up and bring me my stag Xachai, while I still have a craving for it..." with the last of his patience worn, the master left the room and continued down the corridor.

Leaving the young man sitting in admiration of his master's gift.

"I wonder why he'd give me something so valuable?"