
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 4

"Don't struggle, just relax. At least until they leave", his gaze shifts to the side, leading him to look towards a group of individuals that had decided to leave the previous day.

The grizzled group seemed to be staring at him as his eyes met there's, shocked at the loss of their chance, the group merely scoffed before walking out of the booth.

"You stick out like a sore thumb, try looking like less of a target next time", the figure removes their hood. She tells him that there won't always be people to look out for him, but she's pretty curious about him.

He tries to ask her who she is, but she just tells him to wait for her, they can head to Configuration together.

He complies, thanking her for watching his back. She responds that he was one of the few less sketchy looking people.

He's not sure if it was a compliment or what, but he appreciates it. She gets her mark, and briefing from the booth before returning to him as the two of them headed out of the building on their way to the Configuration, piercing deep into the dark sky, it was an easy landmark to follow.

The two exchanged what they learned from their briefings, as well as how they got here.

She couldn't remember much, except what she thinks her name is: Stella, while He still couldn't remember anything about himself. They tried to figure out anything about him but came up with nothing. So they decided to continue their exchange, nearing the entrance of the Antikytheorem.

But while they continued to speak, they both realized that the only similarities they shared were how they managed to awaken into the world and the fact that they shared amnesia to a degree, though there were some details they could recall from memory, but what they described seemed different.

He ultimately accepts the possibility that they might have come from different worlds into this one. Their conversation was interrupted by a call for them to join the queue for whatever business they needed to conclude.

Joining the Training Queue, they each walked to the booth, where they were asked to reveal their mark, to which they received a description of their abilities and where to go in the Configuration to receive their training. Stella went first, and after the booth briefed her, she returned to him to wish him goodbye...

"I'll be heading to 12th floor, seems like I'll be doing some Thief training, kinda feel insulted. Guess I'll see you around"

Saying his goodbyes as she walks on towards the elevator, before heading upwards. Once she left the room, he turned towards the booth and received his briefing.

The admin officer wore an uncomfortable expression before quickly giving Him his briefing, all the while apologizing profusely.

'Sword Wielder, I wonder what that could offer?', he thanks her, before asking her where he could go to begin his training.

"Um...all masters of the Sword can be found on the 25th floor and above"

Taking this to mean that he had the choice of master from floor 25 and going up, so he marshals on, even though she wanted to continue his briefing, he informed her that it was alright, thanking her and walking towards the elevator, and ascending to the floors above.

Sadly, once He encounters his first master on floor 25, he quickly learns just how much of a disadvantage he was carrying.

The moment he approached the regal figure, he was stopped in his tracks and simply asked to raise his mark.

Raising his palm to the master, he taps the mark and a projection appeared in front of them. Among the various pieces of information that were appearing, the main one that garnered the figure's attention was the "Status Plate Menu" the figure clicked the Marked icon and below the descriptors appeared.

With one look, the master knocked him aside, and asked him to leave, having no interest in training him.

He tried to understand the issue, but the figure merely closed his door, locking him out. With that single interaction, the stream of rejections continued as each door closed, and he ascended level by level.

Current Status: ??




Vitality: 12

Agility: 12

Strength: 12

Intelligence: 17

Intuition: 17

Luck: 5

Defence: 6

Skill Cast:

Skills Available:

Class: Sword-Wielder.


Overall, He was as average as possible.

The Sword-Wielder class is ambiguous as the bearer has no qualities that stand out, they merely have the characteristics that would function efficiently in sword-play.

But when He arrives at the Tower, he struggles to find anyone willing to train a Sword-Wielder.

Most of the masters were only interested in Heroes, Shogun and Knights...all of which might be Sword Classes, but they happen to be specialization whereas Sword-Wielder was far too ambiguous.

Though this class doesn't gain skills through increasing one's level, rather you attain skills by using more bladed weapons or using the blades you have, even more, increasing your experience with them evermore.

By the time he'd made it to the 45th floor, he managed to gather enough information to prove his assumptions true.

He finds himself chuckling a bit as seemingly the nicest rejection he faced was the one floor 32, where the master was at least considerate enough to explain why she had no interest in training himself

"It was a kind act of cruelty," he mumbles to himself as he made his way out of the current master's establishment.

Although he does manage to stumble into a master without even knowing. As he was looking for what felt like the 20th master to teach him, he ran into the same group of people that were trying to shake him down.

To try and avoid them, he made his way down a path that wasn't mentioned or marked and hid inside a dark and worn-out room.

After a couple of moments, He took a sigh of relief as he stumbled back...only to bump into what felt like a person.


He shouted in sudden panic before the light came on in the room, revealing a short, old man with white hair combed into a top-knot and a beard that almost grazes his belly. He simply stood there in shock…

"Well...are you going to stand there looking stupid or are you going to tell me what you're doing in my home", boomed a hefty voice from the stout figure.

"Ahh...well, I'm avoiding some people, and I thought I could stay here for a while, I honestly had no idea that someone lived here"

"Haha hahaha, yeah it might be a bit shabby, but it's still my home. Well how about this, you can stay here for a little while and in the meantime(a grin sprawls over his face), you can tell me what brings you to the Configuration"