
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 2

"ddgdg sdfsdfsdf ??????

fsdfwefwwfefwfdsfffsfsfs fsfsfsfsf ffsfs wwetwtwtetw dsgdgdsgsgd ???????

fsfsfsfsf ????dsfg wggw ?? gggegwggwge ????"

Strange sounds continued to echo with a sombre tone, growing louder and louder each time...until He opened his eyes.

His eyes were trying to centre on the soft glow above with the shadow of a figure looming near him and bringing his vision to focus. It was a doctor, at least that's what he thought since the figure was wearing a coat of sorts.

He tried to get up, but the slight sensation of nausea cautioned him to sit instead. The figure approached him and began what looked like a checkup. He concluded it by attempting to speak to him once more:

"hfg hfg hyer ht, klll. hfg hfg hyer ht?. "

He couldn't understand a single word...but what was stranger was that as he tried to respond, nothing seemed to come out.

All the words fell on deaf ears, as he could only mouth the words in a futile attempt to communicate his distress. He tried and tried...and sadly each time nothing would come.

Eventually, the doctor motioned to him to stop as he started coughing.

Someone who looked like a nurse walked over to them and handed over a syringe with a violet solution. The doctor took it and proceeded to inject it into him without haste.

As the mysterious fluid began coursing through his veins, it only took a few minutes before his nausea was gone.

He got off the bed and tried to ask the doctor what was in the syringe but still, nothing managed to come out

"It's alright, speech should soon follow after you've managed to establish equilibrium. Don't rush it, or you might cause yourself some damage"

"Huh...how did I...I understood you?", he thought to himself as the doctor's calm voice suddenly produced sense in his words.

He stared at him, bewildered at the fact that he was able to understand him. Though, the doctor snapped him back to his senses as he told him to get dressed and make his way to the room at the end of the corridor as soon as possible.

"But I don't have any clothes," he murmured in an inaudible tone.

"The nurse has provided you with a basic attire, we understand that you arrived here completely bare(chuckles a bit). C'mon, hurry up"

He could do nothing at that moment but listen to the doctor as he took the clothes and went to get dressed behind the divider.

Once he was dressed...he followed the nurse out of the room, leading him to the room at the end of the hall.

(The doors to the hall open up)

''Please make your way inside. They've been expecting you," the nurse ushers him into the hall before closing the doors behind him.

Inside the hall, he noticed other people in similar attire to his, though there were far fewer than what he had seen during his fall. Looking around, no faces came to mind as familiar.

(Doors open up as two gentlemen walk in and one of them takes a seat behind the centralized desk in front of them)

His attention along with the rests shifts towards the figures...until he lets out a sigh as he starts lighting the cigarette from his coat: "I can't believe they expect me to do this for the 9th time today"

"Alright, I'm guessing you all have some questions, but for the sake of making this easier for you and a little more bearable for me. I'll tell you what I know about what's happened and Daitei over here can handle your questions"

He along with everyone else was eager to respond but as they struggled...the collectively choking forced Daitei to stay their attempts

"It'll take some time before you can talk, try not to strain yourself and just listen, for now, you can start sir"

"Huh, thank you Daitei. Okay, I'll try to keep things simple. All of you were brought here because you possess the strength to fight a plague that has been assaulting our world.

You alone made your way to this place, and because of that...you are currently unable to return in the same manner. Simply put, your abilities drew you to this place to fight the plague and only once you've become strong enough to defeat the plague can you return

(Pulls a few puffs of smoke)

Hugh, so that's the heavier stuff out of the way. You might think that this is ridiculous/impossible, but this is the reality we faced every day...and now, you've been called to change it"

(A burly individual bursts towards the desk, enraged)

".....cough....cough.....you want us to just die for you in a fight that isn't even our, how the #$%^ are we supposed to believe any of your bull#$@5"

"....cough(wheezing as He grabs His chest)...the fall"

The man looks to Him as He struggles to force the words out of his mouth

"You should have seen it, even if it was for a moment...this place, it's different. And I'm not...I'm not saying foreign, I mean this isn't our home, OUR world....we aren't on it"

"You managed to take in the landscape while you were Walking", Daitei's attention fell on Him as he awaited his response

(A slight chuckle slips from under his breath)

"I wouldn't exactly call falling several thousand meters: Walking, but I did manage to see quite a bit"

(A smile streaks across his face at his remark)

"Oh, we refer to the act of crossing between worlds: Walking. Thus making all of you: World Walkers"

"Huh, worlds?" he thought as he tried to understand what Daitei was implying

"Eh hem, if I may continue, I still need to brief a few other groups by day's end"

"At the moment, you are presented with a pretty simple choice: Fight and grow strong enough to return home, or don't and remain on Anheii. "

"No matter what you decide, you'll all be given a stipend, with which you can use as you see fit. Those who don't want to fight are free to leave the building by tomorrow night at the latest.

If you're willing to fight, then you'll have to head to the first floor and register by the Admin office."

"Any questions", Daitei turns to the confused audience

"Uhh...so you're saying we don't have to fight, and we'll still get our money and leave, no tricks", a shallow voice echoed behind several people.

"Yes, of course, the stipend. 1200 Ouran will be paid to you. If you wish, you can find several inns outside this building that offer room and board until you can figure out what you want to do next"

(Hearing the statement made, multiple Walkers rushed towards Daitei)

"Then can we get it now, please", the mob boomed loudly.

"Simply head to the Admin office, the door to your right will take you there. State your purpose and they'll accommodate you..."

Before he managed to finish his statement, the mob left in haste..." I'm not dying for nothing, this isn't my crap"

Only 20% of the crowd now remained, along with Him.

"If there aren't any more questions, we'll take our lea..."

"Wait...you said there were other people right....when we eh...walked here, I saw someone, are they okay? "

"Mmm...oh, you mean the girl that you arrived with."

"Well...yeah, I don't know her, but is she alright?"

(His expression turned to a surprised one...)