
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 17.5: A Devil’s Gift of Wine

Winter has once again returned to the kingdom since the Sword King had summoned all the emissaries to his palace.

Count Galvan had just as soon left the Palace to begin work on what he had agreed upon within the War Room. Returning to the Greycastle Steppes on the coast of the Sword Sea to share all he had heard with his father.

The Sword Sea was the only way to reach the Northern Realm aside from taking to the skies, and its defence was held by his family from Greycastle, and the many keeps along the coast.

Now the count brought news that would call upon their duty once more.

Something more would be needed of them for what the King had planned, something that would shake all that slither, and crawl and skitter as far as the Final Edges of the Glass Sea, something that weighed enormously on his heart as he knew the severity in what he would have to share.

Returning to the place, the Vaunted Saint, Luc-Velion continued to heed his master's decision to honour him as the new Vaunted Sword Saint, graduating from his status as his novice, so soon after receiving the King's invitation.

With the weight of his master's legacy always weighing on his mind, now standing in the gaze of the King would present a greater cause for concern.

The boy's exploits alongside his master's, the previous Vaunted Sword Saint were worthy of songs and stories shared by artists and maidens alike.

Most of the cherished stories of heroism and honour would be passed by dreaming damsels and hopeful ladies imagining rescue at his hands from his tales, though despite his fame, Luc could never bring himself to bask in the praise, constantly fearing that he may not be deserving. 

Such deep-seated self-doubt would only compound after the King's daughter had taken a liking to him, and not just him, but from his initial arrival, the Royal Court has taken in by his charm.

His princely allure drew in more support for the Sword King from the nobility in the kingdom, and under his daughter's request, he offered Luc a seat in his court, standing not just as a Sword Saint, but as a nobleman who would eventually ask for the princess' hand at marriage.

Thanks to his support and the love of the commoners, having him in the court would help to secure support for the future of the crown.

Looking east towards the fearsome mountains of the Blood Belt, General Ooltyde was hard at work, despite the King's request for him to remain in the capital, he had already begun his preparations for a new campaign. One that would take the army to the southwest border, providing allies and support to help defend the Southern Realm in exchange for their cooperation in any future expansion campaigns past the western border.

King Alphereg had provided them with his blueprint of securing those he deemed to be worthy allies and resources that would allow his kingdom to expand for what he planned to undertake which required a force his kingdom currently could not properly support let alone arm.

He had been working under the assumption that the Western Realm of Erytha would have its conquerors set their sights east. 

To this end, he would do all he could to help his people prepare for such an invasion even if it lasted a millennia, but to do so, he would need to create an empire that would last more than a thousand years. 

Leaving the young Audrake nobleman in service of the King at a task others may have seen as an obvious attempt to not saddle him with any significant responsibility at the risk of Lord Durin taking none of it seriously.

Though the murmuring and whispering 'blue-bloods' had no idea how crucial the task of securing allies was for the King's plans. 

For a kingdom that is as unapologetically isolationist as Pheeldaron, the King and the people are incredibly wary of outsiders.

So with no intention of making this decision lightly, Lord Durin had been entrusted to act as the King's ambassador, though what he did not know was that the young lord had already made plans of his own to meet with other races he believed would make great allies for their Kingdom, though he understood that without the King's approval, they will be at the mercy of the very forces they are trying to defend against.

The way he sees the situation, for the kingdom to have a future, it has to let go of its xenophobia and begin to embrace cooperation with the other races.

So secretly, over the last year, he had been spreading communications across the continent, seeking potential allies and groups that could strengthen the kingdom, without notifying the King or his councillors.

Within the Palace, Ms Runeheim, frustrated, opened the drapes to a dark and messy room, instantly illuminating the entirety of the room and sparking deep groans out of the once peaceful sleeper writhing in the piercing rays of the morning sun.

Lecturing Durin that he has work to do, and that it's already late into the morning, she stayed and scolded him until he woke up.

While it seems that he has been slacking for the last year, in truth he has been prepared for something. 

Wearily brushing notes and papers away that littered his desk to retrieve a handful of letters buried beneath even more stacks of papers. He reads them aloud while half awake, with some addressed to Arkstein Monastery, Lacol and even the Huashia Kingdom, though she is more annoyed at having to wake him only to find him drunk and rambling.

He does try to urge her that he will need to make a trip to the East to continue his work but before he can continue, the lady lets out a huff before handing him a letter of her own.

Detailing that the King intends to send the Dragon Saint instead while he handles his work duties in the Royal Capital, the Crown City of Alpheela. 

This had been bothersome for him as he knew the nature of the Dragon Saint and the tense history that the Huashia Kingdom has with outsiders.

Wondering what would inspire the King to make this decision, he considered that he may have to start going against the word of the crown to ensure its future. But with the Vaunted Saint also stationed within the Royal Capital, his movements were increasingly hindered.

So to check on the progress of one of his ventures, he arranges a little excursion for himself.

Firstly, he had to remain in the Palace whilst not indicating that he had any plans of leaving. After an entire month of him passed out drunk in the courtyard at noon, or chasing every maiden skirt in the court, the King was advised to deal with him. Sending in Ms Runeheim for the task.

While secretly waiting on his task, Ms Runeheim would put him to work, seeking his insight on the mobilization of the Alpheela's guards, the crown city's protectors. The rise in mounting descent and disdain of them in the commoner's eyes had been reaching the ears of those in the Palace.

This was due to the fear of famine as the farmers' yield was quite poor this last year, not accounting for the incoming refugees from across the Blood Belt and lastly, the slowed trade with Lacol and the rest of the Middle Realms as they tried to deal with a growing gathering of monsters in the peaks of Frostmorne.

All of this meant that even the people within the Capital were having a hard winter, and unfortunately, the scheming nobles did not help, playing the people against themselves with uneven taxation and biased trade meant that the people were growing restless.

Within the last month alone, Alpheela's guards had to be mobilized beyond her gates to ensure that the raiding and looting of less protected villages was stopped, something Lord Durin was quick to respond to and effectively handle.

As a result, he soon rose as a figure that represented the King's authority, that which protects all his people. But the winter only grows harsher and those that suffer are becoming more desperate.

Necessitating the young lord's presence and focus even more than Ms Runeheim had planned when she put him in this position, but for all the good it was doing the Pheeldaronian people, she deemed it necessary, and she didn't mind either that it was very clearly another task to keep him out of trouble but still close enough to have him under their watch.

Admittedly she notes that had it not been for the King's suggestion she would have inquired with someone else. In that sense, she wanted him to know that she didn't consider him worth much in this regard.

Durin cannot be bothered enough to care, since he hasn't had his breakfast, and he leaves his room to hunt for food

"Hunt?" She said in a confused tone. She finds herself on horseback racing through the Messer Forest, trying her best to call for the leader of the hunt. However, Durin could only see his prey.

By crossing the rapids of the Bladed waters, he reached a deeper part of the forest he was hunting in, being led away from the rest of his hunting party by a meadow after noticing the peculiar golden leaves on some of the scattered trees.

Coming to a bear cave that was empty during the summer, his entrance into it prompts the figure waiting inside to start speaking.

A Yutieran Guard acting as a messenger between Durin and his connection in Lacol, the Margrave of Grunland, Iro de Gras who is a close friend of Durin, having both been tutored by the talented sage, Reinwald, known for teaching heirs to noble heritage and shaping them into individuals capable of carrying their family's name.

The guard affirmed his identity before handing over a letter to Durin with what looked like a coin-sized seal of bronze. 

Before he could ask the guard about the piece of metal, they left the forest without a sound.

Durin, while having expected the message was hoping for something more from the encounter but alas he leaves the secret place and crosses over the Bladed Waters to meet the gaze of Ms Runeheim who had been waiting for him alongside several knights acting as her shield wall while another cavalryman was tying their spoils of the hunt to their steed.

 Greeting the lord with cheers at their success, Durin washes away his grimace before meeting them, announcing how proud the king would be to feast on such a beast.

Though unlike the rest of his knights, Ms Runeheim can't shake her curious thoughts about their Lord's sudden disappearance during the hunt, wanting to find out for herself, she knew enough about him having acted as his aid to know that it would be a pointless task to seek an honest answer from him if he was not willing to surrender one.

So instead she keeps her eye on him, hoping to catch something of note through her capacities. Before she could go about her regular scolding of his ill manners in abandoning his men, the young lord swooped her off her feet and onto his steed, before mounting the beast and telling her:

"You've been so patient with us. Please allow me to treat you to a meal befitting a lady of your stature"

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Durin? Put me down this instance"

"No can do. I intend to still make breakfast and that means I need you to hold on tight. Onwards men!" Answering with a collective cheer, the bronze-colored steeds took off letting out breaths of deep orange flames, they charged forth, blazing a path through the forest in a mad dash accompanied by Ms Runeheim's cries for it to end.

Arriving back in the Alpheela, Durin hands the reins of his steed to his men as they are drawn to a nearby stream to quench their thirst. As they drank deeply, their bodies gave off billows of steam while the flames they spewed with each breath lessened in intensity from the scorching blue to its typical orange flames. 

Relieving his mount of their combined weight, once the beast was satiated, the lord brought the beast along, calling to Ms Runeheim to keep up or get left before.

She curiously asked why they would stop so close to the edge of Alpheela, Durin continued to guide her through the winding streets and past the bustling avenues through the various stores restocking their shops with the latest shipments, while traders, mages and anyone with anything to sell got to putting together their stalls.

They would continue until they reached the young lord who was known for frequenting my pleasure establishments during his excursions through the city, most notably the cultural epicentre known as the Azure Line, for the variety of patterns and street designs using all shades of blue to decorate the district. 

Travelling under the guise of the Black Mage, Gias Fury, in the year since his arrival, he has made quite the name for himself.

Whether it was the playing children running across the street to greet him or the Pheeldaronian guards enjoying the relief of a strong drink to help them through their duty, maidens exchanging hidden whispers and giggles of amusement, they could not turn a corner within the distinct without receiving some recognition at the sight of Durin.

Though strangely, they all called to him with a name not his own:

"Do you know these people? and why are they calling you Gias?" She asked as they turned into a street that spiralled downhill into a tight nest of condos rising above their heads, from deep within the Alpheela, even the city walls were hidden by the shadow cast by the litany of architecture branching and merging throughout the district.

Finally, they reached the end of the street, cornered by a two-story condo.

They enter as he greets the elderly lady cleaning the foyer. Meeting her joyous expression, she welcomes them both in after putting down her broom before instructing him to leave it in the kitchen, for she will take care of it in a moment.

It's a quaint little manor, one he purchased and serviced with the funds from the jobs he has been taking secret as an adventurer. A mage under the name of Gias. He has also been using the guise of traveling around with some anonymity.

When questioned about this, Durin mentioned that he has to do not just what their King expects of him but what his brother sent him to do, which meant that he couldn't have the royal advisors spying on him and getting in his way.

Vattiya couldn't help but laugh at the thought as she asked him if he truly believed that he knew better than the King's advisors.

He responds by telling her that he doesn't care what they may think of him, but that if they continue to adhere to the whims of the advisors, their kingdom will see war, and it will do so without any allies.

"You may not hear it in the Palace but down here, in the city, on the docks of the fishing villages to the snow-blanketed mining towns, these people speak of uncertainty and fear. They fear what lies over the Blood Belt, they fear the Howl of the Scarlet Winter and all that it brings"

"And are you so gullible as to immediately take to rumours and myth? The Scarlet Winter of all things. Our beloved kingdom has enemies lying in wait for a chance to strike, real threats to all its citizens. Do you think we can afford to squander His Majesty's patience by chasing fairytales" 

She slammed the table where they sat, her furrowed brow and clenched jaw betrayed her with an expression she couldn't mask.

"You misunderstand. While I have my reservations, I have no plans of betraying my people or abandoning them. I'm only making you aware of what I've been working on, and what I've truly been up to. I think you've got a right to know"

"And why does this right now permit you to be honest with me? Is it guilt, or do you need to drag someone else into your web of lies as well?"

"I would never willingly put you in danger. I'm letting you know because things are finally moving and the last thing I want for you is to feel blindsided by what's to come"

 "Why. I don't understand. What do you mean by that?" Her rage lessened when it meant his sincere tone, and she turned to him as fell back into her seat.

"Don't worry. It'll all make sense soon. For now, Just make yourself comfortable, you have the place to yourself"

"Your place or Gias's?" He offered her no response as he went downstairs to the reception area once more. Leaving her the team room with nothing of note aside from how lived in the entirety of the space seemed to be. 

With filled closets of simple clothes and winter coats, a bathroom that trickled with the soon of flowing water and slightly rusted pipes. For what little she could tell, the place was lived…

"So where's the owner, is Gias, the one he was talking about?" While trying to make sense of the entire mystery that was her morning, she reached for her seat to take a breath only to find herself facing a strange figure.

'Who…' Watching the strange figure of shadow bound to their flesh, making them appear as though they were cloaked in the night sky. Its darkness while deep and seemingly without end, their cloak still allowed for them to make sense of their shape.

Two distinct shapes were set apart from one another, while a smaller one, no smaller than half a head below Vattiya herself, sat in front of her. The larger shape had sharper edges to itself with a height that would have had its head meet the ceiling.

She tried to call Durin, but the smaller shadow's form fluttered without any pattern before a part of it manifested the form of a soft and delicate hand of a pale skin tone along with the lower half of the doll-like face.

Their finger was raised to meet their black-lined lips letting out a strange force that washed over her. In a split second, she lost her ability to speak, he voice could not forge any words.