
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 17.3

"The Gilded Dragons have now arrived my lord, all members of the Audrake Family may now enter" the same announcement echoed through the halls, followed by all the present knights standing at attention, before raising their shields to the hanging banners and moving in lockstep towards the door.

As though a small army had begun its campaign, they all marched in frightening unison and assembled in the courtyard, while the guards secured the doors of the halls and signalled the presence of no one aside from the Gilded Drake's bloodline.

"Lord of this manor and the XVIth head of the Audrake House, Durand Forayne Audrake" the final announcement was met with all the present guests prostrating themselves before the singular figure that stood above them. Behind him, a large onyx chair filled with golden reliefs and crowned with the skull of the grand beast that was slain by one of their ancestors.

Seating himself down, the robbed figure slammed his sword against the floor, sending a dull thud through the room and prompting everyone to raise their heads and face him.

"Being of mortal blood does not mean we are bound to mortally fear." the figure spoke in a stern but clear voice that managed to reach everyone's ears despite his volume remaining in control.

"That weakness is not a burden but a choice, one unfit for our people" all the guests added, in a display that brought a generous smile to the bearded figure's face. His thick golden mane flowed long and elegantly to his shoulders, despite his fierce stature. And held in several braids to ensure that it wouldn't get in the way amid battle.

"These words are not just those of our people, but a reminder of the type of people we are. So it pleases me to see that my kin has not forgotten that, even in our times of relative peace and tranquillity. Reinwald!" the commanding figure made a request of the same voice that had been provided all the announcements that filled the hall.

While they were primarily unseen, what they had to say was not easy to miss, with all who were present standing with pricked ears after hearing the life-changing words they had all hoped they would hear on this day.

With a weathered voice that still managed to hold some depth, the lord's sentiments were shared with all the guests.

"By the order of the Sword Blood Ceremony, all worthy candidates will be allowed to present themselves for selection. If chosen, they will be permitted to undertake the Sword Selection" weighted grasps sapped the air from each person that was met with the news.

With varying expressions of curiosity, assuredness and even excitement having marked them all.

"I suppose you are curious about several things after what Reinwald has said, and I will inform you all of that during the feast tomorrow. Today, I simply wish to inform you all, so as to give you the necessary time to prepare. I don't expect you all to participate, but I hope those that do understand what is at stake." the patriarch tightened his grip around the handle of the sword, letting out a fierce aura in an instant that rocked the pillars of the hall.

Once the rumble had stopped, Lord Durand's gaze swept over the room, with only a handful of the guests still standing, while some number were keeled over the marbled floor, and the rest, splayed across at the floor in a daze.

"That's a lot more than what was expected" the figure smiled with a ferocious grin, before standing and binding the sword to his hip.

"Excellent, all of those that are still standing, I would like for your candidates to all greet me, first thing tomorrow. We will have much to discuss. Everyone else, you're welcome to forfeit, I have granted you a taste of Nercundriel but you were found lacking" dreading down the steps, with each level he descended, he was joined by more of the guests that stood beside him.

When he reached the doors, the command was given for them to open. Their lord took the time to wait for Reinwald, who caught up to him, never making his movements known to any aside from the patriarch.

"Ahh! Can you stop doing that" one of the figure's companions let out in frustration, as they left the hall together.

"Lord Durin, I find it hard to believe that someone, as seasoned as myself, could startle you." speaking to the young golden-haired man, who had eyes that shone as vibrantly as the sun. While his mane was more tame and much shorter than the patriarchs, he did possess a similar braid.

If one was looking at them from the neck up the resemblance would be uncanny, however, the lifetime of war for one brother and adventure for another he bred them into quite the distinct folk even amongst themselves.

"Yeah well it's hard to keep tabs on where you're going to show yourself when you can pop up wherever you want." said Durin playing with a pouch that shook with the sound of coins moving about, who seemed to expect Durand to say something as they entered the main wing of the manor.

"Our lord seems to keep up just fine, perhaps if you spent as much time defending the kingdoms as you do the whorehouses of Mynil, you wouldn't be caught off guard by someone a few centuries your senior" reappearing behind him. Getting the young lord to flinch in shock.

"I haven't given up hope that one day you're going to drop dead old man" scowling at the old before noticing his brother has stopped.



"I need you to listen up, no fooling around this time, not right now. Not with everything that's happening"

"Is this about you bringing back the Sword Blood Ceremony, I knew something was up when you wanted us to gather here so urgently but I didn't think you'd be doing this."

"There was news. Nothing official, but enough to reach the ears of the King. And from what he intends on doing, I must ensure that we are ready and able to serve him and the nation. Or we all may have hell to pay."


"I trust you understand what that means, Durin"

"My lord, what do you need of me" he answered, with no trace of his earlier brazenness, much to the delight of Reinwald.

"I need you to step up. While I handle the ceremony, I would have you meet with the King, there is much he must be counselled on, that I fear his advisor's cowardice has blinded them to."

"All right, but would it make more sense to send the old bag of bones"

"Reinwald is needed here. You, as rash as you are, are still an Audrake. Whether or not they like that, ours is the blood of the Sword Saints. They will not defy our request for an audience."

"I see…"

"And…" embracing his brother, before looking him in the eyes, with a stern gaze.

"Right now, there are many who I can rely on, so can I rely upon you, brother?"

"...If you're willing to ask, then you already know the answer. I head for the capital tonight"

"Oh that's far too soon, you'll miss the feast" Reinwald added.

"I won't be missing anything, besides I need to pay a certain place a visit before I leave" waving his brother off as he left the room.

"How do you think he'll fair old friend."

"Durin is brash and impatient. Traits unsuited in a leader, but he is steadfast, loyal and honest, all traits that are invaluable in a companion. Your brother will honour you, my lord, that much we can be sure."

"I would hope so. For the King will be in his care for a while"

His majesty Dammarung Tfeeldring has kept himself informed of the occurrences in Erytha with the aid of whispers and rumours that have been quite active near the border.

As the situation in the West grows more unstable by the day, there will come a time when that danger breaches the borders of the Blood Belt, then they will be at its mercy as well.

Finding the words of his advisers were all the same. With the Dragon Saint in the East and one of the other Saints currently unavailable. They cannot mount an assault if there is still to be someone to defend the kingdom.

But he knew he had to do something. Beyond what his advisers were willing.

"Your highness, the request for aid was finalized and sent out this morning." three individuals wearing silk robes or white and with a sash of deep blue stood before the king who had been looking out the palace windows into the bustling capital.

"Do you have a draft of it? I would like to ensure that we have made our position clear" his request was answered when one of them handed the king a parchment with an unbroken seal.

With him receiving the same letter that was sent out, he poured over the details with his full attention.

"This is good. I know you all had your apprehensions about approaching some of the names in this letter, but I hope you will come to understand this decision in time. As of this moment, all that we do must be swift and decisive, we cannot hesitate"

"What would you ask of us, my liege" they stood waiting for his next words.

"Worry not, for I have already put my plans in motion. Tomorrow, we will be visited by a handful of important guests. The very future of our kingdom may depend what we may learn"