
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 17.2: Golden Drakes Slumber in the North

Remaining steadfast as he watched the lifeless fields beneath a crimson sky.

For the first time in centuries, Valstrux's deep red eyes shone with an unlikely glint, as two smaller figures stepped out from the bounds of the general's own shadow before bowing at his notice of their arrival.

"My lord" twin voices melded into one through the veils of darkness draped over them.

"Have you returned with word from Ethbaal?"

"Yes. Her Highness is eagerly awaiting your return as she hopes your campaign was a successful one" their voices expressed, mirroring a shared tone of enthusiasm they hoped to share with their master.

Valstrux gave them a nod, with his thoughts firmly locked on what was promised, the strength for him to bring that which desires to reality.

The resurrection of his only beloved.

Lost to him during a battle wherein the very heroes they summoned failed to save her. They managed to bring him to safety but he left it to return to her on the battlefield.

Being come upon by a roving band of those that feast on the living. Among them was a maiden that took to his flesh, only to discover the scent of virgin blood.

Lorraine was her name.

From her taste of him, she saw of his mind, his pain and his torment. While her venom seeped into him. Only to suddenly awaken among the corpses. Fiercely held on to his beloved but nothing of how he found her could come to his mind.

Days turned into weeks, with him learning of what had become of him, that he no longer fed, drank, slept or wept...not unless it was for her. So he moved on.

Burying her among the field of those who had passed. Choosing to seek out the very strength that had cursed him with this new life. Whatever it took, even if he became something else.

"I will not let beast or man stand in my way." the general answered with the steady breeze fluttering through his robes.

Returning his gaze to the field he is joined by a hooded figure who spoke with a soothing sense of familiarity.

"You understand what this will mean, for her, just as it does for you"

"I will serve you for a thousand more lifetimes, and bring you the hearts of all those that oppose you"

"You have served me honourably. Quelled my enemies in Erytha. None of the lords in my court have shown such faithful devotion to my cause as you. And none are so deserving of having their loyalty rewarded."

"She will join you. This I swear by my might. But she will in all likelihood not be the same"

"You gave me a choice. That's far more than anything the gods or their chosen heroes ever did for me"