
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 12

It was during the delivery of ore extracted by the new mining team that Winter would learn just how far the metal would travel, being processed in Lacol before selling off the Skysteel to the neighbouring kingdoms.

He quickly realised that Wintermorne could improve trading by offering not just the ore to the Middle Kingdom, but the steel to the surrounding nations as well provided they could learn how to process the ore.

To work the Sky ore into forms that could be traded, Winter realized the need for builders and engineers to help establish the village.

To find them, he journeyed with Elyssara and Bludfire to the Tower.

Getting to the tower, they were able to put in an inquiry while gaining stares from others as most citizens were not used to seeing the beasts so close to the heart of Lacol.

It took some searching with the managed to get some info when he stumbled upon Stella who mentioned that they were a few smiths on some lower floors of the Antikytheorem, with some time to spare after completing a quest she decided to show him around.

Catching weary stares from Elyssara and Bludfire, with Winter assuring them that she was just a friend.

After ending up on the 10th underground floor, she ushered him through, past the stalls and traders sharing their wares.

Some beautiful and others enchanting, though she kept him from wandering off until they reached the smith district.

Though despite the place being littered with artisans, no one was interested in travelling to Wintermorne, none except for a one.

The sign of the shop read: "Nuts and Bolts" with two figures seen moving around the shop.

Curious, Winter wandered into the shop and asked to speak to the owners.

"Neuna It's for you" one of the tall and muscled figures stepped out from the back with a piece of steel in hand, moving to the grinding wheel to work at the blade as he ignored the customers.

"Octa, that's rude, we have customers. Welcome to Nuts 'n Bolts, you want it, and we make it" the figure that followed gleamed with an inviting smile, making the amber-coloured hair that was highlighted by her green eyes stun him for a moment.

"Hey man, that's my sister you're gawking at. You need something?" the figure blew the amber hair from his way, revealing his impressive visage hidden by the goggles and soot stains.

"Ignore him, my name is Neuna, how can we help you?"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Winter, and they are Stella, Bludfire and Elyssara. You have an impressive shop, I can tell that a few of the pieces you have here are pretty well-made"

"Oh, thank you, we're a small shop, so we don't get a lot of attention, since we tend to focus on making pieces of art than anything else—"

"Like this, where did you get it?" slipping out of his chair and grabbing Winter's sword.

Ignoring the annoyed Bludfire as he inspected it, commenting on the blade's edge and how balanced it felt, citing the difficulty of forging dragon scales before returning it.

"You seem to have a good eye if you're walking around with a high-quality like that. So sis, what does he need? You heard her, our shop is the place to be when you're looking for something a bit more particular, like that sword you got there"

"Woah, you could tell it's made from a dragon, it's the first I'm hearing of it, I got it as a gift from my master, though he seemed to have pawned it off to me. Anyway, we need your expertise, have any of you heard of sky ore?"

"Of course, every smith has, lighter than a feather and studier than a rock. Though coming across it isn't exactly easy, it's pretty expensive stuff to work with," Octa answers as he returns to his grinding wheel.

"Well, what if I told you that the amount wasn't an issue, would you be able to forge it into a workable metal?" he asked, but before he could prepare himself for their refusal, the twins rushed to close the windows and doors of the shop.

Bringing out chairs and forcefully seating them all, they stood in anticipation of Winter's next words.

"How much are we talking?"

"A mountain's worth, though the catch is you'd have to come with me to my town, Frostmorne, it's there that I'll need your help turning the ore into steel. If I'm to help rebuild my town, I'll need as many skilled individuals as I can find.."

They stood blankly for a moment before they explained that they wouldn't be able to work in a plague-infested environment, but he assures them that the plague has been dealt with for almost 2 months now, surprising Stella with the news.

"Well this is incredible and if what you say is true then we could have the opportunity of a lifetime, only problem is Frostmorne is on the fringes of Lacol, which means it could cost a fortune to get the materials needed to build a smelter capable of creating the steel needed for construction"

"He's right, that's the biggest problem. But tell you what, if you can get us what we need for our forges, then we will be there. I don't think many would pass on the chance to work with such legendary steel"

"Could you gather more artisans to come and help with the construction and even teaching of our people, they might not be able to survive without the skills?" Winter explains feeling as though he has already asked for too much, but they tell him they will go searching.

"It's been almost 100 summers since we had something this exciting to do, though the real challenge would be getting another craftsman...hmmm, I'm not sure about a lot of the younger smiths but there are some reliable people we can turn to after all giants live to express their craft talents" Neuna celebrates wishing they return as soon as they can.

On their way up the tower, Winter thanks Stella for her help to which she tells him to invite her to his place when he's got it up and running.

"I could stop by for a drink so we can catch up"

"Definitely. Next time you're in the neighbourhood, I'll treat you."

Smiling after hearing his words. Stella noted how she wanted to know what he has been up to for the past 3 years before asking that Elyssara and Bludifre continue to take care of him as she went on her way.

"Master, are you blushing?" Elyssara asked with a look of annoyance.

"Ehem, no, not at all. L-let's head out, I think It's time we visit Gil. He might have an idea that could help.

Taking the lead as the group[ left the tower, the evening wind brushed against him revealing his reddened expression."