
Dreambound: The Veiled Reality

Li Yanmei has a rare gift—the power to enter and shape the dreams of others. But in a world where dreams are more than mere illusions, this gift comes with a great responsibility. She joins the Midnight Society, a secret society of dream guardians who protect the delicate fabric of slumber from the forces of darkness. Under the guidance of Yue, a mysterious and wise mentor, Li Yanmei learns to master her gift and explore the wonders and dangers of the dream realm. She forms strong bonds with her fellow guardians, each with their own secrets and struggles. Together, they face the challenges and perils of their mission, while unraveling the mysteries of their own destinies. But a dark prophecy loom over the Midnight Society, threatening to shatter the balance between dreams and reality. A sinister enemy seeks to corrupt the dreams of the innocent, turning their deepest desires into nightmares. Li Yanmei must confront her own fears and doubts, as well as the shadows that lurk in the fringes of the dreamscape. "Dreambound: The Veiled Reality" is a captivating young adult fantasy novel that blends the magic of dreams with a gripping tale of suspense, friendship, and self-discovery. Will Li Yanmei be able to overcome the darkness that threatens to destroy the dream realm? Join her on this thrilling adventure, where dreams are the gateway to an extraordinary journey beyond the waking world.

Gongzi_Qi · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Lurking Shadows

"Eh?" Li Yanmei thought she must be hearing things. "What did you just say, sweetie?"

Xiao Bao's excitement overflowed as he clapped his paws together and jumped around. "I'm gonna ask Daddy to build a super-duper big playground for the pandas!"

As if that wasn't enough, Li Yanmei heard Xiao Bao say, "And then I'll tell Uncle Yan to hire tough guys to protect them!"

"Huh?" Li Yanmei was utterly bewildered.

One must know that her family was just a lower middle-class one. They had a humble home and a stable income that allowed them to enjoy occasional meals out without much worry about the expenses.

But the idea of building an enormous playground for pandas was beyond her comprehension.

So, this adorable little child, dressed in his panda onesie, must come from a super rich family, right?

It seemed like the only explanation!

"I want it this big!" Xiao Bao exclaimed, stretching his fluffy arms wide to illustrate a large circle.

Li Yanmei could only stare in astonishment as she blankly watched and listened to Xiao Bao listing all the things he wanted to see in the panda playground.

As if in response to his vivid imagination, the dreamscape around them began to swirl and transform, manifesting the elements he described.

Li Yanmei found herself standing in the heart of a lush bamboo forest, surrounded by towering green stalks that whispered with a gentle breeze.

Beside her, Xiao Bao nodded his head in approval, his eyes sparkling with delight. "This is it! It's absolutely perfect!"

Xiao Bao's small, soft hand wrapped around Li Yanmei's fingers, tugging at her with a burst of excitement.

He couldn't contain his eagerness to show her every nook and cranny of his dream panda playground!

Li Yanmei couldn't help but be swept away by his enthusiasm. With a gentle smile, she allowed herself to be led by the determined little panda enthusiast.

Together, they ventured down winding paths, lined with swaying bamboo shoots, their leaves whispering secrets to the passing breeze.

Xiao Bao's eyes sparkled with delight as he pointed out each fascinating feature of his dream creation.

He led Li Yanmei to a bamboo jungle gym, where pandas could climb and play, their fluffy bodies gracefully navigating the intricate network of bamboo poles.

"Look, pretty sister! This is where the pandas will have so much fun!" Xiao Bao exclaimed, his voice filled with pure joy.

Li Yanmei couldn't help but share in his excitement, envisioning the playful pandas frolicking and leaping amidst the bamboo playground.

"Xiao Bao is so thoughtful and creative!"

They continued their exploration, stepping onto a bridge made of interwoven bamboo.

Below, a serene pond glistened, its surface reflecting the golden rays of the sun. Colorful koi fish swam gracefully, adding a touch of enchantment to the scene.

"Pretty sister, look! Isn't that lovely?" Xiao Bao exclaimed, pointing his tiny finger in excitement.

Li Yanmei followed his gaze and her eyes landed on a breathtaking bamboo hut, nestled amidst the vibrant greenery.

Adjacent to it were platforms made of bamboo, inviting the pandas to climb at their leisure, cushioned with plush layers of hay.

"That's where the pandas can take a nap and have some bamboo treats!"

Li Yanmei shook her head in amazement as she admired the peaceful sanctuary that Xiao Bao had imagined.

As she marveled at the scene before her, a flicker of movement caught her attention. A shadow emerged from the hut, sending a shiver down her spine.

Instinctively, Li Yanmei scooped up Xiao Bao and held him close, her protective instincts kicking in. She turned away from the shadow, shielding the little one from whatever lurked behind.

Confusion clouded Xiao Bao's innocent face, but he felt the warmth radiating from Li Yanmei's embrace and trusted her unconditionally.

With a mix of apprehension and curiosity, Li Yanmei scanned her surroundings, searching for any sign of danger or hidden figures. Yet, there was nothing to be seen, no trace of the shadow she had glimpsed.

Could it just have been a figment of her imagination?

Everything remained unchanged—the swaying bamboo trees, the vast blue skies, and the inviting bamboo hut.

But the lingering questions persisted. Why had the shadow appeared? Where did it come from? What secrets did it hold?

Deciding that answers were beyond her reach for now, Li Yanmei held onto Xiao Bao a few moments longer, waiting for a sense of calm to wash over her.

"Pretty sister?" Xiao Bao tugged at the corner of her shirt, concern etched on his face. "Is something wrong?"

Li Yanmei weighed her options, considering whether to share her unsettling experience with the child. Eventually, she sighed softly and gently patted his head. "Nothing's wrong, sweetie. Sister Meimei just wants to hug you because you're so cute and fluffy!"

A blush spread across Xiao Bao's cheeks at the compliment. He embraced Li Yanmei, burying his face in her clothes, hiding his rosy embarrassment.

Li Yanmei smiled, cherishing the innocent affection. As she observed the dreamscape starting to fade away, she knew their time together was drawing to a close.

"Until we meet again, Xiao Bao," she whispered, planting a tender kiss on the top of his head.

Then, everything dissolved into darkness, leaving Li Yanmei with a bittersweet longing for the next encounter in the realm of dreams.

The soft melody of her alarm filled the room, gently pulling her out of the depths of the dreamscape.

She slowly blinked her eyes open, adjusting to the morning light that filtered through her window.

As she reached over to turn off the alarm, a chorus of greetings filled the air, each phrase spoken in a different language.

"Magandang umaga, ohayo gozaimasu, buenos dias, bonjour, guten morgen, buongiorno, selamat pagi..."

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, still amused by the familiar ringtone greeting that she had set the previous week.

"Good morning to you too!" Li Yanmei spoke to no one in particular, her voice filled with warmth and cheer.

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