
Dreambound: The Chosen One

"Dreambound: The Chosen One" is an enthralling web novel set in a world where humans are subjugated by otherworldly races like vampire elves and wolf-like beings. Enter the cosmos where dreams are interconnected and a secret society of Dreamweavers holds sway over reality. Follow Ethan Walker, a young man with the unique ability to remember his dreams, as he defies the odds to prove that humans are not to be underestimated. With magic, intrigue, and a harem of allies by his side, Ethan navigates a world where the balance of power is about to shift.

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35 Chs

Chapter 34: The Guardians of Time

In his travels through the cosmos, Ethan encountered a realm where time flowed differently, a realm where past, present, and future coexisted in a delicate balance. Here, he met the Guardians of Time, beings of immense power who were tasked with maintaining the temporal equilibrium of the universe.

The Guardians welcomed Ethan warmly, recognizing his role as the Eternal Guardian. They showed him the threads of time, each one representing a different timeline, a different possibility. Ethan saw how the choices made by individuals could alter the course of history, creating new timelines and realities.

But he also saw the dangers of tampering with time, the catastrophic consequences that could arise from even the smallest change. The Guardians warned Ethan of the dangers of altering the timeline, urging him to tread carefully in his journeys through time and space.

As Ethan learned from the Guardians, he began to understand the true nature of his role as the Eternal Guardian. He realized that his mission was not just to protect the balance of dreams and reality, but also to safeguard the flow of time itself.

With this newfound knowledge, Ethan continued his journey, knowing that the fate of the cosmos itself depended on his actions. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but he was determined to face them head-on, for he was the Eternal Guardian, protector of dreams, realities, and time itself.